
5 Ways To Treat Cat Foot Pain

For us animal lovers, we are very happy to see our favorite animals active and moving to and fro. This, especially for cat lovers, is something that can make the owner calm because he feels his beloved cat is in good health.


Treat Cat Foot Pain


This is the opposite if the cat becomes inactive because of the injured leg and the cat becomes quieter. The owner will feel sorry for the cat and will try their best to find a way to treat a sore cat's paw. 

Even if it's not a pet cat but a stray cat, then a cat lover will definitely try to treat the cat's feet as much as possible so that the cat can walk normally or at least the cat's leg doesn't hurt and can heal itself over time.

Then how to treat a cat with leg pain? For Good Readers who are curious to know how to treat it, please read Angora's explanation below until it's finished.


5 Ways To Treat Cat Foot Pain

Actually, there are many ways we can do to treat a sore cat's paw independently. But to treat cat feet independently, we need to know in advance how the cat's feet are sick.

If the cat's leg pain is felt to be just a mild leg pain, it will be easy for us to treat it, but if the foot pain is severe then there is nothing wrong with bringing the cat to a more expert person such as a veterinarian.

Some ways to treat a cat with leg pain but the pain is relatively mild are as follows :

1. Looking For A Foreign Object That Hurts The Cat's Paw

The first thing we have to do when our cat's paw is injured is to find out if there is a foreign object stuck to our cat's paw. These foreign objects can be thorns, nails, bones, sharp wood chips, glass and similar objects.

When you find there are foreign objects that stick and hurt the cat's feet, then just get rid of these objects. Try to remove the object slowly and carefully so as not to further injure the cat's paw. If you find it difficult to remove it, ask a veterinarian for help.

After the object that hurt the cat's paw is removed, clean the wound with antibacterial soap. Then use Epsom salt that has been mixed with warm water to soak the cat's paw. By soaking the cat's paw in warm water with salt, this can help relieve swelling in the cat's paw.

After feeling long enough to soak the cat's feet, then dry the cat's feet and then apply antibiotic ointment.


2. Soak The Injured Cat's Paw With Ice Cubes

After being checked and it turns out that there are no foreign objects that stick and injure the cat's feet, there is only swelling of the feet, so the next step we can take to treat cat's feet is to compress the feet with ice cubes.

Compress the swollen feet for about 15 minutes, do it twice a day. This method can help increase blood circulation to reduce swelling and help speed up the healing process of a cat's swollen paw.


3. If The Cat's Paw Is Festering, Soak It In Warm Water Mixed With Epsom Salt

If it turns out that you don't find a wound, you don't find swelling and only find pus on the cat's leg, then try soaking the fester cat's leg by soaking it in warm water that has been mixed with Epsom salt. This will help the pus wound to deflate.

But if the pus doesn't deflate and even bursts then clean the wound as cleanly as possible then give antibiotics. Keep the cat from licking or biting the injured leg to prevent the wound from getting worse.

Always pay attention to the condition of the cat's feet, if the legs improve then you can breathe easy. However, if the condition of the legs is getting worse, then immediately take the cat to the vet for immediate treatment and proper treatment.


4. Put The Cat In The Cage

Putting a cat in a cage is one way to speed up the treatment of cat paws. By inserting the cat into the cage, the cat's movement will be directly restricted. This keeps the cat from moving carelessly which can result in getting sores or swelling on the cat's paws to get worse.

Oh yes, as long as the cat is in the cage, provide enough food and drink. Even better if the food given is special food for healing such as Royal Canin Recovery and the like. Don't forget to also put a litter box in the cage so the cat can get rid of its poop and pee.


5. Take The Cat To the Vet

Now the last way you can do after trying some of the ways above is to take the cat for treatment to the vet. This method is the easiest way and guarantees the cat's feet heal faster than the other methods above.

It's just that if we use this method we need to spend a little money to go to the vet. This method is also a last resort if a cat's leg that is slightly sore does not heal or gets worse.


Is This Method Effective For Treating Painful Cat's Feet ?

This method is quite effective for treating a cat's foot that is mildly ill. Remember that it is only effective for cat's feet that are slightly sick, for cases of cat's feet that are seriously ill, such as pain from accidents, virus infections, nervous disorders, the above method will not be effective.

Angora herself has applied several of the methods above and the result is that the pet cat's leg has successfully healed. The cat can walk normally again and run around like before when he is healthy.


The Way Above Vs Doctor's Treatment Which Is Better ?

From any side, it is seen that treatment with a doctor is much better than treating independently at home. Even so, if the cat's foot disease is only a mild pain and we can treat it independently at home, then there is no harm in trying to treat it ourselves.

But keep in mind that if the cat's foot treatment independently fails and the condition of the cat's foot pain does not improve, it gets worse, it is recommended that you take the cat to the veterinarian for treatment.

Those are some ways to treat a sore cat's paw. With this article, hopefully it can help you understand the right way to treat mild cat paw pain, add to your insight and can be useful for you.

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