
4 Help Measures For Cats That Accidentally Stepped On

There are times when we step on a cat. It's not that we have bad intentions and want to hurt the cat but that we accidentally step on the cat. This accident happened because the cat likes to sleep anywhere.


What To Do If I Accidentally Stepped On My Cat


This also happens because the cat likes to play and run between the feet of its owner or people who are considered part of the family. When we accidentally step on a cat, this will certainly cause trauma for both the owner and the pet fur friend.

This incident will also cause physical injury to the cat that was stepped on. And when there is an injury, of course there must be treatment or first aid that we must provide to treat the wound or minimize the wound so that it doesn't get worse before taking the cat to the vet.

So what are the steps we can take to help a cat that is trampled on ? Find out how by reading to Angora's article below to the end.


4 Help Measures For Cats That Accidentally Stepped On

When a cat is trampled, it is necessary for us to immediately provide first aid to our trampled cat. We do this first aid as an effort to help the cat before taking the next medical action. In general, the help we can give to a cat that has been trampled on by its feet, stomach or head is as follows :

1. Checking The Body Parts That Stepped On

Try checking the part of the body that was stepped on, if there are no injuries, wounds or other signs that arise as a result of stepping on a cat, then you can breathe a little easier. Examples of injuries, wounds or signs that arise due to a cat being stepped on are as follows :

  • Cat can't walk

  • The cat is limping

  • Cats walk by rubbing their bodies on the floor

  • Cats excrete when their stomach is stepped on

  • The cat is vomiting

  • The cat walks with a stagger due to its head being stepped on


If the cat has one of the signs above, we can conclude that there is a problem with the inside of the cat being stepped on. And need further examination by a veterinarian to determine the cat's health condition.


2. Watch For Changes In Cats

After we check and it turns out that there are no injuries, wounds or signs of the cat being stepped on, then monitor the cat for a few days to see if there are certain changes in him. These changes could be changes in the nature, behavior or appetite of the cat.

Cats are able to hide their pain but the three things above can indicate that the cat is not well. When there is a change in some of the things above, it can be confirmed that the cat actually has an invisible wound or injury.

This is what makes cats feel uncomfortable and sick so that their appetite is lost, they become more quiet and often sleep and cats that were once kind, spoiled and obedient can turn out to be very angry and aggressive.

On the other hand, if the cat behaves normally and no changes occur to him, it means that the cat is not experiencing problems on the inside of his body.


3. Checking The Cat To The Vet

Even though there are no injuries or physical injuries and certain signs and no changes ( changes in appetite, behavior ), it is still important for us to check the cat to the vet. The doctor will examine the inside of the cat's body using certain tools.

If a problem is found, the doctor will advise the cat to immediately undergo surgery to resolve the problem of broken bones, internal injuries and other problems. If it turns out that after being checked the cat is fine, then we don't have to worry anymore and can bring the cat back home.

You can also consult a doctor whether your cat needs vitamins or if there is a special treatment for our cat that is accidentally stepped on.


4. Treating Cats

After the cat is examined, it turns out that it has internal injuries, so inevitably we have to let the doctor handle the problem. Because if it is not treated immediately, it is feared that the cat can be disabled, bleeding in the brain and the risk of death.

Spending a lot of money is probably the right choice for us compared to losing the life of a beloved cat that we consider as a family member.


What About Trampled Kittens ?

As we know that the bone structure and body of kittens are much weaker when compared to adult cats. When a cat is accidentally stepped on, it can be ascertained that the kitten will suffer injury or internal injuries.

If the kitten that is trampled on is a cat under the age of 2 months, it is likely that the cat will suffer fatal injuries which often cause death if the stomach is stepped on and the cat head is stepped on.

 If the foot is stepped on, it may only cause the cat to be deformed or the cat's foot to be permanently abnormal. Kittens over 2 months old who are accidentally stepped on should immediately take them to the vet for immediate examination and treatment.


What If A Cat Is Stepped On By A Motorbike ?

Logically, the weight of a motorcycle is several times heavier than a cat's body. Well, if this thing runs over the cat's body, of course it will give the cat's body a wound. If this is likened to a mini truck that crushes certain parts of the human body.

For this reason, a cat that hit by a motorcycle should be immediately taken to the veterinarian for treatment, especially if the part that was stepped on was the stomach. Oh yes, being stepped on here is being stepped on when moving a motorbike from the house or putting it into the house and not being ridden ( riding ).

Not stepped on by a motorcycle passing on the road. Because most cats that are run over by motorbikes on the streets will generally die a few moments later due to serious injuries so it is impossible for us to take them to the vet for treatment.


Is It True That If The Head Of An Adult Cat Is Stepped On By Our Feet, The Head Will Not Hurt ?

The skull of an adult cat is indeed tougher when compared to that of a kitten, but there is still a risk of head injury if the cat's head is accidentally stepped on. If accidentally kicked, maybe the cat will be fine.

As long as the kick is not too strong, it only hits the skull, not the neck. Even if a cat that is kicked slowly will not hurt, you should still check with the vet. This is to make us more confident that it is okay for cats and to avoid unwanted things.


Maybe that's all the discussion about rescue measures for a trampled cat. With this article, hopefully it can make you know what to do for a cat that is accidentally stepped on and questions related to this.

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