
7 Reasons Why Cats Like To Purr When Near Us

Cat purring is a common thing that happens to cats. All cats, of course, cannot be separated from this one thing. Whether it's a purebred cat or a locals cat, they all purr when they want to.


Why Cats Purr On You

As owners, of course, we often see and hear our cats purring, but have we ever thought about what causes our cats to purr, especially when our cats are near us.

For those of you who are curious about what causes cats to like to purr, especially when they are close to us, Good Owners must read Anggora's writing below. Read to the end.


7 Reasons Why Cats Like To Purr When Near Us

There are various reasons why cats like to purr, especially when they are near us. Based on Angora's knowledge, this cause is generally a normal thing and has nothing to do with health problems in cats. Then what are the reasons cats like to purr when they are close to us ? Here are some of them :

1. Cats Want To Be Spoiled

The first cause is the cat wants to be spoiled. When a cat approaches you and purrs, it's likely that the cat wants to be spoiled. He really wants to be pampered by his owner by stroking his body.

All cats will do this when they want to be pampered by their owners. However, most cats that often do this are female cats, especially if the female cat is in heat, the cat will purr more often and act very spoiled.

Meanwhile, male cats themselves also sometimes purr and ask to be pampered, it's just that male cats seem to do this less often and they look more indifferent when compared to female cats.


2. Cats Feel Comfortable

Maybe the cat feels comfortable being with you or around you, that's why it only likes to purr when you're around. Try to pay attention when the cat is around other people, see if he does the same.

If a cat doesn't purr when it's with other people, then this can be confirmed that the cat is not comfortable with them and only feels comfortable when it's with you, who is the owner. From this we can confirm that cats like to purr near you because they feel comfortable with you.


3. Seduce You So That He Is Given Food

If this one, surely all of us cat lovers know this. Cats who feel hungry usually do this often. They will come to us and then seduce us by rubbing their bodies while meowing.

The cat will continue to purr and rub its body until we give this fur friend food. If we ignore the cat, the cat will continue to seduce and disturb us or the cat will go and choose to sleep.

So, if the cat purrs near you while meowing and rubbing its body, this is caused by the cat feeling hungry and wanting to be given food.


4. Cats Want To Be Petted

Do cats like to purr near you when you are stroking your cat? If so, then this is because the cat is happy for you to be stroked and the cat makes a purring sound as a code or a sign that the cat wants you to keep stroking it.

Apart from purring, another sign that the cat wants to be petted is that the cat will hold your hand when you stop stroking the cat or the cat will stare at you as if it is begging you to continue stroking the part of its body that you stroked earlier.


5. Cats Like Your Stroking

Maybe this is because you stroke the cat's head or body, as a result the cat seems to purr only when it is with you when in fact it purrs because you stroke its body or head.

The reason may be because when we stroke a cat's body or head, we accidentally stroke the part where the cat feels itchy but he himself is unable to reach it using his paws or mouth. Usually cats only purr when cats like a pet from someone.

He won't purr if he doesn't like it even though we have tried to pet the cat as best we can.


6. Cats Feel Safe

Apart from feeling comfortable, a cat that feels safe will like to purr when he is around someone. This is what cats usually do when they feel that they are completely safe when they are around you.

A cat won't purr if it doesn't feel safe around someone. In fact, instead of purring, the cat will run scared if he is near someone who is scary or he perceives as a threat to himself.


7. The Cat Wants To Near You For The Last Time

The final cause is a cat purring because it wants to be near you one last time. Usually this is often done by cats who are suffering from a serious illness or are dying and can also be done by cats that will die suddenly.

Initially, we will not realize that a cat that purrs with us is a sign that the cat will leave us. Basically we think that a cat who is sick and then purrs and coddles is a sign that he will recover.

When in fact this is the last thing he wanted to do before he left. He did this as a way to make us as owners not worry about his current condition and at the same time as his way of saying goodbye.

We usually only realize this when he is gone. That's why if you don't want to regret later when this happens to you, then while the cat is still alive, be kind, take care of the cat as best you can and love it sincerely.


These are the 7 reasons why cats like to purr only when they are with us. Hopefully this article can help answer your questions about the reasons why cats like to purr when they are with us.

As well as add to your insight and can be useful for you. Don't forget to share this article with relatives, friends, other cat lovers and also share it on your social media accounts.

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