
Can Fleas From Cat Move To Human ? Here Is The Answer !

Keeping a cat at home provides happiness and pleasure for us, the owner. But when a cat is attacked by fleas, we will worrying. Especially if we are new to keeping, in our hearts there will be a fear that cat fleas will move on our hair.


Fleas From Cat To Human


On this occasion, Anggora will discuss the spread of cat fleas and matters related to cat fleas. Check out the full explanation below.


Can Cat Fleas Infect Human Hair ?

Animal and human fleas are two different parasites. Cat fleas themselves can only breed and live in warm places and have lots of hair. Therefore the cat's body is the right place for them to live. This is different from human hair which is not as thick and warm as a cat's body.

The difference in conditions and the level of warmth between human hair and cat fur makes it difficult for cat fleas to survive. In addition, cat fleas cannot be transmitted from cats to humans. Despite the fact that these cute animal lice are not contagious, we still have to be wary of them.

Do not take advantage of all non-infectious pet fleas. There are several animals that may be able to transmit their fleas to humans. To guard against cat fleas, it is necessary to carry out regular maintenance on the health and hygiene of the cat's body.


Then What About Cat Fleas That Stick To Human Hair ?

When stroking a cat's body or interacting with a cat, there is a possibility that fleas will stick to our hands. Then the lice accidentally move and stick to the hair when we touch it.

Don't panic, cat fleas do move to our hair, but because of differences in habitat conditions they will not survive and breed. To solve this problem, all we have to do is simply use an anti-lice shampoo with the aim of killing the lice.


Are Cat Fleas Dangerous In Human Hair ?

Cat fleas are the same as human fleas. Its existence is only as a pest that feeds on the blood of the individuals it lives in. In addition to sucking blood, it also causes itching in the bite marks. In large numbers, fleas will cause itching and suck a lot of blood, this of course will be very annoying.

But in small amounts the presence of fleas is not so disturbing, especially cat fleas which accidentally transfer to human hair. And it certainly won't be dangerous for us, but still we must be vigilant and not ignore it.


If Cat Fleas Are In The Hair, What Should You Do ?

I myself feel that there are lice stuck in my hair, usually I will immediately take a shower and wash my head using anti-lice shampoo. Usually I often do this when I'm done bathing a cat with lots of fleas with cat flea shampoo.

Worried that cat fleas could move into my hair, I would immediately shower after bathing the cat.


How To Prevent Cat Fleas From Moving ?

Prevention that we can do so that no cat fleas move when we caress and interact with cats is to control fleas. We can control cat fleas in the following ways :

1. Give Flea Medicine

If you feel a little cat fleas and not too much then you can use a special cat flea medicine. Usually this drug is given at the nape of the cat and spreads through the cat's nervous system. This type of cat medicine is safe to use for cats because it does not have to be swallowed, especially when given to a pregnant cat.

When giving flea medication, follow the recommended dosage or dosage. If you are still in doubt about the dose or whether the flea medication is safe, consult your veterinarian before giving it so that you feel more confident.


2. Bathe The Cat

Routinely bathe the cat at least once every 2 weeks or once a month. Bathe the cat when the weather is not too warm and not too cold, which is around 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Avoid bathing the cat at night because there is a risk of making the cat sick with a fever or flu.

Bathe the cat using a cat shampoo product that is specially formulated to eradicate fleas, bacteria and parasites on cat skin and is safe to use for cats. Avoid using human shampoo on cats, because human shampoo contains ingredients that may irritate the cat's skin and be toxic if accidentally swallowed by a cat.

Wipe the cat's body and dry it after bathing the cat. To make it easier to dry the cat's body, lock the cat in the cage and then air it using a hair dryer.


3. Pest Control

Do pest control regularly. Pest control means the eradication of pests that exist in pets. Extermination of pests in animals itself usually uses fogging disinfectant. You can get this disinfectant yourself or buy it at the pet shop where you live. Fogging is carried out on animal equipment at home.

If you can't do it yourself, just call in an expert flea exterminator to do it.


4. Cat Hair Comb

Sometimes to deal with cat hair loss and cat fleas, I usually use a flea comb that is for humans. This flea comb is usually very effective at pulling loose hairs, dirt and fleas on the cat's body. Use once a week or as needed.

In this way, you can minimize hairballs due to accidentally ingesting cat hair, make the cat's fur clean from dirt and remove fleas that remain after using anti-flea shampoo.

That's the discussion about what cat fleas can be transmitted to humans. If you find this article useful, there is nothing wrong with sharing it with relatives, other cat lovers or on your social media.

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