
5 Reasons Why Cats Eat Their Baby's Placenta

Do you know what the placenta is ? The placenta is what we usually call the baby's placenta. When a cat gives birth, it often eats the placenta of its own child. Not infrequently some of us catch cats eating their child's placenta and trying to get rid of this placenta so that the mother cat doesn't eat it.


Cats Eat Placenta After Birth


Then why do cats even eat this placenta ? Is it normal for a mother cat to eat her own baby's placenta ? The answer is that this is natural and normal for cats. Even though they seem weird, dirty and disgusting, cats have their reasons for doing it.

These goals can be for health purposes, protecting kittens and various other reasons. So that you can find out what are the reasons why cats eat their own child's placenta and things related to this. You can read the full explanation below. Read Angora's explanation to the end, Good Reader !


Why Do Cats Eat Their Baby's Placenta

As long as the kitten is in the womb, the placenta serves as a supplier of oxygen and nutrients to the kittens in need. Then when the cat gives birth, this placenta will come out with the baby cat. After a baby cat is born, cats will naturally immediately lick their kittens so they can breathe immediately.

After that the cat will generally eat the placenta or the placenta of its own children. So why do cats eat their baby's placenta? Below are 5 reasons why most cats eat the placenta or the placenta of their own children :

1. Cat's Natural Instinct

Animals always act on natural instincts and habits that have been passed down in their genes. When a cat gives birth even though he is a house cat, the cat will eat the placenta of his child.

This is done by the mother cat because based on natural instincts or wild instincts, she knows that the smell of blood and the fishy and pungent smell will invite the cat's natural predators. Of course this will be very dangerous for the mother cat and her newborn baby.

This makes the mother cat will immediately eat the placenta or the placenta once she has given birth. After the cat eats the placenta, the cat will lick the body of her newborn child. With the aim of eliminating the smell of blood, fishy smell and even the pungent smell of the child's body.

After that, the mother will do the same to her body. By doing this, the cat will feel that he and his child are safer and their presence will be disguised from the predator.


2. To Protect Her Children And Herself

As Angora explained above that cats will naturally eat their baby's placenta in order to get rid of the smell of a cat that has just been born. Not only eating the placenta or the placenta, the mother cat will also lick her child and herself.

The purpose of licking is the same as eating the placenta, which is to get rid of the smell. Why do cats need to get rid of odors? Because cats want to keep themselves and their kittens safe.

Because as we all know that when a cat gives birth, his body will be covered in blood and there will be a fishy smell and a pungent smell. For our human nose, maybe this smell tends to be perceived as a disgusting and unpleasant smell to smell.

But for cat predators, on the contrary, the smell will be very appetizing and make it easier for the predator to find out where the cat and its child are hiding. This is the reason why cats will eat the placenta and lick the cat's body.

This he does to get rid of the smell so that the smell is disguised and he can protect his child and himself from being attacked by predators.


3. Cleans The Hives And Prevents The Growth Of Harmful Microorganisms On The Placenta

Cats are animals that like to keep their bodies and nests clean, that's why cats will eat their child's placenta when she is finished giving birth. In addition, it also aims to avoid the placenta becoming a place for the growth of harmful microorganisms.

A rotting placenta usually becomes a breeding ground for parasites (such as tapeworms, botfly larvae, etc.), bacteria and fungi. This of course will make the placenta a breeding ground for disease and endanger the cat and its kittens around it.

Moreover, the number of cat placentas that exist will correspond to the number of kittens born. For example, once a cat gives birth, it will give birth to 4 to 6 kittens at once. Means there will be about 4 to the placenta that will come out.

Of course, there will be many placentas that will become nests of disease and if the cat is in physical contact with this rotting placenta, it can be ascertained that this weakly immune kitten will fall ill and die. To avoid this from happening, the cat will eat the entire placenta or placenta of the children.


4. So That The Kitten Can Breathe And Move Freely

The next reason is so that the kitten can easily breathe and move freely. There are cases where the mother cat who does not eat the placenta causes the baby cat to die because it cannot breathe. This was experienced by my cat who gave birth for the first time.

He allowed his son to remain wrapped in the placenta and caused his son to die because he couldn't breathe. Cases like this are rare, but they can happen. In addition, this is also intended so that the baby cat can move freely.

Because when the cat has just been born, the placenta will still be connected to the cat's stomach. If the cat does not eat this placenta and sever the umbilical cord then the kitten must be very difficult to move freely.

The mother cat will leave the umbilical cord in the kitten's stomach with a size of about 3 cm to 5 cm. Don't worry about the umbilical cord bothering the cat and leave it alone. Because over time, the umbilical cord will dry out and fall off on its own.


5. Cats Eat Placenta Because They Feel Hungry

Another reason why cats eat their baby's placenta is because they are hungry. The process of giving birth is not something easy and certainly a lot of energy is spent. Moreover, cats have to give birth to many children at once.

A lot of energy spent will make the cat feel hungry. Because his condition is very weak and it is still difficult to walk, he will eat the placenta around him and it is not uncommon for cats to eat their own children.

For a cat, the placenta is like a supply of meat that must be eaten under certain conditions such as the condition he is currently experiencing. Eating the placenta will keep the cat full, and will replenish the energy and nutrients that were lost when she gave birth.

Usually after the cat eats the placenta or from the cat, the cat will feel full within a certain time. Generally cats will not be hungry in 12 hours or within 24 hours. So, don't be surprised if your cat suddenly doesn't want to eat during this time. 

Because maybe he was still full because he had just eaten the kitten's placenta.


Will All Cats Eat Their Child's Placenta ?

Generally, all cats will eat their own baby's placenta. But some cats probably won't do the same. One example of a cat that does not eat its child's placenta is a cat that has given birth for the first time.

Apart from giving birth for the first time, stress on the mother cat can also prevent the mother from eating her child's placenta and umbilical cord. In fact, it is not uncommon for cats who are stressed or depressed to even let their children be wrapped in the placenta.

There are even some of these stressed or depressed cats even eat the placenta as well as the kittens. Other reasons are because :

  • The cat is not hungry at all

  • Cats don't mind leaving the placenta

  • Cats feel very safe hiding from predators


Is It Dangerous For The Placenta Or Placenta If Eaten By A Cat ?

Eating the placenta or the cat's placenta will not harm the mother cat. Instead, it has the benefit of filling, replenishing lost energy and as a nutritional supplement for the mother cat.


Are There Any Side Effects Of Cats Eating Their Baby's placenta ?

Based on Anggora's own experience, there are no side effects in the form of disease or danger from eating placenta or placenta for the mother cat. The only side effect is that the cat will be lazy to eat for a certain period of time because he feels he is still full after eating the placenta or the cat's placenta.

Maybe this is the end of the discussion about some of the reasons cats eat their own baby's placenta and things related to it. With this article, hopefully it can make you feel like you don't have to worry anymore when your cat eats her own baby's milk.

And add to your insight and can be useful for you. Don't forget to share this article with relatives, friends, other cat lovers and also share it on your social media accounts.

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