
8 Signs Your Young Persian Cat Is Pregnant

When the Persian cat has entered the age sufficient to mate, the cat will do the mating. A smooth marriage will allow the cat to become pregnant and have offspring. However, for a female Persian cat, even though the cat has mated, the cat will not be able to get pregnant unless the cat has reached the age of about 9 months or 10 months before the cat can get pregnant.


Signs That My Cat Is Pregnant

Persian cats that are pregnant at this time can be said to be pregnant young. As we know that pregnant cats and giving birth at a young age tend to experience many risks such as a high risk of child mortality, breech birth, unwilling to take care of their children and so on.

But even so, a young pregnant cat for some Persian cat owners is a happy thing. This happiness is like a happy grandfather who will have grandchildren and happy that pregnancy will give a new family member who will enliven the atmosphere of the house.

Then how do we know that our Persian Pet cat is pregnant ? To find out how Good Readers can read Angora explanation below.


8 Signs A Persian Cat Is Pregnant Young

Well, to find out whether our Persian cat is pregnant or not, of course, we can't just guess. We must look at certain characteristics or signs shown by the cat to make sure she is pregnant or not. Some of the characteristics or signs of a young pregnant Persian cat include.

1. Cats Are Very Spoiled

The first sign of a young pregnant cat is the nature of the cat turning into very spoiled. Cats who were initially indifferent to us now look more spoiled. Cats become happier to be near or around us. Cats like to be petted, happy to sleep on our laps or on our feet, cats often rub their bodies against our feet or hands and our bodies.

Cats also often follow us to and fro as if they don't want to be left alone. So, if you feel that your cat is becoming more pampered and approachable, it means that your Persian cat is pregnant.


2. Become Frequent Purr

When a cat is pregnant, the cat will not only be more spoiled, it will also purr more often. Usually the cat will often purr whenever he is near the person he loves. Cats will also often purr when we hold or stroke the cat's head and body.


3. Cat's Stomach Looks Bigger Than Before

Similar to humans, a pregnant cat's stomach will gradually get bigger. If you feel that your Persian cat is pregnant, try to pay attention to the development of its large belly every day. If her belly is getting bigger and bigger, this means that our beloved Persian cat is indeed pregnant.

Oh yes, you also have to be able to distinguish well between a pregnant cat and a sick cat. Because not all of the cat's stomach is enlarged it is a sign that the cat is pregnant. Cats with worms or cats with stomach problems such as cancer, tumors, abdominal swelling, obesity and the like can make the cat's stomach big and swollen.


4. Cats Appetite Increases

At the beginning of a Persian cat's pregnancy, the Persian cat's appetite will usually increase greatly. Cats will eat more than ever before. This is natural considering that at this time your beloved fur friend does not only eat for himself but for the fetus.


5. Cats Often Vomit

This one is the same as what is experienced by humans who are pregnant. When a Persian cat is pregnant, the cat will often vomit. Apart from being due to the influence of the fetus in the womb, this is also influenced by the cat's more sensitive sense of smell in the early days of pregnancy.


6. Cat Nipple Color Changes

The next characteristic or sign of a Persian cat who is pregnant is a change in the color of the nipples. A pregnant cat's nipples will usually appear larger than they were before. In addition, the color of the nipples also changes, the color of the cat's nipples will turn red and a bit dark.


7. Be A Little Less Active

Cats that were previously active wandering here and there, playing or happy to run, now cats will become less active. Cats don't like to move too much and prefer to spend their time leisurely walking, sitting or lying down.


8. Cats Will Also Sleep More Often

The last sign is that the cat will sleep more often. Indeed, before that, cats often fell asleep and most of their life was spent sleeping. But the cat's sleep time will increase when the cat is pregnant, especially if the cat's gestational age is old enough, the cat will sleep more often.

Even if a pregnant cat is not sleeping, he only spends time sitting, lying down or cleaning his body.


How To Take Care Of A Pregnant Persian Cat ?

How to care for a young pregnant Persian cat is the same as caring for a normal pregnant cat. The method is as follows :

  • Sufficient food and drink needs

  • Sufficient daily nutritional needs

  • Keeping your cat healthy

  • Making sure the cat stays safe and doesn't do anything dangerous

  • Keeping the cat from eating any food and drink it finds

  • Bathing a cat, for a cat who is pregnant, the body can be cleaned using a cloth that has been moistened first

  • Take your cat to the vet if you feel the cat is sick or something is wrong with his condition


Maybe that's all the discussion about the signs or characteristics of Persian cats who are pregnant young. With this article, hopefully it can make it easier for you to determine whether your cat is pregnant or not.

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