
Can Cats Drink Bear Brand Milk ? Here's The Explanation !

Who doesn't know this milk brand? This brand is famous for its quality milk and also its uniqueness. Why do people consider this milk a unique milk ?

Can Cats Drink Bear Brand Milk


Because this milk has a bear brand ( Bear Brand and Logo) while the product is pure cow's milk and the marketing advertisements that we often see on television and the internet are dragons flying. Completely unrelated to each other so it looks unique.

Bear brand milk or bear milk is quite famous among cat lovers. When you ask the cat lover community what milk is good to give to a sick cat when there is no special milk for cats, they will quickly answer "Bear Brand Milk".

Not only as milk for sick cats, this milk is also often given to cats as an additional soft drink for cats, as a supplement for sick cats, given to neutralize mild poisoning in cats, and also as milk substitute for breast milk.

Some cats really like this milk and cat lovers also recommend this milk and say that this milk is good for cats. Then is this milk really good for cats and is it permissible for cats to drink bear milk ?

To find out the answer, see Angora's explanation below until the end, Good Reader !


Can Cats Drink Bear Brand Milk ?

The answer is yes. The first reason is that this product is harmless when given to cats. Not only that, there are many reasons why this milk can be consumed by cats. The following are some of the reasons why this milk is okay for cats to drink.

1. Bear's Milk Does Not Contain Lactose

In general, milk on the market contains lactose. The lactose content in it is also fairly high. But this is different from the bear brand milk (bear milk). Bear milk is a lactose-free dairy product. That's one of the reasons why this product is okay for cats to drink.

Lactose-free milk will not disturb the cat's digestion, this is inversely proportional to if we give regular milk to cats. Cats can experience stomach upset and other digestive problems from drinking plain milk, which is high in lactose.


2. Bear Milk Is Easy To Digest

As explained above, bear milk is lactose-free milk. This is perfect for most cats who are generally lactose intolerant. This milk will be very easily digested by the cat's digestion.

This is not like lactose milk such as indomilk, Frisian flag milk and similar milk, if the cat drinks lactose milk it will be very difficult for the cat to digest it and will cause problems in the cat's digestive tract.


3. Bear's Milk Does Not Cause Digestive Disorders

In contrast to human milk products which generally contain lactose. Bear milk contains absolutely no lactose and will not cause indigestion and health problems for cats.

Cats will not experience digestive disorders such as diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain, nausea and the like, even if we give cats milk bears in large quantities or are given regularly every day. If you doubt this information then you can ask it directly to the nearest vet.

Surely the doctor will have the same opinion as what Angora has just mentioned above.


4. Bear Milk Has Good Nutrients

Although cats have all their nutritional needs met properly through special cat foods such as dry food and wet food, there is nothing wrong with giving bear milk as additional nutrition for cats. We can give this drink as a soft drink and so that the cat does not get bored always drinking water.

And we don't have to worry about giving it to the cat because this milk is safe for consumption by our beloved cat.


5. Bear Milk Is Suitable For Giving To Sick Cats

When the cat doesn't want to eat, you can give bear milk to a sick cat so that the cat gets energy and becomes more energetic. Not only that, bear milk is also very helpful in the cat's healing process. Bear milk is also often used to neutralize mild poisoning in cats.

You can give the bear's milk alone or it can be mixed with honey to strengthen the efficacy in neutralizing toxins in the cat's body. You can give milk every hour or two hours. Give just enough and don't overdo it.

Give slowly so that the cat does not choke. Because choking can cause milk to enter the lungs and cause pneumonia in cats.


6. Bear Milk Can Be Given To Babies And Kitten

Besides being allowed to be given to a cat who is sick, you can also give bear milk to a baby cat or kitten. You can give bear milk to baby cats as a substitute for breast milk (Kitten Milk Replacer). This is because this milk is lactose free and its nutritional content is very good for the cat's body.

You can give this milk to a baby cat whose mother dies or a baby cat that is hated by its own mother. You can also give this milk to kittens who are rejected by the mother cat because they have started eating other foods besides milk but are still drinking milk from their mother.

Generally cats will start food other than milk (weaning) when the cat is more than a month old. Although this milk is safe and good to give to babies and kittens as a substitute for cat milk, I would recommend giving special milk to cats.

Use bear's milk as a substitute for cat's milk when there is no other milk as an option and the condition is urgent.


Can Cats Get Sick From Drinking Bear Milk ?

So far based on my experience, none of my cats have fallen ill after being fed bear milk. There are also no cases of cats getting sick from drinking bear's milk that were conveyed by other cat lovers.

If it turns out that your cat fell ill after drinking bear milk, it could be because the bear milk you gave expired so that the cat became poisoned. It can also be caused by a cat that has previously been infected with a virus or bacteria and disease.

It's a good idea to take your cat to the vet if your cat gets sick after drinking bear's milk. So that the cat can recover soon and we can find out the exact cause why the cat fell ill.

That's an explanation of whether cats can drink bear's milk and why. With this article, hopefully it can help you find answers about bear milk as a drink or milk for cats.

And add your insight and can be useful for you. Don't forget to share this article with relatives, friends, other cat lovers and also share it on your social media accounts.

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