
How Long Do Male Cats Stay Away From Home For Mating ? Here's The Answer !

When cats grow up they will enter the mating period. The period when male and female cats will have a strong desire for the opposite sex, this is also known as lust. Each cat itself has a different time to be ready to enter the mating period.


How Long Do Male Cats Stay Away From Home For Mating


For example, female cats are generally ready to mate and become pregnant at the age of 4 months, but in certain types of cat breeds, female cats will be ready to get pregnant at the age of 8 months or above.

As for male cats, based on Angora's experience, usually male cats will be ready to mate when they are over 5 months old. When a cat is in lust or wants to mate, there will be lots of things that bother us. Like a cat that often meows loudly, especially at night, sprays ( frequently pees on the wall ), likes to fight, is lazy to eat and a male cat goes out of the house to mate and doesn't know when he will return.

How long has the male cat been away from the house and when will he come back ? To find out the answer, Good Readers can read to Angora's explanation below until the end to find out


Is It True That Male Cats Are In The Mating Period ?

Before going into the main discussion, we should first know whether our beloved fur friends really want to get married. We need to make sure that the cat left because it was chasing other females for mating.

Not leaving the house because he got lost, died or was stolen by an irresponsible person. To make sure the male cat is lustful or wants to mate, you can match the following characteristics with your cat's behavior :

  • Cats often meow loudly many times

  • The meow voice is more pitched ( like singing or calling )

  • Spraying ( often peeing on the wall carelessly )

  • The cat that used to be calm has now become grumpy and likes to fight

  • Often chases other female cats

  • Often biting the nape of a female cat

  • It's better to be outside

  • Cats rarely come home


If you find at least the 6 signs above on your cat, you can be sure your male cat is in the mating period.


How Long Does It Take For Male Cats To Leave The House To Mate ?

There is no definite time that can determine how long the cat who wants to mate is away from the house. Because they can go a day, two days, three days, a week, 2 weeks to a month. But based on Angora's experience, cats are usually away for about a day or 2 days at most.

If above that, then you need to worry because your cat could be lost because he got lost while chasing the female cat he was after. Indeed, there are cases where male cats return after a week or even a month. Angora could say that because she had once or twice dealt with a male cat who acted like that.

But most of those who left for more than 2 days never came back. As explained above that most likely the cat can't go home due to getting lost.


What Should We Do When Cats Don't Come Back Home ?

Wait a day or two days. If the cat doesn't come back home then all you have to do is look for our pet cat. Look in a neighbor's house, an area near the house, a place where there is a lot of food or look near a garbage dump.

Or look for a place where the male cat often plays, look for a place where a lot of cats congregate, or look for where the female cat he is chasing is located. Usually the male cat will be not far from the places mentioned above. 


How To Prevent A Male Cat In Lust From Leaving The House

It will be very difficult for us to prevent male cats that are freed from entering and leaving the house. The only way to deal with this is to keep the cat in a cage until it is past its mating period. But this method will greatly affect cats, especially cats that are never or rarely locked up in cages.

Cats are likely to experience stress and health problems in their genital tract and can even develop cancer. Then is there another solution that can make the cat not run away and also have no effect on his health. There is another way, namely by sterilizing our pet male cat.

By using this method, the cat will be calmer and prefer to stay indoors. This method also makes the male cat lose his desire to chase the opposite sex. It's just that this method will drain a little of our wallet, it will also make the cat lose its reproductive ability.

The funds that must be spent are usually only around 100t dollars for male cats. But these prices vary depending on where you live. You can do sterilization at the veterinary clinic or the nearest vet in the city where you live. Is the cat's reproductive ability only temporarily lost if we do sterilization ?

The answer is no. The cat's reproductive ability will disappear permanently or its reproductive ability will disappear forever. As a result, sterilized cats will no longer be able to have offspring. That's why before you do this, you should consider very carefully whether this is the best thing you can do for you and for your beloved cat.

Although sterilized cats tend to be calm and like to stay at home, there is still the possibility of cats going out of the house. The reason may be because the cat wants to play, poop, want to pee or want to bask in the sun.

That's the discussion about how long male cats go from home to mate. With this article, hopefully it can help those of you who answer your curiosity. And add your insight and can be useful for you.

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