
16 Easy Ways To Take Care of Angora Cats So Their Hair Doesn't Lose

The Angora cat is a type of cat that has long and thick fur. Especially on the tail which has fur that is thicker and longer than the hair on the rest of its body. Because this cat has thick and long fur on its tail, it is not uncommon for this cat to be nicknamed a cat with a feather duster.


How To Take Care Of Angora Cats So Their Hair Doesn't Lose

This nickname was given based on a cat's tail that looks like a duster. Dense, thick and beautiful hair on the Angora cat is not something that can be obtained without good care.

If the Anggora cat is not cared for properly, this cat will instead have hair, thin, dull and even the cat's hair will often experience hair loss.

Of course we don't want this to happen to our beloved Angora cat. So that our cats don't experience this, as good owners we need to know how to properly care for the Angora cat's fur so that the cat's fur is always thick, long, beautiful and doesn't experience hair loss.

Then how ? Tthe Good Owner can see how to do it in Anggora's writing below. Read to the end.


16 Ways To Take Care Of Angora Cats So Their Hair Doesn't Lose

Taking good care of our beloved Angora cat is a must. Caring for an Anggora cat is not only about prepare its food and drink needs but also having to pay attention to the health of its body, one of which is paying attention to the health of the cat's fur.

To care for the Angora cat's fur so that the fur is dense, long and does not fall off easily, it requires certain methods. Here are some of the events :

1. Comb Cat Hair

Make it a habit to brush your cat's fur at least once a day on a regular basis. This will help the cat clean its fur from dirt and loose hair so that the cat's fur becomes healthier. In addition, this can also reduce the risk of cats experiencing hairball problems.

To comb your cat's fur you need to use a special cat comb, you can buy this comb at pet shops or online stores. The price is quite cheap, only about 5 dollars. Oh yes, when combing a cat's fur, make sure you comb it gently and slowly, so it doesn't hurt our beloved cat.

By combing your cat's fur, you not only keep your cat's fur healthy, you also keep your cat's skin healthy, reduce the risk of hairballs and prevent hair loss problems in cats.


2. Bathing the Cat

Bathe the cat once a week, when bathing the cat make sure you use a shampoo product that has the benefit of maintaining the health of the cat's fur, anti-flea, anti-fungal and also anti-bacterial and safe to use for cats.

This type of shampoo is very good to use for cats because it is not only able to maintain healthy fur, it is also able to prevent skin problems in cats. You need to know that skin problems in cats are one of the main reasons why Angora cat hair loss.

Skin problems in cats can make cats lick their skin and fur more often, as a result, the licked hair falls out easily and sometimes causes irritation or sores on the cat's skin.

That's why to keep cat fur healthy and strong, make sure the cat is bathed once a week or twice a month and use shampoo products that are good for healthy fur and are able to make hair strong and not fall out easily.


3. Give Egg Yolk

Egg yolks are rich in protein and have good benefits for cat fur. Apart from that giving egg yolks is also considered able to make the cat's body fat and good for the health of the cat's skin. Try giving egg yolks 3 times a week as a supplement for cats.

When you give an egg yolk to a cat, make sure to only give the yolk and avoid giving the white part of the egg to the cat. This is because part of white egg are not good for giving to your beloved cat and can have a bad effect on the cat's health.


4. Vitamin E

Not just egg yolks, you can also give your cat vitamin E. Yes, you can give vitamin E, which is usually consumed by humans, to your fur friends. Giving vitamin E to cats can prevent loss of cat hair.

In addition, vitamin E for cats is also useful as:

  • Antioxidant

  • Maintain healthy cat skin

  • Good for pregnant cats

  • Maintain hormone balance

  • And others


Before you give Vitamin E to a cat, ask your doctor for advice regarding the appropriate dose of vitamin E for cats. This is done so that giving vitamin E is safe for cats and cats can feel the maximum positive effect.


5. Fish Oil

Apart from vitamin E, fish oil is also good for strengthening our Angora cat's fur. This is because fish oil contains lots of Omega-3. Try to give the cat fish oil 2 times a month.

For those of you who don't know where to buy fish oil, you can buy it at the nearest pharmacy to your home or buy it at a pet shop and from your regular vet.


