
3 Herbal Medicines For Cats Can't Pee

One of the health problems that cats often experience is having difficulty urinating or not being able to urinate. When this happens it often makes the cat feel disturbed, uncomfortable and even feel pain.


Medicine For Cat Urinary Problems

For the cat's appetite itself does not seem to have decreased problems for the early stages of this disorder, but for more severe problems, cats will usually lose their appetite and enthusiasm for life.

When this happens, as owners, of course, we will feel worried about the cat's health condition. We will also try to find ways to treat our beloved fur buddy. Whether it's treating in a natural way or with chemical drugs.

On this occasion, Anggora will share information about several types of herbal medicines that can be given to treat the problem of cats having difficulty urinating and discuss matters related to this.

For Good Readers who want to know what are the herbal remedies for cats who have difficulty urinating, you can find out by reading Angora's explanation below.


Causes Cats Can't Pee

Discussing a little about the problem of cats having difficulty urinating, there are several reasons why this can happen to cats. Difficult urination in cats is often caused by FLUTD ( Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease ) or formerly known as FUS ( Feline Urinary Syndrome ).

This disease can occur in both male and female cats but this disease is more common in male cats because the urethra is small and has a narrowed channel so that blockage of the male cat's urinary tract is easier to occur.


Characteristics Of Cats Who Have Difficulty Urinating

Before giving herbal medicine to cats, it is necessary for us to first determine whether it is true that cats cannot urinate. The trick can be done by looking at certain characteristics shown by the cat. Its characteristics include :

  • The cat looks anxious and looks uncomfortable

  • The cat is lethargic and lacks enthusiasm

  • When this is a bit severe usually the cat won't want to eat

  • Cats look hard to urinate but have no trouble defecating

  • The cat tries to pee but no urine comes out

  • Cats often go back and forth to the litter box to urinate

  • In severe cases, urine will come out with blood when the cat pees


Cats who have at least 5 of the above characteristics in themselves, can be sure that the cat is really having problems being unable to urinate or having difficulty urinating.


3 Herbal Medicines For Cats Can't Pee

After we are sure that the cat is really having problems being unable to urinate, the next step is to take treatment. Treatment can be done using natural herbal remedies. Some herbal remedies that can help overcome the problem of cats having difficulty urinating are as follows :

1. Cat Whiskers

The first herbal remedy that you can use as a natural remedy for your cat is cat whiskers. This drug is widely sold in pharmacies. If you want to buy it just say that you want to buy herbal medicine cat whiskers extract.

For the price itself, you don't need to worry because this drug is sold at an affordable price. Maybe around the price of  5 dolars . Besides being cheap, this drug is also safe to give to cats because it is a natural medicine made from the cat's whiskers plant.

This drug has the benefit of treating infections in the bladder tract is also useful for lowering sugar. This drug can be given on the advice of a doctor. If giving your cat cat whiskers, give your cat water to drink often.

Besides being able to be used for cats, cat whiskers are also a drug that can be used on human.


2. Vescica

The second herbal remedy that you can give your cat who has difficulty urinating is Vescica. Vescica is an herbal remedy that can solve this cat's problem and is quite effective. Vescica has the benefit of treating difficulty urinating, bloody pee, urinating little by little and infections in the cat's urinary tract.

Dosage use is enough with 2 capsules that are given every day. Give in the morning and evening. Now, you can buy Vescica medicine at a pet shop in the city you live or you can buy it through an online store.

The price of Vescica drug contents of 30 capsules is generally sold at a price of 4 dollars. This price is commensurate with the amount of medicine and the benefits provided to the cat.


3. Stop Urinary

The next herbal remedy for cats who can't urinate is Stop Urinary. This drug is a drug that is formulated to treat urinary problems in cats such as inflammation, infection, difficulty urinating and other problems related to urinary problems.

This medicine is also made from natural herbs such as Pumpkin Seed, Glucosamine, Cranberry, and Dandelion Leaf. Not only that, this medicine also contains astragalus root and marshmallows. Just like Vescica, you can easily buy this medicine at a pet shop or online store.

You can buy this drug at prices ranging from 4 dollars for a size of 30 ml. Prices vary depending on where you live. To treat adult cats use 8 to 12 drops while for small cats use 4 to 6 drops.


To Make Medicine More Effective, Also Do Some Of These Ways

Along with giving some of the herbal medicines that Angora recommended above, you can also do several other things to make the effects of the drugs more effective. This method can help you overcome the problem of difficult urination in your cat.

What are the ways you can see below :

1. Meet The Cat's Drinking Needs

The problem of cats having difficulty urinating is actually often caused by a cat's lack of water consumption. That's why it's important for us cat owners to provide the cat's daily drinking needs.

Provide a special drinking bowl right next to the cat's feeding bowl to make it easier for the cat to find his drink. Also make sure the drink we provide is water that has been cooked thoroughly. We do this so that cats are not attacked by harmful parasites in raw water.

For cats who are very difficult or lazy to drink, you can use foods that contain lots of fluids such as wet food as a substitute to meet the needs of the cat's body fluids.


2. Give Your Cat A High-fiber Diet

Not only because the cat not drinking enough, the lack of dietary fiber can also make it difficult for the cat to urinate. As we know that high-fiber foods are able to overcome problems such as constipation. This food can also help overcome the problem of urinary incontinence in cats.

So, try to give your cat a high-fiber diet. Instant cat food such as wet food and dry food are generally high in fiber content.


3. Make The Cat Actively Move

Invite the cat to move more, activities such as playing with the cat and walking with the cat, you can do it to force or influence your beloved cat to move more.


Maybe that's just some of the drugs that you can give to deal with the problem of cats having difficulty urinating and some ways that can help cats urinate more easily. With this article, hopefully it can help overcome urinary problems in your cat.

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