
7 Reason Why Does Cats Eat Their Kittens

When a cat gives birth, as an owner, of course you will feel happy too. We are happy because in our house a new family member is born. Plus the new member who was born is cute baby cat. This will increase our happiness even more.


Why Does Cats Eat Their Kittens


But for cat lovers sometimes that happiness doesn't last long. The happiness turned into sadness when the mother cat ate her own kitten. Cats eat one or all of their childrens in the house we provide for them to give birth. This incident makes us lose and sometimes accuse other male cats of being the culprit.

Once upon a time Angora had wrongly accused another cat when this happened. Because when I checked the number of kittens, one kitten was missing. Incidentally, Good ( the male cat's name ) was near the crime scene, I automatically thought he was the culprit and threw him out of the house.

After I found out he was not the culprit, I finally invited him back into the house.


7 Reasons Why Cats Eat Their Own Kittens

There are many reasons why cats eat their own kittens. Usually the main reason why cats eat their children actually has its own purpose. Here are the reasons why cats eat their own kittens.

1. Sick Cat

Sick cats are the first reason why mother cats eat their kittens. The mother cat feels that her child is sick and will not be able to last long. This feeling she got from her natural instinct as a mother. This is the reason why mother cats have the heart to eat their children.

Although we feel this is cruel, but for cat this is the best he can do for his sick child.


2. Stressed Cats

The process of giving birth for a cat can be very tiring. This makes the cat very hungry and experiencing mental stress after giving birth. As a result, some kittens will be eaten by the mother cat to relieve hunger and stress.

For a cat mother, eating her child can fulfill the nutritional content lost after the birth process, as well as relieve stress.


3. Disabled Kitten

Another reason why cats eat their children is that their children are born with disabilities. Just like humans, cats also don't like disabled children. It's not that he's hateful or cruel, it's just that a cat who has natural instincts feels that this diability kitten won't be able to survive in the future with his current condition.

He will find it difficult to find food and will become easy prey for predators. Even though a mother cat is a local cat, she still uses her natural instincts to make decisions about her kittens.


4. The Cat's Body Is Too Small

Furthermore, why a mother cat eats her child is because she feels her child's body is too small. The small body makes the mother cat feel that the kitten will find it difficult to grow and survive when she grows up.

This reason is almost the same as the reason he ate his son because he was born with a disability.


5. Dead Kitten

Stillborn kittens are also the reason cats eat their kittens. This is done so that the smell of a dead kitten does not attract other predators. In addition, the mother cat also doesn't want her kittens, even though they are dead, to be eaten by other animals.

He eats baby cats so it wont invite harm and feels it is better off eating them than eating by other wild animals.


6. The Mother Forgot That It Was Her Child

Cats can also forget that they are their own kitten. There was one time when my cat was out of the house for a few day and came home eating her kittens. I think the main reason is that it forgot that it was his own son.

There is also a mother cat who goes out for two days and returns home she does not want to take care of and breastfeed her kittens until they die of starvation. She forgot that she had just given birth and forgot that she had children.


7. Kittens in Danger

If the mother cat feels that the place she is in is no longer safe, she will move her kittens to another place. Well, it is at this time that there is a possibility that the mother cat will eat her kittens.

The chances of a cat eating her own children will be greater when she feels there is no safe place for her and her children anymore. This causes the cat to eat its own kitten.


How To Prevent Kittens From Being Eaten By Their Mothers ?

Based on Angora's own experience, there is no way we can prevent kittens from being eaten by their mother. Maybe you think about separating a kitten from its mother, but the cat will still die of hunger and thirst because it doesn't get milk from its mother.

You need to know that caring for a kitten that is neglected by its mother has a life rate ratio of 40%, and the rest is death. I have also proven this myself from personal experience.


What Do We Do When A Cat Eats Its Own Kitten ?

There's nothing we can do. Can only let the cat be swallowed by his own mother. Because if we force to take a kitten from its mother's mouth, what is left is that the child's body is split in two and its blood will be splattered on the floor.

Even though we managed to take it from its mother's mouth in a safe condition, the kittens will die even though we have taken care of them and given special milk for the kittens such as growssy milk or bear brand milk. There is a chance of survival but it is small, only about 40-50% chance.


Is It Dangerous For Cats To Eat Their Kitten ?

It seems that there are no side effects or dangers caused by mothers who eat their children. The mother actually gets nutrition from eating her children. In addition to providing nutrition, eating a kitten will also make him feel fuller and more focused on taking care of the remaining kittens.


Will Cats Get Sick After Eating Their Kittens ?

As explained above, there are no side effects when a cat eats its child, including causing the cat to get sick. But just in case you can take him to be checked by the nearest vet.


Should We Take Cats To The Vet ?

Questions like this generally arise when we feel worried when our cat eats its own kitten. I don't think we should take cats to the vet. But if you really have doubts and worries, it's okay to take him to the vet to check his condition.


After The Cat Eats The Kitten What Should We Do ?

Clean any blood or stains left in the cat's mouth. Next is to clean the cage or the place where the cat gave birth. Clean the remaining amniotic fluid or the rest of the cat's secretions, if any. You can move the mother cat and her kittens to another place while cleaning the place.

Maybe that's all the discussion about why cats eat their own children in our homes. If you think this article is useful, don't forget to share it with your relatives or social media accounts.

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