
Can Eye Pain In Cats Heal On Its Own ? Here Is The Answer !

Cats are one of the animals that have beautiful, bright and attractive eyeballs. But things will be different if the cat's eye hurts. The cat's eyes will turn red, watery, covered with membranes and even covered with a membrane tertia ( white membrane ).


Can Eye Pain In Cats Heal On Its Own

The sick cat's eyes will change drastically compared to before. In addition, it making cat's eyes unsightly, sick cat's eyes will also cause our beloved cat to feel uncomfortable and fall asleep more often.

Then whether eye pain in cats can heal on its own ? Some of us whose cats are sick must have been curious about this. To find out the answer, Good Raeders can read article below.


Types Of Eye Diseases In Cats

Before going into the main discussion, it's a good idea to discuss a little about the types of eye diseases in cats. Diseases that attack cat's eyes generally there are 3 namely : Conjunctivitis, Eye Infection and Glaucoma.

1. Conjunctivity

The first common cat eye disease that occurs in cats' eyes is conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis is inflammation of the mucous membranes inside and outside the eye. This inflammation makes the cat's eyes red or pink in color.

Conjunctivitis in cats is the same as that in humans and both are equally contagious. Cats with conjunctivitis usually have the following symptoms or characteristics :

  • Dirty cat eyes

  • Reddish cat eyes

  • Cat's eyes look like they're swollen

  • Eye discharge can be clear, gray, yellow, green and the like

  • Can occur in one eye or both eyes

  • Sometimes accompanied by sneezing, mucus discharge and upper respiratory tract disease


2. Eye Infection

The next eye disease in cats is eye infection. This infection can be caused by a bacterial or virus attack and this infection occurs due to an upper respiratory infection that spreads to the cat's eyes. Is this infection contagious ? This infection may or may not spread based on the cause.

Cats suffering from eye infections will usually have the following symptoms or characteristics :

  • Often rubs his eyes with his hands

  • Often shrinks or squints his eyes

  • Swollen cat eyes

  • Reddish cat eyes

  • Watery cat eyes

  • Sometimes an infected cat can sneeze a lot and runny nose


3. Glaucoma

The last one is glaucoma. Glaucoma is an eye disease that can occur in cats. This eye disease is usually caused by a large amount of fluid that accumulates in the eye. This buildup then causes pressure on the eye.

In severe conditions this disease can make the cat's eyes permanently disabled due to blindness. Symptoms or characteristics that are generally present in cats suffering from glaucoma include :

  • Frequently rubbing his eyes with his hands

  • Reddish cat eyes

  • Watery cat eyes

  • Meow often

  • If the disease is very severe, the eyeball will appear swollen


Can Eye Pain In Cats Get Rid On Its Own ?

Generally, eye pain in humans can heal by itself if the disease is mild but does the same thing happen to cat eyes? The answer is yes, if the disease that causes eye pain in cats is an infection caused by bacteria or viruses and due to dust.

However, cats whose eyes can heal on their own are cats with high immunity levels and of course there are only a few cats that have this high immunity. That's why most cats whose eyes hurt, can't heal on their own.

These eye sore cats need to be helped to recover by giving antivirus drugs if the cause of the eye pain is a virus infection and giving antibiotics if the eye infection is caused by bacteria.

Because if it is not helped with medicine, it is feared that the infected cat's eyes will get worse and even the cat's eyes can go blind. Glaucoma is a cat eye disease that is dangerous and can cause blindness.

As explained above Glaucoma is an eye pain in cats that occurs due to a buildup of excess fluid in the eye which causes pressure in the eye. This disease will cause feelings of discomfort and disturbing for the cat sufferer.

If this disease is not seriously treated and left alone, it is very likely that the patient cat will experience blindness or permanent eye defects.


Then How To Cure A Sick Cat's Eye ?

To treat a sick cat's eye, you can do it independently, because currently there are many types of medicine for cat's eyes that are sold in pet shops or online stores. Generally, this cat's eye drug is sold on the market starting at a price of 5 dollars and above.

But before treating cat's eyes with certain eye medications, make sure that you buy the right medication for cat's eyes. Otherwise, the cat's eye will not be able to heal even if you use an expensive cat eye medicine.

Even pain in cat's eye can more worse. So make sure that you buy a fixed medicine and also when after being treated it turns out that the cat doesn't heal or the eye disease gets even worse, you should immediately take your pet cat to the vet.

Indeed, there must be money that must be spent for the cost of going to the veterinarian. However, this is better than letting the cat continue to suffer from eye diseases. Which if the disease gets worse then the cat's eyes can go blind.

When going to the vet, the doctor will usually check the cat's disease, ask a few questions about the cat and then the doctor will prescribe drugs and antibiotics. Sometimes doctors will give injections if they feel they are needed.


Recommended Eye Medicine For Cats

For those of you who want to treat your sick cat's eye independently at home, you can use some of the recommendations for cat eye medication by Angora which are below :

  • Gentamicin

  • Erlamycetin

  • PetAlive Eye-Heal Drops

  • Blue Bay Eye Vita

  • Trixin Cat

  • Terramycin

  • Pet Eye Drops


That's a discussion about whether eye pain in cats can heal by itself and things related to it. With this article, hopefully it can help answer your curiosity and help you in taking the right action for a pet cat who is sick with your eyes and add to your insight and can be useful for you.

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