
8 Meanings Of Purring Cats You Must Know

What does purring cat mean ? A purring cat is a purring cat. Purring itself is a foreign language. Based on Anggora's own knowledge, purring comes from English, purring which means snorring in Australia.


what does purring mean for a cat

To be more clear, purring in cats is when the cat makes a low, regular sound and sounds like purr-purr-purr while the cat is doing the inhalation or exhalation.

After reading the article above, now you understand the true meaning of purring cat, but did you know that purring cat also has another meaning, in which the meaning of purring itself is more like nonverbal communication between cats and humans to show their condition or feelings.

Then what is the other meaning of the Purring cat ? For Good Owners who are curious to know, they can read Anggora's writing below. Read to the end.


8 Other Meanings Of Purring Cats

Purring cats don't just purr, but there is another meaning behind cats doing all of these things. Which we can use as a way to understand the cat's condition and understand what the cat is thinking. Based on Anggora's own experience, purring in cats can mean :

1. The Cat Asks For Food

The first meaning is your cat asking for food. If your cat does purring while rubbing its body or head against your body, that means the cat is asking to be given food. The cat will do this until you give it food.

If you don't feed it then it won't stop bothering you or it will most likely go to sleep if you don't feed it.


2. Feel Comfortable

The next meaning is the cat feels comfortable. Cats purring because they feel comfortable. Cats generally feel comfortable and do purring when they are near their owners or people they care about.

Remember, cats are only purring and it can only be interpreted that they feel comfortable when they are around the people they care about and they do purring only in silence, not while rubbing their bodies against other people.

Because if he did this while moving then it could have another meaning. Oh yes, cats do purring and it means they are comfortable when they are around the people they care about, apart from that cats rarely do purring even though they feel comfortable.


3. Cats Want To Be Petted

If you stroking your cat and then a few moments later he purrs, this means that the cat wants you to keep stroking him, especially in certain parts that he feels itchy or pleasant to stroke.

Sometimes if you stop doing this the cat will catch your hand as if it is asking for the stroking to be continued or it will look at you with begging eyes so that you continue stroking itself.


4. Cats Like Your Stroking

If a cat purring when you stroke it, it means that it really likes your stroking. Because if the cat doesn't like your snorring then the cat won't purring.

In fact, a cat that doesn't like your stroking will ignore you or even go away from you because it feels that what you are doing is only making the cat feel disturbed.


5. Calm Yourself

If humans calm themselves in their own way, cats will calm themselves by using their purrs. Cats also sometimes purr when they feel pain or injury. This is what cats do to calm themselves, much like a child will suck its thumb when it cries which will make the child calmer and feel better.


6. Healing

In addition to calming himself down, a purring cat can also be interpreted as a cat that is helping to heal itself. Experts believe that a cat's purr can help cats heal faster.

This is because when a cat is purring, its purring produces a certain frequency where this purring will help heal bones, help heal wounds, help repair tendons, reduce pain, ease breathing and reduce swelling.

Remember, it only helps with healing, not as a healer, if a cat is sick, it must be given medicine so that it recovers quickly from its illness.


7. Forms Of Mother And Child Communication

Mother cats often do purring with their kittens. This is a form of communication between the mother cat and her kittens. Apart from that, purring also helps the mother cat to bond with her kittens.

The mother cat will often purring when :

  • Licking her body

  • In his son lick

  • Calling his son

  • Playing with his son

  • Will sleep with his son


8. Cat's Last Message Before He Dies

The meaning of the last purring cat is that your cat is most likely giving you his last message before he dies. Even though this rarely happens, it is not impossible for you and your cat.

In general, this is often done by cats which have quite severe illnesses or cats who are in a dying condition. Cats purring in this state as if they were saying something.

Like "Don't be sad when I'm not there", "Don't be traumatized by raising a cat again when I die", "take good care of yourself and stay healthy when I'm not there" and various other messages that we may not understand because of a cat's purring.

So, when your cat is in a bad condition or dying and purring it could be his last message to you before he dies. At that time try to give the best thing or the best impression on him before he left.



From Anggora's writing above, we can conclude that other meanings of cats purring include :

  • Cats Feel Comfortable

  • Cat Asks For Food

  • Cats Want To Be Stroking

  • Cats Love Your Stroking

  • Calm down

  • Healing

  • Forms Of Mother And Child Communication

  • Cat's Last Message Before He Dies


That's what a purring cat means and 8 other meanings of a purring cat. Hopefully, this article can help answer your questions about the meaning of purring, which is usually done by your favorite fur friend.


As well as add to your insight and can be useful for you. Don't forget to share this article with relatives, friends, other cat lovers and also share it on your social media accounts.

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