
Is It True That Local Cats Are Cold Resistant ? Here Is The Answer !

Local cats are different from other cats. According to Anggora, this type of cat is a type of cat that has a physically stronger tendency compared to other types of cats.

Is It True That Local Cats Are Cold Resistant

Anggora said this because as long as Anggora kept local cats, these cats rarely got sick. Even though they are sick, local cats only often get mild illnesses and are also very easy to recover from it disease.

With a note that the cat is cared for properly and not given random food. Isn't it the same, if other types of cats are cared for properly and not given any food they will still rarely get sick

It's true, it's just that when compared between local cats and purebred cats, which are both cared for properly, the local cats are physically much stronger and less likely to get sick than purebred cats.

Especially if the local cat is not a ordinary local cat aka a stray cat, then according to Anggora himself, his physical body is stronger when compared to any type of pet cat or local cat.


Then Can Local Cats Withstand Cold Temperatures ?

local cats do have a strong physique but with this strong physique can local cats withstand cold temperatures ? Surely many of us have thought about this question.

So, are local cats really cold-resistant ? The answer is it can be no and can also be yes. This depends on how cold the temperature is where the local cat itself is, if it is at a normal cold temperature then the cat will be resistant to that temperature.

Even if the air is a little cold, cats can still survive because cats are warm-blooded animals, in which warm-blooded animals themselves have the ability to regulate their body temperature.

When the air is cold he will be able to make his body warm and vice versa. However, if the local cat is in a place where the cold air temperature is quite extreme, then the local cat will not be able to withstand the cold.

He will not be able to withstand the cold even though inside his body he has organs that are able to make his body warmer when the temperature is cold.


What Temperature Is Too Cold For Local Cats ?

Cats are indeed able to adapt to their surroundings, but if the air temperature around them is too cold then they cannot make their physical body warmer by using thick clothes or jackets like humans do.

That's why this is where our role as local cat owners is to know to what extent our local cats can tolerate cold. We must know this so that we can keep the cat warm so that he will not get sick easily.

Based on information that Anggora has collected from several reliable sources, the limits of air temperature that can be tolerated by the local cat's body indoors and outdoors are :

Indoor Air Temperature

Local cats don't really like very cold temperatures even though they are indoors. The cold temperature limit in a room that a local cat can stand is around 60-68 degrees Fahrenheit or about 15 to 20 degrees Celsius.

Local cats can indeed survive in this cold temperature room, but for local cats this temperature is cold enough. Because when he is in a room with a temperature of 15 to 20 degrees Celsius, you can see a cold local cat and pacing around looking for a hot place or warm enough to cool his body.


Outdoor Air Temperature

For outdoor air temperatures, cats can only survive temperatures of 50 degrees Fahrenheit or 15 degrees Celsius. local cats are able to survive at this temperature, but for local cats this temperature can be said to be quite cold and there is a risk of the cat getting hypothermia.


What About Rooms That Have Air Conditioners, Are Locals Cats Resistant To Air Conditioning ?

For those of you whose house has air conditioning and you happen to have a cat at home, surely you have to think about whether local cats can be in air-conditioned rooms and whether local cats are resistant to air conditioning.

Local cats may be in an air-conditioned room, this will not make the cat sick or endanger their health. local cats are also resistant to the cold produced by Air Conditioner ( AC ).

However, when the cat is in an air-conditioned room, make sure that you regulate the air temperature produced by the AC around 20-25 degrees Celsius with humidity around 40 to 50 percent. This is a fairly comfortable temperature for local cats.

Oh yes, if you see that your cat looks cold at this room temperature, then you should raise the temperature until you see that the cat no longer feels uncomfortable because of the cold.


How Do We Know Our Locals Cats Are Cold ?

It is impossible for us to directly ask our fur friend whether he is cold or not because cats do not understand what we are saying. The only way for us to know whether our cat is sick or not is by looking at the characteristics he shows when he is cold.

You can see the characteristics of a cold cat below :

  • The cat's body seemed to tremble

  • The cat's heart rate is quite low

  • The cat looks limp and powerless

  • Cats breathe very slowly


If you see that this feature is present in your cat, you should immediately try to warm your cat's body or take the cat to the vet for immediate treatment.


If Local Cats Are In An Ideal And Warm Room Temperature, Can Cats Still Get Sick ?

Even though we have adjusted the room temperature to a temperature that is considered ideal for cats, our local cats are still at risk of falling ill. They are still at risk of catching flu, fever and similar illnesses.

Cats are at risk of falling sick not because of the air temperature which is not really suitable for our cat's body condition but the cause is something else. The cause can be a bacterial or virus infection and others.

Therefore, when you feel that the room temperature in your house is ideal enough for a cat, but the cat still gets sick, you can think that this might be caused by other things, such as a cat being infected with certain viruses or bacteria.


Maybe that's all the discussion about whether local cats can withstand cold temperatures and questions related to them. Hopefully this article can help you get a satisfying answer.

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