
9 Reasons Why Cats Suddenly Walk Away

As cat owners, of course, we are very happy when our favorite fur friends are so spoiled with us, like to interact with us or are happy to be around us. Especially if the cat often follows us and always sticks with us, then this will actually make us feel even more happy to see it.


Why Cats Suddenly Walk Away

And conversely if the cat suddenly leaves us, as the owner we will definitely feel sad and feel pain in our hearts. This is not strange considering that cats that used to really like us and don't want to be separated from us, are now avoiding us.

Apart from feeling sad, there will also be a number of questions regarding this in our minds. One of the questions that often arise regarding this condition is a question like "why did the cat suddenly turn away from us ?".

Actually cats stay away from us not without reason. This is caused by several reasons. Then what are the causes ? For Good Owners who are curious to know why, you can find out by reading Anggora's article below.


9 Reasons Why Cats Suddenly Walk Away

When your cat keeps a distance from you or stays away from you, don't be sad, because this doesn't mean the cat hates you. Cats do this actually caused by several causes.

You can see the reasons for this below :

1. Cats Don't Like Your Body Odor

The first reason why cats stay away from you may be because your body smells. As we know that the cat's sense of smell is very sharp. Even a cat's sense of smell can be said to be 2 times sharper than a dog's.

That's why cats are very sensitive to the smells around them. If he feels that you smell very bad, then don't blame him if the cat stays away from you. Cats stay away from you because cats hate your smell.

But you don't need to worry about this because after your body doesn't smell anymore or you have taken a bath, the cat will behave normally again towards you. Angora can say this because in the past, when Anggora didn't have time to take a bath because she was busy doing some work, Anggora's pet cat stayed away.

However, after taking a shower and smelling good again, the beloved fur friend even came closer and behaved as spoiled as usual.


2. Adult Cats

Adult cats, especially cats with the male sex, will be more distant from us. Keeping distance here is not often away from us, but only occasionally, especially if the cats are mating.


3. Stressed Cat

When cats experience stress, behavior changes are common in cats. Like a cat that used to be cheerful, active and happy to be around its owner now becomes moody, sleeps more often and becomes a loner. Stress in cats themselves can be caused by :

  • Pregnant cat

  • Cats can't mate

  • Traumatized

  • Stress due to new environment

  • Due to long distance travel

  • Disease

  • And others


Just like a traumatized cat, by dealing with cat stress, the cat will return to being cheerful, active and will no longer keep a distance from you.


4. Cranky Cat

Just like humans, cats can also be cranky and cat's tantrums are similar to humans' crankiness. Cats who are cranky will usually have a sour face, become quiet and tend to stay away from us.

Usually cats become cranky because their owners are ignorant. The owner teased the cat because he felt that the angry cat's behavior was so funny, but because the owner was so persistent, the cat finally became cranky.

To overcome this, you just need to stop bullying the cat and then apologize to him. For other people this might be strange because humans have to apologize to cats and they think there's no point in doing this because even the cat won't understand what we're saying.

But the reality was different from what they thought. Many cat lovers do the above and feel that cats understand their apologies. The proof is before they apologize, the cat remains surly, quiet and tends to stay away, the cat continues to do this for days.

But after they apologized, the cat returned to behaving as before.


5. Traumatized Cat

The next reason why cats stay away from you might be because cats have certain traumas. Usually this only happens to cats that are used to being freed in and out of the house. As a result, when the cat is outside the cat's house, it experiences an incident that makes it scared and in great pain.

For example, a cat was hit by a neighbor with a wooden block, a cat was hit by a motorbike, a cat was thrown stones by bad people and various other incidents that might have happened to a cat when the cat was outside the house and these things happened without our knowledge.

This traumatizes the cat and it is we who are affected by the results of this trauma. Cats get scared when they see us and instead choose to keep their distance from us. To overcome this the only way we have to do is overcome cat trauma.

After the cat recovers from the trauma the cat will return to behaving normally as before.


6. A Heat Cat

Both male cats and female cats, when they enter a period of heat, they will be more focused on their desire to have intercourse. Cats entering heat will usually :

  • Prefer to be outside the house

  • Not comfortable in the house

  • Rarely eat

  • Rarely go home

  • Busy chasing cats that are the opposite sex ( this is more often done by male cats )

  • Spraying

  • More aggressive

  • Be territorial

  • Lazy to be near the owner and stay away from the owner

  • And others


7. Pregnant Cat

The seventh cause is the cat is pregnant. We know for ourselves that a pregnant cat's behavior will change. At first the cat will be spoiled by us and enjoys rubbing its body against us in the early stages of its pregnancy.

Then in mid-pregnancy the cat will start to change its attitude. After a cat enters a late pregnancy, the cat will sleep more often, sometimes lazy to eat and seem to stay away from the people around it or its owner.

So, if the cat is pregnant and then she often stays away from us, then this is most likely caused by the influence of her pregnancy.


8. Sick Cat

Maybe the reason why your cat stays away from you is because he is sick. The pain from the disease makes the cat feel that her body is not well, so the cat chooses to rest a lot by sleeping or just being quiet.

A sick cat will choose a place that feels safe to him and one that tends to be quiet. In addition, sick cats do not like to be held, stroked or carried. For the cat this action is something that is disturbing and makes him feel that the pain is actually increasing.

That's why sick cats often stay away from their owners or people who love them who are around them and like to be in quiet and hidden places.


9. The Cat Will Die

The last reason why cats stay away from you is maybe because the cat is aware that it will die. Cats know this through their natural instincts and usually this is often done by sick cats, especially for cats who are seriously ill.

If you have a cat that is sick at home, then you should give the best treatment to the cat, such as taking the cat to the vet so that it can get well soon.

Because if you don't try to give the best to your cat while he is alive then when he is gone then there will be regret in your heart.


Then How To Overcome This ?

To overcome this, all you have to do is see what the cause is and find the right solution according to the cause. For example, if the cause is because the cat is traumatized, then in order for the cat to return to normal behavior and not stay away from us, we must treat the cat's trauma.

If the cause is because the cat is sick, then treat the cat's illness until it recovers, when it recovers, the cat will return to normal behavior as usual and will no longer stay away from us.

The point is to overcome this, you just need to find out the reason and then provide the right solution according to the source of the cause.


Those are 9 reasons why cats suddenly stay away from us. Hopefully this article can help answer your questions about the causes of cats suddenly turning away from us.

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