
10 Ways To Mating Angora Cats With Domestic Cats

Cats are just like humans, they also have lust for the opposite sex. This lust is a cat's natural instinct that helps him to marry. But sometimes the lust can not be channeled. It's not that we as owners don't allow it, it's just that we don't have other cats of the opposite sex to mate with our pet cats.


How To Mating Angora Cats With Domestic Cats


On the other hand, we cannot do sterilization because the funds in the wallet are running low and there are other needs that must be fulfilled first or maybe we really don't want the cat to be sterilized. Meanwhile, if we do not mate the cat, it could be that the cat is experiencing stress.

Finally, we decided to choose another alternative, namely to marry our beloved Angora cat with a domestic cat. This choice is not bad and even good in my own eyes as a cat lover.

In addition to being able to reduce the cat's lust, later we will also get a cute and cute kitten that makes the atmosphere in the house even more crowded. Before marrying a cat, the question is how to marry it ?

Now to find out, you can see the Anggora explanation below. Listen to the end yes.


10 Ways To Mating Angora Cats With Domestic Cats

Breeding an Anggora cat with a domestic cat is not so difficult. The way is the same as how to marry a cat that is usually. It's just that here we will marry between the Anggora race cat and the domestic cat.

If you want to mate a domestic cat and an anggora but don't know how, you can follow the steps for mating a cat below :

1. Find Out If A Cat Is In Heat

It will be useless if we have worked hard to marry cats but it turns out that one of the cats is not in heat. Because marriages between cats may fail because other cats refuse the marriage.

This failure occurs because the cat who is not lustful is angry and fights against the cat who wants to marry him. That's why it's important for us to know whether the cat is really in heat or not. In order to find out, you can see some of the characteristics of male and female cats in heat below :

Characteristics Of A Male Cat Lust

  • Often meows and the meowing sound is very loud

  • The meows are as if they are singing or calling

  • Likes to chase the female that appears in front of him

  • Likes to bite the back of the neck (neck) of the female

  • Those who used to eat normally are now lazy to eat

  • Likes to leave the house and rarely come home

  • What used to be good becomes happy to fight with other cats

  • He often sniffs the female cat's ass he meets

  • Sraying activity (spraying urine fluid carelessly)


Characteristics Of A Female Cat In Lust

  • Become more spoiled to his master or other humans he meets

  • Meow loudly with frequent and meowing intonation like singing

  • Happy to thrust his ass to the male he likes

  • Rolling around in front of the male she likes

  • Spraying or peeing indiscriminately


If you find that your pet cat is really in heat, then the next step is to check the cat's health condition


2. Make Sure The Cat Is Healthy

It is important for us to make sure that the two cats that we want to mate are in their prime condition and are not infected with certain viruses. Because if we don't make sure the cat is healthy and it turns out that when mated there is one cat who is infected with a dangerous disease.

Then the marriage may fail because one or both of the cats to be mated even fall sick or even die due to our negligence. That's why it's important for us to make sure cats are healthy and not infected with viruses or similar dangerous diseases.


3. Determine The Time of Marriage

After completing the health check, the next step is to determine when our Angora cat will be mated with a domestic cat. Determine the right time. That is the time when both cats are in heat.

By determining the right time, the marriage success ratio will be higher and marriage will be easy to do between our pet Angora cat and the village cat.


4. Introduce Cats To Each Other

Cats are the same as humans, both will not want to mate with other males or females that are foreign to them. When first introduced or introduced to each other, most likely cats will fight. To make them know each other and not feel foreign.

You can put them in a cage that has a screen. But make sure the divider has holes so they can see each other. Or you can also let them roam freely in the house. When they meet and then fight, let it be, as long as the fight is just an argument, not each other.

It will take more than a week for the two cats to get to know each other and begin to get along.


5. Unite The Cats In The Same Place

After you have finished introducing the cats to each other and the cats are getting to know each other, the next step is to place the cats in the same cage or leave them free in the house. Over time the two cats will get closer and when the cats accept each other then there will be a natural marriage.

Usually this happens within a week or over a week.


6. Separate The Two Cats

If the fifth method still doesn't work to get the cats to be attracted to each other, the next step is to separate the two cats so that later they look for each other because they feel lost. Keep the cats in separate cages or places so they can't see each other. Meet and then separate every day with a routine.

The success of this method will be marked by a certain attitude from the two cats. That is, both will meow at each other as if calling another cat. The meowing of a cat who feels lost is usually high-pitched and has a different intonation when he meows normally.


7. See If Cats Have Liked Each Other

See if the cats are starting to like each other by looking at some of the visible habits between the two cats. When cats like each other usually both will show some of the characteristics as below.

  • Often licking each other

  • Meow at each other when they lose each other

  • When close they don't fight

  • Can not be separated ( When separated, the other cat will chase the cat that we will separate with )


8. Marriage Stage

At the mating stage, cats that used to like each other will begin to mate. Cats that are ready to mate generally exhibit the following behaviors.

  • The male cat likes to chase and sniff the female's ass

  • When a female cat is in the presence of a male she likes, she will raise her ass and roll over to attract his attention


When cats mate it's best to let them mate as much as they want. In a day the cat's marriage is a maximum of 5 times a day.


9. Signs Of A Successful Cat Mating

Generally cats that successfully mate, the female will often roll around like hot on the floor or the ground. Not only that, the female cat will meow loudly when the marriage goes smoothly. Next, monitor the development of the female abdomen for several weeks.

If the marriage is really successful then you will see a change in the size of the cat's stomach. The cat's stomach will eventually get bigger, a sign that the cat is pregnant.


10. Characteristics Of Failed Cats Mating

Cats that fail to mate will generally experience the following :

  • Experiencing stress

  • Loss of appetite

  • Rarely or difficulty sleeping

  • Looks sad and restless

Maybe that's all the discussion about how to mate a village cat and an Angora cat easily. With this article, hopefully it can help you find out the right and easy way to mate your cat. And add your insight and can be useful for you.

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