
5 Reasons Why Does Male Cat Bite Female Cats Neck When Mating

Cats are animals that reproduce by giving birth. Before a cat gives birth, of course, a cat will go through a mating period just as it does in humans. Generally, the mating period in cats begins to occur in cats when they have reached the age of 6 months.


Why Does Male Cat Bite Female Cats Neck When Mating


At the time of mating, there will usually be a change in behavior patterns in cats such as cats becoming more frequent meows, lazy to eat, spraying, often chasing the opposite sex, wandering hobbies and becoming more angry especially at rivals or other cats.

Not only that during mating, male cats often bite the neck of female cats during mating. For cat owners who have just started or are beginners in keeping cats, of course this will be something that is very surprising and disturbing to us.

We also fear that the cat will get hurt if the male cat continues to do this. Actually why do male cats bite the female cat's neck during mating and does this harm the female cat? To find out the answer, see Angora's explanation below until it's finished.


Male Cat Biting Female Cat's Neck During Mating, Is It Dangerous ?

A male cat biting the neck of a female cat he wants to mate with is a common behavior among cats. This behavior is usually done by cats during mating and this behavior is harmless and will not hurt the cat too much.

It's just that if a male cat bites too hard, it can cause hair loss on the nape of the neck that he bites. But you don't have to worry because the hair that has fallen out over time will grow back as before.


Why Do Male Cats Bite The Female Cat's Neck When Mating ?

When cats are mating, male cats often bite the nape of the female cat. For some people think that this is how cats mate, they have to bite the nape of the female cat's neck and then do the mating but this is wrong there is a reason why male cats do this.

Well, some of the reasons include :

1. Make Sure The Female Cat Accepts Her As A Male

The first reason is to ascertain whether the female accepts him as the male. Take a look at the cat that is mating. Sometimes a female cat will resist a male cat biting the nape of the neck by scolding him or scratching him.

This is because the female cat does not accept the male cat as a male. It's very different if the female cat stays silent if the male cat bites her. This indicates that the female cat accepts him as her male and is ready to mate with the male.


2. Holding The Female Cat's Position So That It Doesn't Move

The second reason is that the male cat bites the female cat's neck just to hold the female cat from moving. By holding the female still, this will make it easier for the cat to mate and increase mating success.


3. Is An Ideal Position For Cats To Mate

The next reason is that this position is an ideal position for cats to mate. This position makes it very easy for the cat to mate while increasing the smoothness of the marriage.


4. Forcing A Female Cat To Mate With Him

A male cat biting a female cat during mating is a way to get the female cat to mate with the male. Rejected male cats often bite the female cat's nape to force her to mate with him. The female cat who often refuses over time will begin to accept the male.

But in some cases even though the female still rejects the male, the male will still force the female to mate with him.


5. Inherited Knowledge

The last reason is that cats do this based on knowledge that has been passed down from generation to generation from their ancestors or previous generations of cats. Knowledge or information on how cats mate ( including neck biting ) is stored in the cat's DNA.

And this information will continue to exist in subsequent cat breeds so that even if the mother cat doesn't teach how cats mate, the cat will still be able to figure it out on its own through the information stored in its DNA.


When Will This Behavior Stop ?

Cats usually do this when they are in the mating period so of course this behavior will stop by itself when the cat is successful in mating or has passed its mating period.


When Cats Do This I Hear Cats Moaning Like Pain ?

Actually this is not because the cat is in pain. This is because the cat refuses the male to marry him and the male continues to force the female cat to mate with him. According to Angora, this is also a sign of a successful cat mating.

So what should we do when we see this ? It depends on you as the owner. If you don't want your cats to mate then you can stop them by separating them and locking one of them in a cage. If you want your cat to mate then you can let the cat do it anyway.

Allowing the cat to do this even if the cat seems to be groaning in pain will not harm the female cat. It's just that the risk of this omission is that the male and female cats will successfully mate and later the female cat will become pregnant and give birth.

This of course will increase the cat that must be kept in the house and make us as owners spend more money on cat care.


Maybe that's all the discussion about why male cats bite female cats' necks when mating. With this article, hopefully it can make you understand about this and understand that this is not dangerous at all.

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