
5 Reasons Why New Adopted Cat Won't Eat

For those of you who want to keep a cat, of course, you will first adopt a cat. You can adopt a cat through a pet shop, from other cat lovers or pick up a stray cat you find on the streets. After finding a cat that can be adopted, the next step is to bring the cat home and then take good care of it at home.


My New Adopted Cat Won't Eat


But at the beginning of the cat's adoption there will be problems that we will face. The problem could be that the adopted cat often meows continuously, the cat does not want to eat, the cat does not want to drink, the cat always runs away from the house, the cat suddenly falls ill and various other problems

These various problems will certainly make us as owners confused why cats become like this. Especially if the cat won't eat at all. The cat might get thinner, weaker, sick and then die. Of course we don't want this to happen to our furry friends.

To avoid an adopted cat not wanting to eat, it's good that we first need to know what are the causes of a recently adopted cat not wanting to eat so we know how to deal with it. And so that you know what the cause is, Good Readers can read Angora's article below to find out.


5 Reasons Why Adopted Cats Won't Eat At All

As Angora just mentioned above, cats that have just been adopted sometimes often give their owners problems. One such problem is that the cat won't eat at all. Based on Angora's experience, the causes of newly adopted cats not wanting to eat include :

1. Cats Are Stressed

How does a cat feel stressed when the cat looked fine before? Stress in cats can occur when the cat is being brought in a vehicle to the house. At this time there is a high probability that the cat is panicking and then stressed.

When the cat is stressed, the cat will show unusual behavior. This change in behavior is also followed by the cat's loss of appetite. Some other behavioral changes that generally occur in stressed cats include: active cats become quiet, prefer to sleep, don't want to eat, often bite or lick their bodies and others.

Cats can also have a pica attitude, which is the cat's deviant behavior when eating. Cats with this disorder can eat their own or other cat's feces, eat hard objects that are not food or eat dangerous objects or liquids.


2. Cats Still Feel Drunk

The second reason is that the cat still feels drunk from having just been in a vehicle. This makes the cat still feel nauseous and uncomfortable with his current body condition. Now this feeling of nausea and discomfort can make a cat not want to eat at all.

A cat who still feels motion sickness should not give him food first until he feels better or if you are lazy to wait you can speed up his recovery by giving the cat a special anti-sickness medicine for cats.

When the cat no longer feels nauseous and feels that his body has improved, the cat will usually start eating normally again as before.


3. Cats Feel Afraid

Cats that have just been adopted may still be afraid of us and still think we are just strangers who can be mean to them at any time. So you can be sure that your cat is afraid of you.Y ou can see if the cat is afraid to be around you and is always trying to run away from the house.

Over time, usually the fear of cats will disappear, then the cat that used to not want to eat and was afraid of you will now eat normally and get used to your presence. They will even start to think of you as their new master and love to pamper you.


4. Cats Are Sick

When you've just adopted a cat and your cat won't eat at all, the cat maybe sick. Don't be upset with yourself for not knowing this and angry because you feel you have been cheated. This is normal considering that cats are animals that like to hide their pain.

That is why most cat owners sometimes too late realize  that their cat is sick and find it difficult to determine whether their cat is sick or not. You're not the only one who might feel cheated, but even previous cat owners likely didn't know about this at all.

When you experience this, you should not get emotional, stay calm and discuss with the cat owner before about what actions must be taken to overcome this.


5. Passionate Cat

If you adopt a cat that is old enough, the cat that doesn't want to eat could be because the cat is in the mating period ( the cat is in heat ). When the cat is in heat, the cat will usually be lazy to eat. Cats will want to eat when the cat feels that its lust has been fulfilled or when the cat is really feeling very hungry.

How To Overcome This ?

Overcoming this is actually easy, just remove the source of the cause and the cat will come back to eat like other cats. To eliminate the source of the cause, you can choose one of the options below. Choose according to the source of the cause. Some ways to overcome this are :

  • Give stress medicine to the cat

  • Give a special hangover medicine for cats

  • Mating cats or neutering cats

  • Take good care of the cat so that the cat is no longer afraid of you and so that he thinks of you as his owner

  • Take the cat to the vet for treatment because it could be that the cat is suffering from certain diseases


Maybe that's all the discussion about why a newly adopted cat doesn't want to eat. Hopefully this article will help you understand the reasons why newly adopted cats won't eat and how to deal with them.

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