
5 Reasons Why Kitten Skinny With A Big Belly

Seeing cats grow well and healthy is the desire of all cat lovers A healthy cat will be very friendly to humans as well as active and happy to play. But sometimes our wishes are not fully realized.


Kitten Skinny With A Big Belly


There will be times when our cat is thin but his stomach looks distended. Cats are diligent and devoured, but their bodies are not fat, they are even thinner and our cats look thin but their stomachs are very distended than their proper body proportions.

This condition will certainly make us worry and fear if our beloved cat is exposed to a deadly disease. To overcome the condition of a cat whose stomach is big but his body is small, we must first know what is the cause.


Cause A Cat Is Skinny But Has A Big Belly

Many things could be the reason why only a cat's stomach is big or looks swollen but its body is actually getting smaller and thinner. Some of the main causes of distended stomach in kittens and adult cats based on Angora's own experience are as follows :

1. Worm

This is the main cause that often makes cats have very distended stomachs but are thin. Cats with intestinal worms will be very thin but very greedy to eat. The worms in the cat's body will eat all the food and nutrients that enter the cat's stomach.

As a result, the cat's body only gets a small supply of fat, protein and nutrients that make her body very thin. Not only that, the cat's stomach gradually becomes big or distended. The bulging of the stomach is caused by the number of worms that accumulate in the stomach.

If left alone and not immediately treated, the worms in the cat's stomach will increase. This can make the cat vomit worms, cat poop or cat feces with worms and cat feces to bleed.


2. Pregnant Cat

Pregnant cats can also make the cat's stomach more distended. The body will look thinner than the cat's big belly. However, this condition only occurs in female cats and there is a clear difference between a pregnant cat and a cat with worms. Some of the differences include :

  • The white membrane of a cat's eye doesn't partially close its eye

  • Cats are not too greedy to eat

  • Cats don't look weak

  • Cats don't sleep more often than cats with worms

  • Cats don't have diarrhea

  • Cats don't poop carelessly

  • There are no worms when the cat pup


A pregnant cat will have a big belly and a very distended stomach. But when a pregnant cat has given birth, her stomach will shrink and her body proportions will return to normal.


3. Blockage In The Digestive Tract

Digestive tract problems can also make a cat's stomach become distended. Cats with this condition generally have a sudden enlarged stomach in a few days. Not because we feed in large and excessive portions, but because there is a blockage in the digestive tract that makes the cat suddenly bloated.

Based on Angora's own experience, cats can suddenly bulge in 2 days or so. To treat this condition are usually given drugs that function to smooth the digestive tract. But if it turns out that the drug is not able to handle it then inevitably have to do surgery to overcome this digestive problem.


4. FIP Virus ( Feline Infectious Peritonitis ) Wet Type

The wet-type FIP virus can also cause only the cat's stomach to become distended and enlarged. This virus will attack the lungs or stomach which makes the part of the body being attacked swell or looks like a bulge.

This disease does not make cats feel pain, it's just that cats who are infected with the wet-type FIP virus will experience symptoms of difficulty breathing like a cat with respiratory problems.


5. Kidney

Kidney stones in cats can also make the cat's stomach so distended. This stone will block the urinary tract, causing the cat's stomach to bulge. If the condition of kidney stones is very severe, it can cause urine to be difficult to leave the body and bleed when it leaves the body.


Are There Other Causes Why A Cat's Stomach Is Thin But Distended ?

In addition to the 5 causes above, there are many other causes that might be the reason why a cat is thin but has a big belly as if it is swollen. The cat's stomach may collect gas in it, as a result, the stomach will remain distended until the gas comes out.

Or maybe cats eat very large animals like mice, chicks and others. Another cause is that cats eat large portions and excessively. The cat's stomach will temporarily enlarge until the food is digested by the body and out of the body.


Is The Cause Of Thin And Distended Cats Above Dangerous If Left Alone ?

For pregnant cats, it might not be a problem if they are left alone. For others, it is clearly dangerous if left alone and not treated immediately. Abandonment will actually put the cat's life at stake in the future.

Therefore, if you feel that your cat is affected by one of the four conditions above, my advice is to take your cat to the nearest vet as soon as possible.


When The Cat Is Distended, Should We Take Him To The Vet ?

For conditions caused by numbers 1 and 2, it seems we don't need to take him to the vet. Cats with worms can be treated by themselves with a special worm medicine for cats or special combantrin for children. Giving must be done according to the recommended dose so that it is safe to give to cats and can treat cats quickly.

While a pregnant cat will give birth on its own when it is time for her to give birth. For conditions 3, 4 and 5, I think it is more advisable to take the cat to the vet for treatment.

Thus the discussion about a skinny cat but a distended stomach. Hopefully this article is useful for you. Don't forget to share it with relatives, other cat lovers or to your social media accounts.

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