
5 Ways To Overcome Cat Doesn't Want To Eat Dry Food

As living beings, eating is something that must be done to survive and to meet the nutrients needed by the body of living things themselves. This is done by all living things in the world, including cats. But there are times when the cat will not want to eat.


Cat Doesn't Want To Eat Dry Food


This makes us as owners worry that a cat who doesn't want to eat will eventually get sick. Foods such as dry food that we provide are not even able to make cats want to eat. The smell of dry cat food doesn't seem to be able to attract a cat's appetite.

Cats only smell the aroma for a moment and then leave the food we have provided. Why do cats not want to eat dry cat food and how do you deal with cats who don't want to eat dry food ? To find out the answer, see Angora's explanation below until the end, good reader.


6 Reasons Cats Doesn't Want To Eat Dry Food

When a cat does not want to eat dry food, as a good owner we must find out the reason why the cat does not want to eat the dry food that we prepare for him. Finding out the reason why he doesn't want to eat his food will later be useful for us to provide the right solution.

So what are the reasons or reasons for the cat not wanting to eat its dry food. Here are some of the causes :

1. Dry Food Is Damaged Or Expired

Food that has been spoiled or expired will not only be harmful to the cat's health but will discourage the cat from eating it. This is because the food usually smells or tastes have changed. The cat's nose may not smell good anymore, the taste may also change.

What was delicious becomes bitter or sour when the cat chews the food. This is what makes the cat lazy to eat the food, Therefore, before giving your cat packaged food such as dry food or wet food, make sure to first check the expiration date on the food packaging.


2. Food Smells Change

The reason why cats don't want to eat dry food next time is that the smell of the food has changed. The general reason is that the food packaging is not tightly closed when it is opened. As a result, the smell of food is no longer fragrant.

There is also another reason why this food smells changed. Based on my experience, there are several foods with the same brand and the same taste and age variant but the smell is different. Of these 2 types of the same food, strangely my cat only chooses food from one package to another.

While food from other packaging, he doesn't want to eat it at all even though the brand and variant are the same.


3. Cats Don't Like Certain Dry Food Brands

Maybe this reason is similar to the reason the cat above doesn't like the smell of changing food. Some cats don't like certain dry food brands. Whether this is because of the taste of the food, the smell of the food, or because the texture of the food is a bit hard.

Or maybe because the cat is used to or likes certain brands of dry food. As a result, the cat doesn't like it when we replace its food with dry food from other food brands.


4. Sick Cat

Not only humans, cats even when they are sick will lose their appetite. Even if we give expensive and premium quality dry food cat food, cats will still refuse to eat it. Illness makes cats lose their sense of smell, pain when chewing, stomach upset and even frequent vomiting. So that the cat becomes lazy to eat.


5. Cats Like To Choose Food

Maybe for some people this reason sounds ridiculous but it is the truth. Your cat may like the whiskas brand but don't like other brands ( bolt, felibite, maxi or universal, royal cannin ).


6. Cat Is In Heat

The last reason why cats don't want to eat dry food is that the cat is in heat. Whether it's a male cat or a female cat, both will rarely eat and don't even want to eat dry food at all. When cats are in heat, they are more focused on mating by chasing cats of the opposite sex.

Even some male cats that are allowed to roam free will not come home for days. He only came home when he had finished marrying.


Then How To Overcome It ?

How to deal with a cat who doesn't want to eat dry food is easy. You can overcome this by following some of the tips below :

1. Try Changing Foods

Try replacing dry paint food with a new one. This method sometimes works for some cats. But if that doesn't work, try changing the flavor variant or even the brand of cat food. By applying these first tips, usually the cat will want to eat again.


2. Stop Giving Too Many Snacks

Giving too many snacks can make the cat no longer want to eat. Because the cat already feels full, this makes him no longer eager to eat the dry food that we give him. Giving snacks to cats is okay, just give just enough, not too much.

Also adjust the portion of snacks and food that you provide, so that the cat is healthy and not obese (overweight).


3. Mix Dry Food With Wet Food

If the method above doesn't work, the next method is to mix dry food with wet food. Mixing this food will make the food served taste new to the cat. The unique combination of scents from the two types of food can also attract a cat's attention.

Curious cats will try this food. When he likes it, the cat will eat voraciously and will continue to eat it until there is no food left in the cat's bowl.


4. Mix Dry Food With Other Foods

Maybe your cat is bored with the same food. So you need a little variation. Try mixing cat food with other foods such as river fish, sea fish, chicken, beef, egg yolks and the like. With this varied food, it will certainly make the cat's appetite come back.

The cat will come back to eat the dry food that we provide voraciously. This fourth method is usually quite effective in getting the cat to eat dry food again.


5. Take The Cat To The Vet

The last thing you can do if all of the above methods fail is to take the cat to the vet because your cat might be sick. The doctor will examine the cat's disease, prescribe medication and vitamins and advise on the proper treatment for the cat.

After the cat takes the medicine, the cat will gradually be healthy and over time the appetite that was lost will return.

Maybe that's all I can say about the causes why cats don't want to eat dry cat food and how to overcome them. Hopefully this article can help you solve your cat eating problem, add to your insight and be useful for you.

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