
10 Causes Of Skinny Cats Even Though They Eat A Lot

Most of us cat lovers certainly want their cats to be fat and healthy. Then what happened was the opposite, the cat was getting thinner even though the food we gave was very much and even exceeded the portion of cat food in general.


My Cat Is Skinny But Eats All The Time


In addition to the large number of servings, we also give cats food rations 3 times a day but still our beloved cat instead of being fat, his body remains thin. Not only that, the cat's body is getting thinner every day.

Actually why does this happen and what might be the main reason why our cats stay thin even though they have eaten a lot ?

For Good Readers who are curious about what causes cats to be like this, you can read Angora's explanation below to find out.


10 Causes Of Skinny Cats Even Though They Eat A Lot

Even though the cat has eaten a lot, the cat is still thin. Seeing this we as owners must be a little annoyed. How not, because all the efforts that we have done so far turned out to be in vain and to no avail.

Skinny cats but eat a lot can actually be caused by many things. This can occur due to the cat itself, food and can also be caused by disease. Here are some of the main reasons why cats stay thin even though they eat a lot :

1. Genetic Factors

The first cause is genetic factors. Humans who have a fast metabolism will generally have a thin body even though he has a big appetite and eats in large portions. People with this kind of metabolism will be very difficult to get fat.

Well the same thing applies to cats. Some cats have fast metabolisms. Cats that have a fast metabolism will be very difficult to get fat. In order for your beloved cat to be fat, you have to spend additional funds to buy certain products that can fatten cats, such as foods that are specifically designed to fatten cats, vitamins and special appetite enhancers for cats.

By using these products it is very likely that the cat will become fat in a very short time. Oh yes, when the cat becomes fat, make sure the cat is still within its ideal body weight. Keeping the cat in its ideal weight is not only to make it look cute and chubby but also to ensure that the cat stays in good health.

Additional Info : There are 5 cat breeds that are easy to fat because of genetic factors ( have a slow metabolism ). They are the Sphinx cat, Persian cat, British Shorthair cat, American Shorthair cat and the last Ragamuffin cat.


2. Cats Suffer from Diabetes

Cats can get diabetes just like humans. Diabetes is a disease caused by high levels of sugar in the blood. This occurs due to problems or low insulin produced by the cat's body. Generally, diabetic cats ask for food very often and also drink very often.

At the same time, cats also defecate more often than before. Even though the cat often asks for food to eat, because he has diabetes, the cat will not gain weight. Cats rarely develop diabetes at a young age but are more likely to develop diabetes at an older age.

The risk of cats getting diabetes will be higher in line with the increasing age of the pet cat. If your cat has diabetes, you should immediately take the cat to the vet for treatment.


3. Your Cat Has Worms

If your cat has a distended stomach, has a high appetite, eats often but gets thinner, it could be that your cat is experiencing intestinal worms. Worms are one of the diseases that are often experienced by pet cats.

Worms generally occur due to cats eating raw foods such as raw fish, raw chicken and the like. This disease can also be caused by dirty cat nails and cat fleas. Worms can not only be suffered by adult cats but can also be suffered by kittens who are still suckling.

Kittens get worms when the kitten drinks its mother's milk. A distinctive feature of wormed kittens is their distended stomach and when pressed it feels hard. Why can't a cat with worms get fat ? This is because the worms in the cat's digestive tract eat up all the food in the cat's stomach.

As a result, cats do not get the food and nutrients their bodies need. While the worm gets a lot of food that makes it bigger and reproduces in large numbers in the stomach. The number of worms in the cat's stomach makes the cat's stomach bigger ( bulge ) while the cat's body is getting thinner.

If you continue to leave it, through the time the cat will suffer from diarrhea, bloody pup, cat pup worm, cat vomit worms, cat has difficulty urinating and the worst is the cat will die.


4. Your Cat Is Very Active

Cats who like to be lazy and prefer to sleep will usually gain weight more easily than cats who are very active. Usually cats are very active when they are very young. Because at this age cats prefer to play and roam to and fro.

Cats also sleep very little, being active at night even when we humans and adult cats are fast asleep. In a cat's body that is too active, some of the nutritional sources of food that should be condensed into a source of reserve energy ( fat ) are instead used to support the cat's daily energy needs so that it is difficult for the cat to become fat.

Even so, you don't need to worry that your active cat is thin as long as he is an active cat and as long as his body weight continues to increase even if it is little by little. You just have to worry about the cat getting skinny every day.


5. Hyperthyroidism

The seventh cause is hypertroidism. Your cat may have hypertroidism, which causes the cat's body to remain thin even though the cat has eaten in large quantities. Hyperthyroidism is a disorder caused by excessive production of thyroid hormone.

Thyroid hormone is one of the hormones in charge of maintaining the cat's body metabolism. If this hormone is excessive, it will affect the cat's metabolic system, making the cat's metabolism too fast. This makes the nutrients that should be converted into fat instead used as a source of energy.

Cats who experience hypertroidism will generally be very hungry, eat a lot and have a fixed weight ( not gain weight ), cats will also often meow and become very active.


6. Cats Are Very Old

The lifespan of a cat is very different from the age of a human. When the age of the cat has reached the age of 10 years, the cat can be said to be old enough in the size of the cat's age. This age may be comparable to a human being in their 50s.

Now when you are old, automatically all the functions of the body will decrease, including the function of the cat's digestive organs. The decline in the cat's digestive function makes the cat no longer able to digest food very well.

