
7 Reasons Why Cats Often Poop

Defecating in cats is normal if the cat only defecates 2 to 3 a day. But if a cat defecates more than that, for example a cat poops up to 5-6 times a day and even more than that, then this is not natural for cats.


Reasons Why Cats Often Poop

Cats often defecating can happen to all cats, be it purebred cats or local cats without exception. However, most of these things often happen to local cats, although it does not rule out that stray cats can experience them too.

Frequent defecation in cats is caused by various causes and this generally leads to food, drink, bacterial and parasitic infections or problems with the cat's digestion.

There are those who have frequent bowel movements only temporarily and there are also those who have frequent bowel movements and continue to occur until the cause is resolved. Then what are the causes that make cats defecate more often ?

Then how do you deal with it so that the cat can defecate again at a normal frequency ? For Good Owners who want to know what the causes are and want to fix it immediately, you must read Anggora's writing below.


7 Reasons Why Cats Often Poop

As explained above, there are many things that can cause why cats have more frequent defecating than before. Cats that previously only had two to three defecating a day are now having more frequent to do it.

Based on Anggora's knowledge, there are several reasons which are generally the main causes that make cats defecate more often. Some of these causes include :

1. As A Result Of Worms

The first reason why cats have frequent bowel movements is because cats suffer from intestinal worms. Worms in cats are generally caused by indiscriminate feeding of cats.

An example is the provision of raw food in which there are still many harmful bacteria or parasites because the food has not been cooked thoroughly. In addition to giving raw food, raw water, dirty nails, mother cat's milk and licking dirty cat fur can cause cats to suffer from intestinal worms.

When cats have worms, cats will generally defecate more often, they can defecate more than 5 times a day. Not only that, cat feces will turn soft like a cat having diarrhea.

In cases of severe worms, cat feces are not just soft but cat feces will also have worms, cat feces will turn black and bleed.


2. Cat Diarrhea

When a cat has diarrhea, the cat will poop more often than before. Cat feces will also change shape to become more liquid, similar in shape to the shape of cat feces that has worms.

Cats that experience diarrhea will usually have frequent defecating and when they do, sometimes only a small amount of feces comes out of their anus. This makes the cat's stomach uncomfortable and the frequency of cat defecating increases.

In some cases of cats experiencing diarrhea, the cat cannot control its bowel movements so that cat feces come out by itself from the anus and the cat defecates carelessly.

In addition, cat feces that has diarrhea will also have a smell that is 2 times more pungent than healthy cat feces.


3. Cats Are Fed Raw Food

The third cause is that cats often eat raw food. As with humans, cats will also have stomachaches and diarrhea if they are often fed raw food.

In cases where cats often defecate as a result of raw food, sufferer cats are more common in local cats. The simple reason is that most cat owners tend to ignore special cat food.

They assume all food can be eaten by cats. So that they just give food to their cats. It doesn't matter whether the food is safe or dangerous for cats.

As long as the cat eats it and the cat likes it, they will continue to give it to the cat. That's why if you want your cat not to have diarrhea and frequent defecating, avoid giving raw food to your pet cat.

Start giving cats food that has been thoroughly cooked or instant food such as dry or wet food which is widely sold in the market. Oh yes, apart from local cats, stray cats are also one of the animals that often eat raw food. 


4. Cats Are Often Given Raw Water To Drink

Just like raw food, drinking raw water can also be a reason why your cat has more defecating than before. This is because cats are infected by parasites or bacteria which are abundant in raw water.

So when a cat often drinks raw water or is often given raw water as a drink, the cat will automatically be infected with bacteria or parasites in raw water which makes the cat have problems with digestion.

As a result, cats can experience constipation, diarrhea, intestinal worms, frequent defecating and other digestive ailments. After you know that cats can have digestive problems when they drink raw water, before giving water as a drink to cats, boil the water until it's cooked first.


5. Cats Drink Lactose Milk

Try to remember if you have recently given your cat human milk ( not cat milk ). If so, then maybe this is the main cause that makes your cat defecate more often.

You need to know that human milk generally contains lactose which most cats are intolerant of it. If a cat drinks lactose milk, it can cause digestive problems in cats, one of which is that the cat has frequent defecating.


6. Poisoned Cat

Mild poisoning in cats can also cause cats to have more frequent defecating. Generally mild poisoning in cats often occurs due to cats eating expired food, expired milk, stale food or eating small animals in the house.


7. Cats Eat Wild Animals

The sixth cause is the possibility that your cat has just eaten wild animals. This is what makes your cat poop more often. When cats eat wild animals, there are three things that trigger why cats have more frequent bowel movements, namely :

  • Raw meat, cats eat raw meat which makes them sick in their stomach and defecate more often

  • Parasites and bacteria, parasites infections and bacteria that are in the body of wild animals will enter the cat's body and infect the cat's digestive tract. This results in the cat experiencing digestive problems which makes it defecate more often

  • Cat poisoning and affect the performance of the digestive organs


How To Make Cat Back To Normal And Not Poop Too Often ?

There are several ways you can do to make your cat stop pooping too often. These methods include:

  • If you feel that your cat has worms, then give him worm medicine

  • Don't give the cat raw food

  • Don't give your cat raw water to drink

  • Do not give the cat human milk

  • Prevent cats from eating wild animals

  • Treat cat diseases, for example if the cat has diarrhea give it diarrhea medicine and if the cat is poisoned then give it young coconut water or take the cat to the vet

  • Take the cat to the vet if the 6 methods above are not effective for treating cats with frequent defecating


That's a discussion about what causes why pet cats poop more often. With this article, hopefully it can help you find out what might be the cause of why cats defecate more often.

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