
8 Causes Why My Cats Eyes Have White In The Corner

Have you ever had your cat's eyes covered with a white membrane ? There is this white membrane that gradually covers the entire cat's eye, there is also one that only partially covers the cat's eye.


Why My Cats Eyes Have White In The Corner


How come ? What causes it and is a cat with eyes like that a sign of a sick cat? When you see a cat's eyes are in a similar condition to the cat's, surely the questions above will arise in our minds.

Not only when you see our cat, but when you see someone's cat, these questions must arise. This is natural for people who love cats like us. At first when I saw this condition in my cat, I was surprised and confused about its condition.

But after I found out the cause. It turns out that this condition is called the third eyelid in the medical world. Many things can trigger the occurrence of this condition in our pet cats or stray cats. The cat's eye membrane or tertia palnebra is a membrane that functions as a cat's eye protector.

When the cat wakes up or is active, usually this white membrane will not appear or be inactive. If this membrane appears when the cat is active, it can be concluded that the cat is suffering from certain health problems.


Why Are Cat's Eyes Covered With A White Membrane ?

The presence of a white membrane in a cat's eye is not normal. As explained above, the appearance of this white membrane is closely related to health problems in cats. The main feature is the presence of a white tertia membrane that covers a little or even half of the cat's eyeball.


8 Causes Cat's Eyes Are Covered With White Membranes

There are eight causes that are generally the result of the appearance of the third eyelid. Here are some of these causes and their explanations :

1. Conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis is a disorder due to ocular infection. This disease makes the cat's eyes become covered with a white membrane. Not only that, conjunctivitis can also cause tearing, lacrimation, red membranes and swollen eyeballs.


2. Dermoid Cyst

Dermoid cyst disease can appear when a new kitten is born. With age, dermoid cysts also grow. Dermoid is closely related to the appearance of the white membrane in the cat's eye.


3. Avoiding Foreign Objects Get Into Eyes

Look at the cat when he is on the side of the road. Of course, sometimes you will see a cat's eyes are covered with a white membrane. This white membrane is active because it protects the cat's eyes from smoke, ash or sand generated by vehicles passing by on the highway.

When the eye membrane is active, foreign objects will not enter the eye.


4. Trauma

Trauma from a blow to the face or other violence against a cat's face can be one of the causes of a cat experiencing a third eyelid. Trauma causes the cat's eye protection nervous system to always activate the white tertia membrane.

So that the white membrane will always be active in some of the cat's eyes. When the cat has recovered from its usual trauma, the cat's eye condition will return to normal again.


5. Dehydration

Dehydration or lack of fluids can also make some of the cat's eyes covered with a white membrane. This occurs when the cat experiences severe thirst. And when this condition occurs, a white membrane will appear unnaturally.


6. Cancer

Cancer can also make cats experience a third eyelid condition. But cancer in the lining of the cat's eye is very rare.


7. Genetic Factors

In some cat breeds such as Burmese, they are very susceptible to third eye lids. Because the genetics of Burmese cats have eye problems. So that this breed of cat is prone to suffer from third eye lids.


8. Haw Syndrome

Haw syndrome or simply an intestinal disease that is usually caused by a dangerous parasite attack. Cats suffering from haw syndrome will usually suffer from diarrhea and a white membrane that appears on some of the cat's eyes.


What If Only One Eye Was Webbed White ?

Sometimes there is a condition in which only one cat's eye is covered with a white membrane. Can be in the right eye or left eye only. If this happens then check whether the cat's eyes are just plain white or a bulge.

Then make sure that the cause of cat eyes is one of the eight health conditions above. Usually there will be one of the causes above which may be the main cause why white membranes can appear. If the white membrane only appears and disappears after a few hours or a few days then you can be sure this is the result of a foreign object in the cat's eye.

Likewise, only one eye is covered with a white membrane and no white membrane is formed in the other eye in a few days, this is also the result of the eye being infiltrated by a foreign object. To treat it, you can use special cat eye drops that are widely sold in pet shops.

If it turns out that after a few days two white membranes have formed and the cat's eyes have not returned to normal, then immediately visit the nearest veterinarian for treatment assistance.


How To Know What Is The Main Cause Of White Membranes In Cats ?

Angora usually sees a lump or physical wound in the eye. If it turns out there is no that thing, big possibility this is due to haw syndrome or the cat is dehydrated. Try to give the cat deworming or parasitic medicine and give it plenty of water to drink.

If it does not heal, it also means that the cause is not these two things. It is recommended to take the cat to the vet if it does not heal. Because the cat is worried about suffering from serious diseases such as cancer, tumors and others in the eye.

But according to my own experience, cases of white membranes in cats' eyes are usually caused by worms in cats. I can say this because many of my cats suffer from cases of partial blindness of the white membrane and the main cause is intestinal worms.

After the cat is given anti-worm medicine, the cat's eye condition will usually return to normal.


How To Treat Cat's Eyes Partially Covered With White Membrane ?