6. Nutritious Food

The sixth way to deal with Anggora cat hair so that it doesn't fall out easily is to provide nutritious food to the cat. Providing nutritious food for cats will not only be able to help cats stay healthy and help their growth and development so that cat hair does not fall out easily.


7. Give Cats Special Food For Cat Hair Health

Giving cats special food for the health of cat hair is also one of the efforts you can make so that your Anggora cat's hair doesn't fall out easily. You can buy this type of food at pet shops or online stores. Some examples of good cat food brands to prevent hair loss and thicken cat hair include :

  • Royal Canin Hair And

  • ProPlan Derma Plus

  • Ori Cat Kitten Hai

  • And others


8. Dry The Cat Regularly In The Sun

Dry the cat regularly in the morning in the sun. The morning sun is very good for cats because this sunlight contains natural vitamins which are very good for the health of the cat's body and fur.

Diligently drying the cat in the morning will strengthen the cat's fur so that the hair does not fall out easily. This will also make the cat look more charming. Oh yes, when you dry your cat in the sun, it's best to dry it for about 5-10 minutes or just a few moments.

Because if the cat is exposed to the sun for too long then the cat will feel hot and might get dehydrated.


9. Set The Room Temperature To Be Cool

Maybe many of us think that heat will not affect cat fur, when in fact heat can affect cat hair and make their hair fall out easily. That's why to avoid this you should set the room to keep it cool.

If you have air conditioning at home, you should set the room temperature at around 25-30 degrees Celsius.


10. Give Cat Powder

After each cat is bathed, give the cat a special powder for cats. This product can clean fur from dirt and fat, besides that this product can also help anticipate fungi, bacteria and prevent hair loss in cats.


11. Drugs And Vitamins

Also give the cat medicines and vitamins that are specially formulated for the health of the cat's fur. By giving cats special drugs and vitamins for cat hair, this will make cat hair strong, not easy to fall out and look thicker and more beautiful.

You can buy medicines and vitamins at Petshop or online stores. Before giving a cat medicine and vitamins, you must first read the instructions on the outside of the package or ask for a doctor's recommendation.

We do this to keep the cat's hair and skin healthy and vitamin supplements can be given safely to cats.


12. Avoid Stress On Cats

Avoid stress on cats, if a cat has stress then it should be handled immediately. Stress on cats can cause cats to have abnormal behavior, such as cats being happy to bite their skin and often licking their fur, resulting in cat hair falling out easily and cats experiencing baldness in certain areas.


13. Don't Give Cats Seafood Too Often

Don't give seafood such as salted fish, shrimp, tuna and other seafood to our Anggora cats. Because these foods can cause skin problems in our pet Angora cats.

Then what is the relationship between skin problems and cat hair loss ? If a cat's skin has problems, automatically our Angora cat will often lick its body which it feels itchy.

If a cat often licks its body, then you know for yourself what happens to the hair that the Angora cat often licks. Yes, right. Cat fur will experience loss in the area.

Provision of food that comes from the sea may be given to cats provided that the food is only occasionally given to our cats.


14. High Protein Foods

In general, instant cat food does contain protein which is quite high, but there is nothing wrong for us to provide additional high protein food for cats as food or just a snack. Because high protein food is very good for skin health and for cat hair.

This type of food is able to regenerate skin cells, help hair growth, strengthen cat hair and can help thicken cat hair.


15. Prevent Cats Fight With Other Cats

The hair loss of the Anggora cat is not solely due to poor food or care, but it can also be caused by cats that often fight with other cats. That's why try to prevent your Anggora cat from fighting with other cats. So that cats don't fight with other cats you can do :

  • Locking cats in cages

  • Locking the cat in the house

  • Sterilize cats

  • Caring for cats of different sexes

  • Drive away other cats that enter the house


16. Check With The Veterinarian Regularly

The last one is checking the cat to the vet regularly. We do this to monitor the cat's health condition while minimizing the cat's exposure to certain diseases which can affect hair growth and cause hair loss in cats.


Maybe that's all the discussion about easy ways to care for Angora cats so that their fur doesn't fall out easily. Hopefully this article can help you get a satisfying answer.

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