
Can Cat Canine Teeth Grow Again ? Here's The Answer !

Cat lovers certainly know that cat teeth are similar to human teeth. This resemblance is only limited to the color and type of the cat's teeth themselves. As for the shape of the teeth themselves, cat teeth are much different from human teeth.


Can Cat Teeth Grow Back


Cat teeth do have a different shape from human teeth but cat teeth can also be broken or dislodged. Many things can cause cat teeth to experience this. The cause could be from outside or from the cat itself.

Dislodged or broken cat teeth is a rare condition in adult cats, of the many cats it is possible that only a few cats may experience it. Although it rarely happens, it does not rule out this happening to our beloved cat.

Then if the cat's teeth fall out can the cat's teeth grow again and what should we do when this happens to our beloved fur friend?  Read Angora's full explanation below to find out.


Cat Teeth Type

The pattern of growth of cat teeth and human teeth is very similar. When a cat are born, they don't have teeth, then when they start to grow into children, milk teeth will grow. These milk teeth will then fall out and then be replaced with permanent teeth.


Cat Teething

When the cat is 21 to 28 days old, the cat will have several teeth which are commonly called milk teeth. Milk teeth are the type of teeth that only grow in kittens. And the number of milk teeth in cats is only 26.

At first glance, the milk teeth found in kittens look like a rectangular arrangement that is arranged lengthwise and looks somewhat transparent. Just like humans, when a cat's milk teeth fall out, the teeth will grow again. But the teeth that grow are permanent teeth.

Milk teeth in kittens are just temporary teeth. When a kitten grows into an adult cat, these teeth will fall out and be replaced by permanent teeth. Usually the change between the cat's milk teeth and permanent teeth begins when the cat is 2 months old.

This is the age at which the mother cat begins to stop feeding her kittens and the kitten begins to wean. Weaning is the time when kittens start to eat food other than milk for their survival. The cessation of a mother cat feeding her kittens is not only because the kittens are starting to wean.

There are other reasons why mother cats do this. The first is because the milk is starting to stop coming out and the second the kitten's teeth are starting to hurt the mother's nipples.


Types Of Milk Teeth In Kittens

Milk teeth are only found in kittens and there are only 26 of them. What are the types of milk teeth in kittens you can see below :

  • 4 Canine / Fangs

  • 10 Incisors

  • 4 Molars

  • 8 Premolars

Types Of Permanent Teeth In Kittens

As cats grow older, their milk teeth will slowly change into permanent teeth. This change begins to occur when the cat is 2 months old. At this age the first baby teeth will begin to fall out and begin to be replaced with the first permanent teeth.

Then as the cat ages, slowly each baby tooth in the kitten will begin to be replaced by a permanent tooth. At the age of 8 or 9 months, all milk teeth are no longer left and have changed into permanent teeth.

The total number of permanent teeth in an adult cat is about 30 teeth. These permanent teeth have many advantages for cats in survival compared to milk teeth. The cat's permanent teeth are able to pounce, tear and crush the body of its prey with ease.

There are 30 permanent cat teeth and each has its own type. What are the types of permanent teeth in adult cats you can see below :

  • 4 Canine / Fang

  • 12 Incisor

  • 4 Molars

  • 10 Premolars

Can Cat Canine Teeth Grow Again ?

After reading the discussion about cat teething above well, now surely you will understand a little and begin to be able to get your own answer to this question. For those of you who don't get the answer, you can read the article below to find out.

Can cat canine teeth grow back ? The answer is maybe yes and maybe no. This depends on which type of cat's canine teeth have fallen out. If the cat's dislodged teeth are milk canines, these teeth can grow back.

But this growth is only limited to once in each of the milk teeth in the cat's teeth. These baby teeth will grow and be replaced by permanent teeth. Furthermore, if this tooth falls out again, this tooth will not grow or change again.

Well, if the cat's teeth that fall out are permanent canines, these teeth will never grow again. Whatever effort we do will not affect it. This condition is similar to permanent teeth in human teeth. The change of milk teeth to permanent teeth in cats usually occurs in a fixed pattern. The pattern is as follows :

  • The shifting of baby incisors to permanent incisors when the cat is 14 to 17 weeks old

  • Change of canine milk teeth to permanent canines when the cat is 19 to 24 weeks old

  • Changing premolars to permanent premolars when the cat is 20 to 24 weeks old

  • Change of baby molars to permanent molars when the cat is 17 to 24 weeks old

What Causes Dislodged Cat's Canine Teeth ?

Many things can be the main reason why a cat's canines can fall out. The reason could be because the cat itself could also be due to other things. But generally the causes of dislodged cat canine teeth are as follows :

  • Canine teeth are milk teeth and are about to change to permanent teeth

  • Due to Tartar

  • Weak teeth

  • Injury due to blunt object

  • The cat accidentally eats a very hard object


Just additional information, cat teeth can not be cavities. So, the loss of cat canine teeth can not be associated with cavities. Cat teeth can not be cavities because the structure of cat teeth is very different from human teeth.

Cat teeth do not have an occlusal table ( horizontal surface ) on their teeth which makes their teeth less prone to cavities. However, cats can also experience toothaches. It's just that when a cat has a toothache, the cat never shows the pain.


What Do We Do When A Cat's Canines Fall Out ?

When a cat's teeth fall out, the first thing we should do is examine the cat's mouth. Is there bleeding or other problems in the cat's mouth. If bleeding occurs, stop the bleeding as much as possible and then take the cat to the vet for treatment.

But if the cat is not experiencing problems with his mouth and gums and is acting normally as usual then there is nothing to worry about. But just in case you should also take the cat to the vet.


How To Prevent Cat Canine Teeth From Falling Out Or Coming Off ?

The most appropriate way to prevent a cat's teeth from falling out is simply by brushing the cat's teeth every day. When brushing your cat's teeth, use a special cat toothbrush to make brushing easier and so that the cat is comfortable when brushing his teeth.

Also use cat toothpaste so that when the cat accidentally swallows the paste the cat will not experience poisoning. In addition to brushing your teeth, you also need to give your cat food that is easy to chew and has benefits for dental health.

Generally, foods such as dry food and wet food have benefits for the health of cat teeth and are easily destroyed by cat teeth. Not only taking care of your teeth and providing the best food, watching your cat play outside is also a way to prevent tooth loss.

Supervising cats when playing outdoors aims to prevent cats from eating foreign objects or getting mouth injuries while playing. Watching the cat can also keep the cat from being disturbed by people who want to hurt it.

Also do a dental check-up to the vet once a year to clean up plank and tartar. Or if you feel something is wrong with your cat's teeth and mouth, you can immediately take him to the vet for immediate treatment.

Maybe that's all the discussion about whether cat canines can grow back and what we do if this happens. With this article, hopefully it can provide a satisfactory answer for you.

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