
5 Causes Cats Sleep After Grooming

Cat lovers are certainly no stranger to the term grooming because we ourselves often do grooming to our cat. Discussing a little about Grooming, Grooming comes from English which means treatment. Means Grooming Cats is doing cat tratment.


Cats Sleep After Grooming


Grooming in cats includes bathing the cat, trimming the cat's nails, combing the fur or cutting the cat's hair. For us, grooming is not limited only to make cats look more groomed and tidy but also for health reasons.

That's why we routinely groom cats. Besides that, Grooming is also a very fun activity and gives certain satisfaction for us cat owners. Grooming a cat can also improve the relationship between the cat and its owner.

When doing grooming, there is usually something that happens to cats regularly, namely some cats are always asleep. Why is the cat always like this every grooming? Find out the answer in Angora's article below.


5 Reasons Why Cats Sleep After Grooming

After the cat is groomed, we often find our cat falling asleep. Why are cats like this and what causes cats to be like this. Here are some of the causes :

1. Feel Comfortable

The first reason is that the cat feels comfortable. Cats who feel comfortable when groomed will often fall asleep. This often happens to cats when we are combing their fur to get rid of fleas and hair loss.

The fleas getting away and the rubbing of the brush touching each side of the cat's skin often makes the cat feel comfortable. As a result, a cat who was forced to sit on our lap or near us because we wanted to comb his body, over time he will fall asleep.

Even cats will not infrequently continue to fall asleep even though cat grooming has been done.


2. Cats Feel Tired

Grooming is of course very tiring for cats, especially if the grooming is done all at once. Maybe we see that cats just stay still when they are combed, trimmed their nails or just bathed so that this will not make them tired.

But for the cat this is tiring and also very boring. Cats who feel tired and very bored, just when the grooming is over, our pet cat will rest for a while by sleeping.


3. Cats Feel Cold

The next reason why cats sleep after grooming is that the cat feels cold. This generally occurs in cats that have just been bathed. Isn't it that he won't be cold even though we have dried his fur ? The cat will still feel cold. It's like when we take a shower after that we dry our body with a dry towel.

Still after that we will feel cold even if only for a moment or feel colder body temperature. If the body feels colder, of course we know what this animal is always doing, usually the cat will choose to sleep.


4. Cats Feel Their Bodies Are Fresher And Good

Shortly after bathing, of course, we will feel our bodies are fresher and feel good. This also applies to cats. After the cat is bathed, the fleas are removed, the fur is trimmed neatly and the nails are cleaned, of course the cat will feel better than before.

This is because cat feels his body is getting cleaner, fragrant and the fur and fleas that used to bother and make his body itchy have now been removed from his body. This is one of the reasons why cats will sleep after grooming.


5. Cats Really Want To Sleep

Many of us may think that cats sleep for sure because it is caused by something such as caused by several things which Angora has mentioned before above. In fact, cats really just want to sleep.

Maybe the time after Grooming the ca, it does coincide with his nap schedule so that as soon as the cat Grooming is over, the cat then goes to sleep. So, if the cat sleeps after grooming, chances are the cat really wants to sleep.


Then If The Cat Sleeps, What Should We Do ?

If there is nothing important that we have to do for our cat, then it's best to let the cat stay asleep and don't wake it up. Because letting the cat sleep after Grooming is the right choice we do because it relates to the cat's daily sleep needs.

Not only that, it is also good for the cat's health, makes the cat's immune system strong, it will also help the cat's growth. Adequate cat sleep will also reduce the risk of cats experiencing stress.


Can Cats Who Sleep After Grooming Be Associated With Certain Diseases ?

According to Angora's knowledge, this cannot be associated with any disease and this is normal or normal for cats. Even from some of the information that Angora found that this is not only normal it is also good for cats.

If you have doubts about this and feel that the cat is sick, then there is nothing wrong with taking the cat to the vet for a checkup. We can do this as an anticipatory step as well as to remove doubts in the heart.


Can We Keep Cats From Sleeping After Grooming ?

Some cats sometimes don't sleep after Grooming, but most of them will sleep once Grooming is done. So it will be difficult for us to keep the cat awake as soon as the cat finishes Grooming. Now from the discussion above we can conclude that the causes of cats sleeping after grooming are :

  • Feel Comfortable

  • Cats Feel Cold

  • Cats Feel Tired

  • Cats Feel Their Body Is Fresher And Tasty

  • Cats Really Want to Sleep


Maybe that's all the discussion about some of the reasons cats fall asleep after grooming and things related to it. Hopefully this article can help you understand this and add to your insight.

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