To treat the problem of the white membrane in the cat's eye, the treatment is actually enough to see from the source of the main problem.

When caused by haw syndrome or the presence of parasites that attack the cat's digestive tract, such as parasites in the form of worms. To treat it, it is enough to give worm medicine to the cat according to the recommended dose.

Give it until the white membrane disappears from the cat's eyes and the worms are clean from the cat's digestion. If the main cause is irritation, you can try giving a special cat eye medication to treat this white film eye problem in cats. Usually in a few days the cat's eyes will return to normal as usual.

But if this is caused by severe dehydration then it is better to cage the cat in a cage or house. Do not let the cat go out of the house. Then give water and wet food to the cat to cure it. When the cat has recovered from dehydration, then it can be removed from the house or cage.

In cases that are classified as severe such as cancer, conjunctivitis, and the entry of foreign bodies into the eye. It is mandatory for us to take the cat to the doctor for treatment. Later the doctor will provide treatment and certain drugs according to the condition of the cat's disease.

If the doctor feels that the cancer is severe, the doctor will ask for surgery or radiotherapy for the cat. This is done to remove the cancer or destroy it. Surgery will also be carried out if it turns out that there is a benign tumor in the cat's eye.

Genetic disorders also require the same treatment as cancer and tumors, namely by performing surgery.

It's just that in genetic disorders, doctors did not remove the membranes of his eyes. The doctor will only remove and repair the tertia or white membrane so that the cat can move comfortably and not be disturbed by the presence of this membrane.


What If The White Membrane Of A Cat's Eye Disappears But Comes Back Again ?

Maybe some of you have the same experience as me. My cat's eye membrane is back to normal but a few weeks later the cat's eye is covered with a white membrane again. In the beginning, the cause of the cat's white webbed eyes was because of intestinal worms and then healed after being treated and then 2 weeks later the white membrane came back again.

At first I thought that the cause was not intestinal worms but other causes such as conjunctivitis, cysts or others. However, after I double-checked and asked my family, has anyone ever given food to cats other than dry food or wet food.

It turned out that my mother said that she gave raw fish to the cat after she recovered. From here, I concluded that the cat has Haw syndrome again, which is worms. I was forced to treat the cat again with worm medicine again. After 2 weeks the cat's eyes returned to normal again.

Based on my story above, the white membrane of the cat's eye can come back again if there are other causes that attack the cat again. Apart from other causes that attack cats again, this white membrane can come again due to treatment that is not done completely.


Can Dirty Eyes Cause Cat Eyes To Be Covered With White Membrane Too ?

Cats who sneeze can't cause a cat's eyes to have white webs. This is not due to the amount of dirt in the cat's eyes or due to the cat's eyes that are rarely cleaned of dirt. The reason why the cat's eye membrane covers part of the cat's eye and is accompanied by the cat's slanted eye is because the cat suffers from intestinal worms.

To treat intestinal worms, you can give the cat worm medicine such as drontal cat medicine.


Can Scabies Injections Also Cause Cats With White Eyes ?

Actually this is not the result of scabies injections, but more towards fever. This condition occurs due to the cat being injected with scabies, to be more sure you can check the cat's temperature using a thermometer.

How to treat a cat's fever can be by giving the cat a special cat fever medicine. Also include giving the cat lots of fluids such as water, even better if the cat is given young coconut water. For the food itself, it is recommended to replace dry food with wet food because as the name suggests, wet food is soaked in a lot of liquid.


How Much Does It Cost To Go To The Vet For A Case Like This ?

It can be 100 dollar or more. This depends on which is the main cause of white eye membranes in cats. If the cause is only haw syndrome due to worms. At best, the cost needed to go to the vet is only around 5 to 7 dollars. Or you can treat your cat with drontal worm medicine or child combantrin with only 3 dollars.


Can Third Eyelids Cause Cats To Lose Their Lives ?

Although it looks trivial, the third eyelid or the case of a cat's eye covered with a white membrane can cause death if it is not taken seriously or treated immediately. For example, you don't have to go far. My cat, who had a third eyelid due to intestinal worms, died because at that time I was ignorant or didn't know why my cat had that eye.

My cat who died had symptoms of swollen eyes, the white part of his eyes were closed slightly, he had diarrhea and once had worms in his pup. All of these symptoms are characteristic of a cat with worms. Because at that time I didn't know and was indifferent, as a result my cat died, sob sob.

Worms that we sometimes take for paltry can make a cat lose its life, especially the third eyelid due to cancer, conjunctivitis or genetic factors. For genetic factors and conjunctivitis, death can be caused by the lack of a cat's field of vision.

For example, a cat that plays outside the house and is close to the road, may cross suddenly because it feels the road is safe. But because of the lack of visibility, the path that cats see is safe is actually not safe. So that when the cat crossed he was accidentally hit by a passing vehicle and could die on the spot.

Maybe that's all the discussion about why a cat's eyes can be covered with a white membrane and how to treat it. Hopefully this article is useful for you. Don't forget to share this article with relatives, other cat lovers or to your social media accounts.

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