
7 Ways How To Make Your Cats Love You

As cat lovers, of course we want our love and affection to be reciprocated by the cat. In fact, what we expect is the opposite of what we get. Even the existing pet cats are rude and indifferent to us.


How To Make Your Cats Love You


He rarely shows his affection for us. Cats are only spoiled when they are hungry. For some cat lovers, this kind of cat attitude is normal, but for others, this attitude actually makes cat lovers a little sad and low self-esteem.

Sometimes there will be statements like "why doesn't the cat want to be called, why doesn't the cat want to be petted, why doesn't the cat want to sleep on our lap or sleep with us" and other statements will appear in our minds.

And in the end we feel that the cat does not love us at all. Even though it's actually a cat that behaves like that, even though it has a very big love for its owner.

It's just that cats don't know how to behave and have high self-esteem, in Japanese they are called tsundere ( shy cat ). This is common in cats who are not used to being trained or in cats who rarely see and interact with their owners because the owners is busy at work.

When the owner rarely interacts with his cat and interacts more with other families. Trust that cats will be happier with families who interact and play with them more often than their owners. Not infrequently this makes the owner like a stranger or not so important in the cat's eyes. Even if the cat is actually yours alone.


Why Don't Cats Love Us ?

There are many reasons why cats don't love or like us. Based on Angora's experience, who has been an expert cat lover for 10 years, here are 8 reasons why cats don't love, hate or dislike us:

1. High Voice

Cats really hate people who talk in high tones. For cats, people who speak in a high-pitched tone to cats are seen as being angry or giving a bluff that the cat should stay away from them. Research by Galvan and Vonk of the University of Oakland in the City of Rochester proves this.

12 cats with different patterns when faced with people they don't know. The first experiment got a positive attitude when the cat was faced with a friendly and smiling person. The second experiment gave negative results, the cat will stay away when faced with a frown-faced person, high-pitched when talking and angry.


2. Wrinkled Face

As explained above, cats really hate approaching people with a sour or frowning face. According to Anggora, this cat's attitude is taken from its natural instincts which consider people with high-pitched, sour and angry faces as dangerous creatures and can hurt them at any time.


3. Often Scolds The Cat

Just like humans, cats can also remember things, including anyone who likes to be angry with him. The cat will be afraid and choose to stay away from you who like to scold him. But this doesn't happen if you bribe him with a food, hehehe.

He will come to you but after the food runs out his attitude will turn away from you again. It's a different story if you change your attitude and be more friendly to your pet cat, of course he will not hate and stay away from you anymore.


4. Rarely Feeding Cats

Rarely giving food to cats can also make cats don't love us and make us feel strangers in front of them.


5. Rarely Pets Cats

Every time we pet a cat, the cat that is petted will feel that they are cared for and loved by their owners, this makes cats like us and happy to be near us whenever they want to be noticed and want to be stroked on the itchy part that is difficult to reach. Rarely petting a cat makes you less liked by cats.


6. Rarely Play With Him

In addition to petting cats, playing with cats is also one form of interaction that cats really like. Therefore, people who rarely play with cats are less liked and less known by cats.


7. Rarely Calls His Name

Calling a cat is one way to attract his attention and get the cat to know us better. This is because cats themselves have the ability to distinguish and remember people with certain behaviors.


8. When Cats Ask For Food We Don't Give It

Cats have the ability to remember people based on their attitude, behavior and smell. Angora often pays attention to my father who rarely feeds the cat when the cat asks him to ( not when it is time to eat ).

As a result, the cat very rarely approached my father when asking for food, but instead came to me more often.


7 Ways to Make Cats Love Us

In order for cats to love us and enjoy being around us, you need to do some things that make cats comfortable and happy with you. You can do the following things that Angoras usually do to make the cat really love Angoras. Here are some things you can try :

1. Keeping Cats From A Child

Start by raising a cat from a young age. The cat that we raise from a child will form a special kind of bond with us. The bond is likened to a father and son bond. Therefore, a cat that has been cared for since childhood will love us more and really like to stick with us.

But that doesn't mean we have to keep a cat since it was a small cat. Cats that are adopted or cared for when they are big can also be very obedient and stick to us. This depends on how we care for and treat it.


2. Giving A Name

Usually someone will give a name to their new family member. Give the cat a name. Cats will gladly accept the name because they feel it is meaningful and has been considered a member of your family. That's why many cat lovers give their cats a unique and interesting name.

Not because of just a name but also as part of the form of affection between the owner and his pet cat. Not only that, the name also makes it easier for us to interact with our cats. The interaction can be in the form of calling, prohibiting, or commanding.


3. Feed And Drink Enough And Regularly

The cat's love for its owner also arises because the cat's needs are fulfilled. Get in the habit of giving your cat food and water regularly. Also make sure the food we provide is healthy and nutritious food.

And give a drink that is cooked thoroughly to prevent the cat from having diarrhea. Cats who are satisfied with their food and drink tend to be more submissive, friendly and active.


4. Bathing The Cat

Even though cats don't like bathing, it turns out that cats will feel very comfortable and happy when they finish bathing. Especially if the cat we bathe has dirty fur due to playing on the ground, has lots of fleas and bacteria.

After being bathed with anti-flea and bacteria cat shampoo, the cat's skin will be healthier and the cat will feel comfortable with his body condition. This will certainly increase the cat's affection for us.


5. Giving Snacks By Hand

This is one of the ways I often do to make cats love and obey when their name is called. It's easy, just call the cat's name and when it comes to you, give it a snack using your right hand. This method is also effective for those of you who want to train your pet to perform certain actions or actions.

Give a snack a few hours after feeding the cat, give just enough to avoid the cat from becoming obese ( overweight ).


6. Form A Relationship With Your Cat

I think the cat to us will not be formed if we just feed it but must also be accompanied by an interaction. Often pet the cat, hold it on your lap and play with it when you have free time. That way he knows you better and feels comfortable and happy when he is around you.


7. Pay Attention To Cat Health

How will cats love us if the cat we keep is sick ? It is important for us to give healthy food and bathe the cat. Giving milk and vitamins also needs to be done in order to keep the cat's condition fit. Also try to visit the vet at least once a month to check the cat's health condition.

And also when the cat feels that it is experiencing certain symptoms of pain, you should immediately take the cat to the vet. The sooner we take them, the faster the cat will recover and the risk of the cat losing his life will be reduced.


Can The Above Method Make Cats Love Us ?

Of course. The problem is that the methods above are the methods that have been used by angora therapy so far in maintaining cats. But of all the ways above, in my opinion the most effective way is method number 5 anyway.

This method is used to make cats love and we can also use it to train cats to perform certain attractions or attitudes such as handshakes, massages, etc. But to make cats really love us, we have to do the 7 ways above and often apply method no. 5.

Rest assured that within a month the cat will love and come to you when you call his name.

Wow. it turns out that there are also many ways that need to be done so that cats love us. Maybe that's all I can say, I hope this article is useful for you. Don't forget to also share it with your relatives, cat lovers and social media.

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