
6 Easy Ways To Overcome A Cold In Cat

Cats are cute and adorable mammals. Which animal is this one, because of its cuteness, it is often kept as a pet. Not only that, cats also have many unique behaviors that often make people around them happy and always want to be near them.

How To Overcome A Cold In Cat

In return for a cat that makes us happy, of course they or we who are cat owners will take good care of the cat. But even though we the cat owners, have taken good care of cats, surely there will be many problems that occur to cats.

One of the many problems is a cold cat. Cold cats seem to be a trivial problem, especially for those who have just entered the cat world or are beginners in taking care of cats.

For them this is indeed trivial but actually it is not, problems such as a cold cat are not trivial because if left unchecked it can make cats suffer from diseases such as fever, flu and even this can take their life.

Death in cats due to cold in cats themselves is mostly caused by cats experiencing hypothermia. Hypothermia is a condition in which a cat's body experiences a drastic decrease in body temperature so that vital organs in the body such as the heart, kidneys and the like are at risk of experiencing malfunction.

Surely we don't want this to happen to our beloved cat, right ? That's why when the cat is cold, hasten to overcome it. So how do you deal with a cold cat ?

For Good Owners who want to know how, you can listen to Anggora's writing below. Read to the end.


6 Easy Ways To Overcome Cold Cats

As Anggora explained above, a cold cat is not something that is classified as trivial and must be dealt with immediately. To overcome this is actually quite easy, especially if we already know how. For those of you who want to make cats no longer cold, you can try the following methods :

1. Make Sure That The Cat Is Indeed Cold

Before we start dealing with cold cats, we better make sure whether the cat is really cold or not. Because later it will be funny if we try to make the cat not cold even though the cat actually isn't cold. A cold cat is often marked by a sneezing cat.

However, sneezing cannot be used as a benchmark, there are several other characteristics of a cold caT based on Anggora's knowledge. Some of these features are :

  • The cat is shaking

  • Cat hair standing up

  • Cats sleep more often

  • The cat lost its appetite for a moment

  • Cat sleeping curled up

  • And others


2. Cover The Cat With A Blanket Or Thick Cloth

After we are sure that our beloved fur friend is cold, the first step we can take for him is to cover his body with a thick blanket or cloth. You can use a blanket or cloth made from wool or flannel. Cover the cat from the hind legs to the neck only.

We do this so that the cat can still breathe freely and its body can become warmer. If the cat doesn't want to be covered, then you can just put a cloth near it. A cold cat will usually immediately approach the cloth and then the cat will sit or lie on the cloth.

This is a common response that cats do when they are cold, they will look for a warm place like a pile of cloth so they won't get cold again. When a cat feels comfortable in its position and feels that its body is a bit warm, usually a cat that is covered in a cloth will fall asleep.

The cat will continue to fall asleep, the cat will only wake up when it wants to pee, poop, drink, eat or when it feels that its body or the air around it no longer feels cold.


3. Make Cats Eat More Than Usual

Not only to fatten cats, by making cats eat more can overcome the problem of cold in cats. This is because with the amount of food that enters the body, the body will work to digest food.

Now when this food is digested by the cat's body, the cat's body will be warm. The reason is because when digesting food, the body will burn energy, so the cat's body feels warm. For food that is given, you should give meat, it's up to you to use fish meat, chicken meat or the like.

Because the food above is much more effective when given in large quantities to make the cat's body warm and the food above is digested for a long time so that the cat's body heat can be maintained for quite a long time.

If you don't have meat at home, you can still replace it with other foods. The point is you feed the cat in large quantities and the food you give is food that is safe for consumption by cats.


4. Give The Cat A Warm Place

The fourth way is to give the cat a warm place. Examples include letting cats sleep in warm places such as sofas, beds, on electronic devices, under night lights and near fireplaces.

Sometimes some cats still feel cold even though they have been given a cloth or blanket, while some do not like being given thick cloth or blankets, instead they choose to find a warm place to sleep like some of the places Anggora mentioned above.

So when cats feel that the blanket or cloth is not enough to warm their bodies, then give them a warm place to sleep.


5. Drying Cats Under The Heat Of The Sun

The next way you can do to make your cat who feels cold feel better is by dry the cat below the sun light when the weather is sunny.

You can dry the cat by locking it in a cage that is placed below the sun light ( do this if you are afraid that your cat will disappear or run away ). You can also let your cat outside to play or roam when the weather is hot.

Dry it until the cat doesn't look cold anymore, don't dry it too long, afraid that the cat can get dehydrated or overheated. Also make sure you dry the cat in a place that is exposed to direct sunlight, not in a place that is not exposed to direct sunlight.

Oh yes, apart from being able to overcome cold in cats, this method is also useful in making cat fur healthier.


6. Put The Cat In A Warm Room

If the weather isn't sunny so it's impossible for us to dry the cat in the hot sun, so to make a cold cat feel warmer, we just need to move it to a warmer room.

Like moving the cat into a room where there is a heater, like near a fireplace or similar room. If you are currently in a room that uses a fan or air conditioner, then you should turn off these two electronic devices so that the room temperature is not cold.

It's not easy to deal with a cat whose body is cold. Oh yes, if the method above doesn't work and the cat's condition is getting worse, you should immediately take the cat to the vet to avoid things that we don't want.


Enough up here for the discussion. Hopefully this article can make you understand more deeply about this and can help you overcome this problem.

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