
6 Reasons Why Cats Are Easy Surprised

As we know cats are cute and funny animals. This is the reason why many cats are kept as pets in various parts of the world. Besides being cute and funny, cats are also famous for their unique behavior.


Why Cats Are Easy Surprised

One of the unique cat behaviors, among others, is that cats sometimes like to be surprised. Sometimes cats like to be surprised when we call them, when we approach them or when we intend to hold them.

Seeing the behavior of a cat who likes to be surprised like this, surely we have asked ourselves about this. Like asking yourself if this is normal for cats and does this affect the health of cats and similar questions related to this ?

For those of you who have thought about this and want to know the answer, then you are in the right place. Because in this article, Anggora will discuss some of the reasons why cats like to be surprised and things related to them. 

Read to the end so you don't miss any important information.


6 Reasons Why Cats Are Surprised

Cats startled is a common thing that happens to cats. This can happen to any type of cat, whether it's a purebred cat or a domestic cat. Usually this is caused by several things. The types of causes vary, ranging from trivial things or things related to disease.

So what are the reasons why cats like to be surprised ? Here are some of them :

1. The Cat Is Focused On Something

The first reason why cats are easily startled is because cats are focusing on something. Cats are so focused that they don't know what's going on around them. As a result, the slightest loud noise suddenly appearing nearby would make a cat jump in surprise.

Usually a cat will focus when he is watching other cats that are his enemies, seeing something that attracts his attention, monitoring small animals that will be his prey, eating his prey or eating food that he gets from street places or trash cans.

If you don't believe what Anggora mentioned above, then try surprising the cat when it does some of the things above. Approach the cat slowly so he doesn't notice then startle the fur pal.

Undoubtedly you will see cats make surprised movements such as turning towards you quickly, shaking their bodies, jumping, running and the like.


2. Cats Don't Realize Your Presence

The second reason why cats are easily startled is because the cat doesn't realize your presence. When a cat doesn't feel your presence and suddenly you call its name or hold its body, the pet cat will spontaneously be surprised by jumping or turning quickly while turning towards you.

He turns to you as if he wants to be mad at you or as if he wants to say "hey man, you surprised me". So, don't be surprised if your cat is surprised because this could be caused your cat doesn't realize your presence.


3. Your Voice Startles The Cat

The next cause is that your voice startles the cat. If you make a loud sound from inside your mouth or a loud sound produced by certain objects that are close enough to the cat, this can startle the cat.

Such as if we hear a loud sound that appears suddenly near us it can startle us. That's why if your cat is easily startled, this could be because your voice or the sound that you produce is too strong and sudden, so that it makes the cat startle.


4. Cats Have Certain Trauma

Cats that have experienced trauma are generally more easily startled than cats that have not had trauma. This is because the cat that has been traumatized becomes very fearful, especially of things or objects related to the cause of the trauma.

As a result, cats become very easily startled or shocked when they hear certain sounds, surprised when we approach them, surprised when we call their name or surprised when we hold or stroke their body without their knowledge.


5. The Cat Is On Alert Mode

Cats startle easily when they are in alert mode. This is because the same as cause number 1 that Anggora mentioned before, a cat that is in alert mode will focus on something that he perceives as a threat and ignore other unimportant things.

So that if we approach a cat, the cat will not realize our presence and when we hold, stroke or call it, the cat will spontaneously be surprised and move away for a moment.

Furthermore, the cat may approach us to just say hello or the cat will resume its alert mode again.


6. Cats Are Easily Startled

Some cats are easily startled. It's not because the cat has a disease, no. But cats are indeed one type of cat that is easily startled. It's like some people we know who might get startled easily.

It's not that they have a particular disease, it's just that that's their characteristic, easily startled. To be more sure that our beloved fur friend is not affected by a disease, you can have your cat checked by the vet.

If no signs are found that the cat has a disease, then you can be sure that your beloved cat is indeed the type of cat that is easily startled.


Is A Easy Surprised Cat Normal ?

Being shocked or surprise is a normal thing that can happen to cats and this certainly won't disturb their health, provided that cats shouldn't be surprised often or often deliberately shocked.

Because if a cat is often shocked or surprised either intentionally or unintentionally, this can cause the cat to experience stress and can even cause heart problems.


Is This Related To Certain Diseases ?

Not at all, cats easily startled have nothing to do with certain diseases. Then what about heart disease ? Isn't it easy to be shocked because it is caused by heart disease?

Once again, Anggora said clearly that this had nothing to do with disease, especially heart disease. You need to know that being easily shocked is caused by heart disease, it's just an untrue fact aka a lie.

Whether it's for cats or humans, heart disease will not make the sufferer easily startled. Easily startled itself is a condition in which an individual is not ready to feel or experience something that appears suddenly.

So it can be concluded that cats easily startled is not a sign that cats have or suffer from certain diseases.


Is This Not a Problem, Let It Be ?

According to Anggora's own experience, it doesn't matter if you let this happen, but if you really feel worried about the condition of your cat, which is easily startled, then there's nothing wrong with bringing the cat to be examined by a vet.

We do this with the aim of checking the cat's condition, avoiding unwanted things or consulting a veterinarian about the condition of our cat.


Those are 6 reasons why your cat is easily startled. With this article, hopefully it can help answer your questions about the causes of cats being easily startled and things related to this.

As well as add to your insight and can be useful for you. Don't forget to share this article with relatives, friends, other cat lovers and also share it on your social media accounts.

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