
How Long Is Persian Cat Pregnant ? Here's The Answer !

Persian cat is a cat breed that comes from Iran and Turkey. This type of cat is identical to its short body, round face, small ears that are close together and what is very prominent among other characteristics is its flat nose.


Persian Cat Pregnancy Duration


Similar to other cats, this cat breed can also get pregnant and then give birth. But what distinguishes this cat from other cats is that Persian cats can only get pregnant when the cat is 10 months old and over.

Some Persian cats can indeed get pregnant even though they are not yet 10 months old, but this pregnancy is a risky and unsafe pregnancy. Because cats that get pregnant at a young age are often a factor in the high mortality of kittens.

Now discussing cat pregnancy, there are many of us who may not know at all how long Persian cats are pregnant. How long is a Persian cat pregnant ? Check out the answer in Angora's article below.


How Long Is Persian Cat Pregnant ?

How long is a Persian cat pregnant ? The Persian cat's pregnancy period can be said to be the same as other types of cat breeds. Usually Persian cats will be pregnant for 2 months before giving birth. Ranges between 62-67 days to be exact.

Persian cats will generally contain about 3-4 kittens but not infrequently some Persian cats will bear 6 children at once in one pregnancy. After 2 months, Persian cats will give birth and then will enter the stage of breastfeeding their children.

Cats will nurse their kittens for about 60 days. When the kitten begins to wean ( switch from breast milk ) and can eat other foods, other than breast milk, the mother cat will begin to stop feeding her kittens.

Apart from being able to eat other foods, the mother cat stops breastfeeding her kittens because she feels that her nipples hurt when feeding her kittens. This pain arises from the bite of a kitten's teeth, teeth that are starting to grow.

The cessation of the mother cat feeding her kittens is also a sign that the mother cat is ready to mate again. Not only ready to mate, but the Persian mother cat who has stopped breastfeeding her child will also be able to get pregnant again.

If you don't want to have too many cats, you should immediately do the sterilization when the cat has stopped breastfeeding her child.


Characteristics Of Persian Cats Are Pregnant

Not infrequently some of us cat lovers mistakenly think that a cat is pregnant even though the cat is not pregnant but its body is getting bigger and fatter. In order not to misunderstand and be able to tell the difference between a fat Persian cat and a pregnant cat, we need to know the characteristics of a pregnant Persian cat.

Pregnant Persian cats will generally show the following characteristics :

  • Cats who were mediocre or indifferent are now more spoiled

  • Often snoring when we rub his body

  • The cat's belly is getting bigger every day

  • Cat food portion increases

  • Cats often vomit

  • Nipple color changes

  • Being lazy to move

  • Spend more time sitting, lying or sleeping


Can Pregnant Persian Cats Be Batheed ?

Pregnant Persian cats can be bathed, but in bathing a cat we must be careful and pay attention to several important things before starting to bathe the cat. The first important thing that we must pay attention to is that the cat being bathed is a young pregnant cat.

Namely cats whose gestation period is under one month. Bathing this cat is much easier and less risky when compared to bathing a cat whose gestational age is quite old. This is because cats who are pregnant above 1 mont have a heavier body weight and a high level of stress.

We will find it difficult to bathe the cat because of its heavy body and because of the high possibility of the cat panicking and rebelling. An old pregnant cat that rebels when being bathed can make its stomach accidentally bump into the wall or bathroom floor.

If this happens, the potential baby in the womb can be in danger. The second important thing that must be considered is how to bathe the cat. For young pregnant cats, how to bathe them is the same as bathing a non-pregnant cat.

Just bathing our cats more careful and gentler in bathing them. Meanwhile, for old pregnant cats, bathing the cat is enough by cleaning its body using a clean cloth that has been moistened with warm water. Use the damp cloth to clean the cat's body parts that feel dirty.

After the cat's body is completely clean, then the next thing to do is dry the cat's body using a hair dryer until it is completely dry.


When Persian Cats Are Pregnant What Should We Do ?

When a cat is pregnant, there are actually many things we can do to keep our pet cat and its future baby healthy until the time of delivery. Some of the things that can be done include :

  • Bathing the cat

  • Provide nutritious food and adequate drinks

  • Supervise the cat's health condition during the cat's pregnancy

  • Keeping the cat safe

  • Keeping the cat from moving carelessly

  • Prevent cats from eating or drinking dangerous objects

  • When a cat is sick, take him to the vet as soon as possible


If A Pregnant Cat Gets Sick What Should We Do ?

The action we must take is to take the cat to the vet as soon as possible. This is because when a pregnant cat falls ill and is not treated immediately, this can threaten her safety and child in her womb.

That's why it is not recommended to treat pregnant cats independently at home. So, if your Persian cat who is pregnant is sick, take him to the vet as soon as possible so he gets better soon.


Maybe that's all the discussion about how long the Persian cat's gestation period is. With this article, hopefully it can make you know how long a Persian cat is pregnant and things related to Persian cat pregnancy

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