
8 Reasons Why Cats Are Restless Pacing Back And Forth

For those who have pet cats at home, of course, sometimes they are surprised by the behavior of cats, which are sometimes strange and adorable. One of the strange and adorable cat behaviors is the cat pacing to and fro.


Why Cats Are Restless Pacing

The cat's pacing is sometimes accompanied by a cat's meow. Many of us cat lovers who see this cat's behavior may think that the cat does this just to seek attention, to play or just to spend its free time.

But actually not like that, the cat's pacing is caused by something. So what causes a cat to do it ? For Good Readers who are curious to know what the reasons are, you can read Anggora's writing below.


8 Reasons Why Cats Are Restless Pacing

Cat pacing isn't just pacing for no apparent reason or purpose. Cats do this for a reason. So why do cats do it ? The following are some of the reasons why cats walk around us :

1. Cats Will Give Birth

The first reason why cats are restless pacing is that your cat is about to give birth. If at home you have a cat who is in a state of big pregnancy and then she looks restless while pacing back and forth then she might give birth.

Cats that are about to give birth will usually be restless pacing back and forth. The reason why the cat did this based on Anggora's own knowledge was because the cat :

  • Haven't found a suitable place to give birth yet

  • The cat is restless because it wants to give birth

  • Cats are confused because they feel that their stomach is uncomfortable, usually this occurs in cats that have never experienced childbirth at all or are about to give birth for the first time

  • Cats are looking for friends or other cats to accompany them when giving birth. If you see your pregnant cat biting the nape and dragging another cat to the place where she wants it, this is a sign that she wants another cat to accompany her during childbirth.

  • The cat asks you to accompany him. This is marked by a cat that always follows you while meowing and then a few moments later he returns to where he wants to give birth. Then a few moments later he came back to you with a meow. The cat will do this repeatedly and the cat will do it in close time intervals


2. Cats Eat Something

The next reason why cats are restless and pacing is because cats are eating something. Maybe your cat finds leftover food, chicken bones, fish bones, or he finds small animals that can be eaten, but there are other cats who always try to grab the food.

As a result, the cat tries to escape by running away, the cat will continue to do this and pace back and forth until it feels safe from the disturbance of other cats.

Now, after he feels that the situation is safe, he will continue to eat his food again. Usually a cat that has food or small animals in its mouth will meow as if it is angry and always look for a safe and comfortable place for it to eat its food.


3. The Cat Is Hunting

It could be that your pet cat, which is pacing, isn't anxious, but the cat is busy hunting small animals such as cockroaches, lizards, lizards and similar small animals. Cats that are hunting usually often move back and forth following their prey.


4. Cats See Something New To Him

When a cat sees something new for him, the cat will pace back and forth restlessly. Cats often meow too. For example, when we move to a new house, we often see cats walking around the house.

Cats will look restless and also confused while pacing back and forth in our new home. But you don't worry about this, usually the cat will return to normal behavior as usual when it gets used to this new thing.


5. The Cat Saw Something That Scared Him

When a cat sees something that is scary for him, the cat will also be restless and pace back and forth. A cat that sees something scary will usually run into the house then it will be quiet for a while and then the cat will come back out of the house and peek.

He will peek to see if something he is afraid of is still there, if it is still there, the cat will run back into the house. The cat will continue to do this 2 to 3 times or even continue to do it until the cause of the fear has disappeared.


6. The Cat Saw Something That Caught Her Attention

Cats will pace around restlessly when they see something scary and the same thing applies to cats that see something that catches their attention. If a cat sees something that catches its attention from the window of the house, the cat will run out of the house looking for something that catches its attention.

So when the cat doesn't find it, the cat will return to the window to see where the position of the thing that interests it is then it will come back out of the house looking for it. The cat will go back and forth doing this until it finds what it is looking for or until it gives up looking for it.


7. Cats Hear Something Scary To Him

Cats are not only restless and pacing when they see something scary, but cats will also do this when they hear sounds that are scary to them. At first the cat will pace to and fro because it is astonished to hear the sound.

Then eventually the cat will decide to find a safe place to hide until this sound disappears. When the scary sound is no longer heard by the cat, the cat will come out of hiding.


8. There Are Children Or Strangers Coming To The House

For some reason, pet cats will always be very alert and afraid when they see children ( not our children ) or strangers. Not only that, cats will also look restless and pace to and fro when children or family relatives visit.

Angora knows for sure that cats do this because they are alert and afraid of children who like to hold them tightly and are afraid of their children's voices which sound high to the size of a cat's ears.

But for foreigners who visit the owner's house, until now Anggora is still not sure whether the cat is just being wary or the cat is afraid of the people it has just met.


What Should We Do With Cats Behaving Weirdly Like This ?

If the cat is restless and pacing because of the arrival of small children or other people to our house, according to Anggora, the best thing to do is to lock the cat in a cage or room.

This is because the cat is at risk of running away from the house and not returning because it is afraid of the children or the person even though they actually have no malicious intent towards the cat. Oh yes, this action is especially for those of you who keep cats only in the house.

For those of you who let cats freely go in and out of the house, actions such as locking the cat in a cage or room are not needed. Then if your cat is pacing because she is about to give birth, the best thing you can do is accompany the cat and help her give birth.

Or you can also take your cat to the vet to make the birth process easier and safer. So what if the cat is restless and pacing because of the 6 other causes as mentioned above ?

No action is needed, just leave the cat alone, as time goes by and the source of the cause is gone or the cat has been resolved, the cat will return to normal and will also stop pacing.


Those are the discussion of 8 reasons why cats are restless pacing here and there and what action should we take if we see a cat like this. Hopefully this article can help those of you who are confused about this.

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