This results in all the nutrients in food cannot be absorbed properly by the body so that only some of the nutrients can be absorbed. As a result, the cat will remain thin even though he often asks the owner for food.

In addition to the decreased function of the digestive organs, thin cats can be caused by cats being lazy to eat. An old cat is lazy to eat because he has difficulty chewing food because many of his teeth have fallen out.


7. Cat Food Is Not Good

The seventh cause is that the cat food you give your cat is not good. This is because the nutrients in cat food are lacking so that even if the cat is given food with a portion of 2 times the usual, the cat can't get fat.

This can be overcome by replacing cat food with more nutritious cat food, but this will of course cost you more money. If you don't have enough funds, then you can make your own cat food at home. If you don't know what cat food is suitable for pet cats at home, you can consult this with your veterinarian.

The vet can help choose foods that are good for your cat's health as well as can help make the cat fat.


8. Other Cats Eat Your Cat Food

The eighth cause is that other cats eat your cat's food ration. Other cats who feel not full will usually eat food from other cats that are nearby and some cats will usually let other cats eat their food rations.

This is the reason why even though you have given your cat more food rations than usual but still a pet cat can't get fat. To avoid this the only way you can do is to keep an eye on your cats while they are eating.

If you have a lot of business or busy work so you can't supervise the cat when it eats, you can ask a family member to help feed the cat while watching the cat is eating. Another alternative is that you can use a special cat feeder that can automatically fill itself when the cat food is empty.

This way you don't have to bother feeding the cat at certain times and you don't have to watch the cat eat.


9. Inflammation Of The Intestines

Well the next cause is inflammation of the intestine. If your cat eats a lot but is still thin and there is no sign that your pet cat has worms, then the cause may be intestinal inflammation. Cats with inflammatory bowel disease usually have poor absorption of food when compared to healthy cats.

When absorption goes less then the nutrients that will be obtained by the cat's body are also reduced. This of course will make the absence of stored nutrients into food reserves ( fat in the body ). Almost all the nutrients that are absorbed by the intestine will be processed into a source of energy for the body.

This is why cats with colitis have a hard time gaining weight. In addition, this disease also causes the cat's mouth to foam, bloody feces, cats often feel sick and the like. This disease can not be treated independently at home, the only way to treat it is to ask a veterinarian for help.


10. Feline Acromegaly

The last cause is Feline Acromegaly. Feline Acromegaly is a term that may be very foreign to us because this disease rarely occurs in cats. Feline Acromegaly is a syndrome that is very similar to diabetes.

However, Feline Acromegaly occurs due to the loss of the cat's ability to regulate blood sugar levels. This occurs due to excessive IGF-1 growth and not due to a lack of insulin in the cat's body. Cats with this syndrome also have a high appetite and drink frequently, just like people with diabetes.

Feline Acromegaly in cats can be a trigger for insulin-resistant diabetes. Until now there has not been found a cure for this cat disease, but you don't need to worry because this disease is rare aka rare in cats.


So How Can I Make My Cat Fat ?

After reading the explanation above, now you know what makes our cat still thin even though he has eaten a lot. In addition to being thin because it is caused by disease problems, you still have hope to fatten your cat.

Here are some ways to keep your cat healthy and fat :

1. Feed The Cat Until He Is Full

Feed your cat until he is completely full and doesn't want to eat anymore. How do we know when a cat is full? Cats that feel full will usually leave their food even though there is still a lot of food left. With a note that the cat that is eating is not disturbed by other cats.

Because some cats often leave their food when another cat disturbs him eating. Even if the cat is still hungry, it will still leave if another cat disturbs it. If you use this method, make sure the food you give is special cat food ( dry food or wet food ) because there are cases where the cat eats food other than cat food, the cat has difficulty defecating ( constipation ).

Oh yes, also make sure to return the cat's food portion to the normal portion when the cat is fat, also make sure that its fat body weight is ideal to keep the cat healthy.


2. Use Cat Fatty Products

The second way is to use a special product that is formulated to help increase cat weight. These products can be in the form of vitamins, cat food such as Black Pitzz Natural Fattener and the like. Before giving this product to a cat, make sure you read first how to use it so that you can use the product correctly and safely. You can also discuss this with your veterinarian.


3. Give Cat Food According To Cat Age

Give cat food according to the age of the cat. For example, kittens are more active than adult cats, so kittens need higher calories than adult cats. Then the kitten must be given special kitten food because this cat food contains more calories than usual cat food.

While old cats are less able to absorb food nutrients properly. So old cats need to be given cat food that is easy to eat and digest by them. Usually, special food for elderly cats is very easy for old cats to eat and contains nutrients that are good for their health.

With food being easily absorbed by the body, this will also be useful in helping fatten the cat's body.


4. Mix Kitten Food Into Cat Food

Kitten food is known for its high calorie content compared to adult cat food. Try mixing a little kitten food into your cat's main diet. When a cat eats kitten food, the calorie content in the cat's body will automatically be high.

The high calories in the body will make the cat's weight will also increase and the cat will become fatter. But before using this method you should first consult with a veterinarian. And do not use this method on cats who have a history of kidney disease.


Maybe that's all the discussion about some of the causes of skinny cats even though they eat a lot. Hopefully this article will help you understand the main reasons why your cat stays thin and how to deal with it.

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