
7 Reasons Why Cats Don't Want To Eat Dry Food

All living things that live on this earth need to eat so they can maintain their own survival and cats are one part of these living things. Cats need to eat to live but there are times when the cat will not want to eat at all. They will not want to eat the food we provide.


Reasons Why Cats Don't Want To Eat Dry Food

Even dry food which is usually their favorite food, cats will reject it outright. Of course, a cat that doesn't want to eat will make us as owners worry that the cat will get sick and wonder why the cat doesn't want to eat dry food.

Not only that, we will try our best to make our beloved cat want to eat again. Then what makes your favorite fur friend not want to eat dry food anymore and how do you deal with it ? Find out the answer by reading Anggora's post below.


7 Reasons Why Cats Don't Want To Eat Dry Food

When our fur friends are not in the mood to eat foods like dry food, it is important for us to find out what causes cats to become like this. By knowing the cause later we can find the right solution to overcome this problem.

Based on Anggora's experience, several causes are generally the main causes of this problem, namely :

1. The Cat Is Still Full

Don't immediately decide that a cat that doesn't want to eat dry food is because it's sick. Don't be in a hurry to conclude something, it could be that your cat is just still full so it doesn't want to eat at all.

Try waiting until the cat is really hungry or wait another 2 to 3 hours before giving the cat food again. If after 2-3 hours the cat wants to eat the food we serve to it, that means the cat doesn't want to eat because before it was still full.

And vice versa if the cat still doesn't want to eat at all, this can be caused by other causes such as the cat still not feeling hungry.


2. The Cat Is Not Hungry Yet

Maybe your cat isn't hungry yet, that's why even if you give him dry food that he likes, the cat won't want to eat it. So in order for the cat to want to eat it you just have to wait until it's hungry.


3. Cats Don't Like Dry Food

If cats don't like the food we give them, cats won't want to eat it. It doesn't matter what kind of food we give him, if he doesn't like it then he won't eat it.

To overcome this, try giving your cat dry food with a different brand or flavor than what you are used to giving. If it turns out that after being replaced, the cat wants to eat again, then you can be sure that the cat doesn't like the dry food that you previously gave it.


4. Cats Feel That Food Is Not Worth Eating

Before giving a cat cat food, be sure to check the cat food first. Check whether the food you give is still fit to eat or not. If the food is not fit to eat then maybe this is the reason the cat doesn't want to eat the food.

Even though cats are animals that are classified as greedy when finding food, cats are still animals that sort food. When he feels that the food is not fit to eat then he will ignore the food.

Cats know that food is not fit to eat by smelling food and tasting food. For them food that smells bad and tastes strange is food that is not worth eating. Oh yes, when cat food has spoiled it should no longer be given to cats.

Don't give it to cats if you don't want your cat to get sick due to stomach pain, digestive problems or poisoning.


5. The Smell Of Dry Food May Have Changed

Apart from the fact that food is no longer suitable for eating, for cats the smell of food will also affect the cat's appetite so that the cat will not want to eat the food.

This incident is similar to us humans, when we smell food it has turned into a bad smell, so we will lose our intention to eat the food. Changes in the smell of food often occur due to negligence of the owner.

This negligence can be in the form of forgetting to close the food packaging, not closing the food packaging tightly, misplacing dry food and so on. If you don't believe that the smell of food can make cats not want to eat dry food, then you can do an experiment.

Try giving cats 2 dry food of the same type and taste, the difference is that one is cat food whose smell has changed and the other is cat food that is new and has not changed in smell.

From this experiment you will find that cats will prefer to eat dry food whose smell has not changed and will not want to touch dry food whose smell has changed.


6. Your Cat May Be The Picky Type

It's not only humans who can have picky eater traits but it turns out that cats also have it. Some cats like to sort out the food they will eat. Cats will only eat food they like and will avoid food they don't like.


7. Your Cat May Be Sick

When a cat is sick, it is natural for our beloved cat not to want to eat. The main cause is the result of a cat losing his appetite because he feels his body is sick. Apart from the body feeling sick, other causes that make cats lose their appetite, namely :

  • The cat's body feels uncomfortable

  • Pain in certain parts such as pain in the mouth that occurs in cats with gingivitis, mouth inflammation, sore throat and other problems

  • Decreased or disturbed sense of smell

  • Pain in the cat's stomach

  • And others


Then How to Overcome This ?

After we know what makes cats not want to eat dry food, the next thing we have to do is to overcome this. So, to overcome this, you can try using the following methods :

  • Feed the cat at meal times

  • Give the cat dry food that is still good

  • Make sure you store dry food properly so that the food doesn't spoil quickly or the smell changes

  • If the cat doesn't want to eat old food, try replacing it with new food

  • If the cat still doesn't want to eat, try changing the dry food to another brand or a different flavor

  • When a cat is sick, treat the cat


Those are the 7 reasons why cats don't want to eat dry food and how to solve this problem. Hopefully this article is useful for you.

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