
7 Easy Ways To Stop Cats Biting You

Similar to humans, cats will also distribute their feelings by doing something. One of the things that cats usually do to distribute their feelings is that cats will bite something that is nearby.


How To Stop Cats Biting You

Cats will bite objects or even people around them. Maybe some of us have ever felt a cat bite and this is something that usually happens to those who keep cats.

Even though we are used to it, if we are bitten by cats too often, this will definitely irritate us so that it will make us think about how to make our beloved fur friend not have the habit of biting people around him.

To make cats not do this again, of course, requires a certain method. Then how do you make a cat not like to bite anymore ? Find out how by reading Anggora's writing below.


Cats Like To Bite, Is This Behavior Normal ?

Biting cats is normal if the cat does it for some reason and the cat doesn't do this continuously and repeatedly at a short distance.

If a cat does it for no particular reason and it does it too often then this behavior is clearly abnormal and it is mandatory for you, the cat owner, to suspect that this is because the cat is experiencing certain problems.

For example, a cat that likes to bite too often and for no apparent reason, could be because the cat is experiencing stress. Cats that experience stress generally experience changes in behavior such as becoming angry, aggressive, doing something excessive and others.

When your cat has certain problems, you should immediately deal with this, it is recommended to take the cat to the vet.


What About A Kitten That Often Bites Or Scratches When Held ?

Maybe at home you have a cat that has kittens and every time you touch this kitten, it will scratch or bite your hand. Then what about this, is this normal or is the cat experiencing certain problems such as stress and others ?

Don't worry about this, your kitten isn't having any problems and this behavior is quite normal for a cat of her age. This is because cats that are still children tend to be more active and playful.

So every time you try to hold his body, he will think that you are trying to play with him so he will bite or scratch your hands and your feet. Or it could be that every time you hold him he thinks that you are interfering with his playing time so he will try to bite or scratch your hand to get rid of himself.

For cats that are relatively young, this behavior is normal because they tend to be active, like to play and want to roam freely. So when your kitten is happy doing this then you don't need to worry about it


Some Causes That Make Cats Enjoy Biting People Around Them

Before going into the discussion of the right way to deal with cats who like to bite, it's good for us to know the causes that make cats bite us. Knowing this can later help us prevent and overcome it.

Cats bite people around them actually not without reason. Many things trigger cats to do this action. This cause can come from the fur friend himself or from the owner or the people around him. What are the causes, here are some of them :

1. Cats Are Annoyed

Like humans, cats sometimes don't like to be disturbed. When a cat feels that what we are doing is bothering it, the cat will usually leave us by staying away.

Not only that, even cats will warning us. The warning here can be a meow and then if cat feels that we don't understand what he is saying, the cat will often catch our hand and then he will bite it.


2. Cats Don't Want To Be Held

There will be times when a cat doesn't want to be held. These moments are like when the cat is busy grooming itself or when the cat is intending to sleep.

If we hold a cat when he doesn't want to be held, it is not uncommon for his beloved fur friend to chew our hands with delight.


3. You Hold The Cat's Tail

The cat's tail is a sensitive part of the cat's body. This section contains lots of nerves, muscles and bones which are fairly prone to damage if hit by a hard impact or other things that can injure the tail.

Not only that, the tail also plays an important role in maintaining the balance of the cat's body. That's why cats really care about this part. That's why every time you hold a cat's tail, the cat will respond by scratching you or biting your hand.


4. You Hold The Cat's Stomach

Apart from the cat's tail, the cat's stomach is also a sensitive area for cats. If you hold this part, it's not uncommon for cats to get angry or feel annoyed. This is because when their stomach is held the cat will feel ticklish.

That's why it's not uncommon when we stroke a cat and then accidentally or intentionally we stroke its stomach, the cat will push our hand with its paw and then if we still insist on holding its stomach, the cat will bite the hand that wants to touch its stomach.


5. Attention Seeking

Hand biting is also a way for cats to get our attention. Cats that seek attention in this way usually want their bodies to be stroked, want to be played with or want to be spoiled by us.


6. The Cat Wants To Play With You

As Anggora just mentioned above, a cat biting its owner's hand is a form of cat behavior to seek the owner's attention. Generally, cats do this so that they get the attention of their owners or people who are nearby so that they can play with them.

If your cat does this to invite you to play, then take your time to play with it even if you only play with it for about 5 to 10 minutes. By playing with a cat, your relationship will be closer and the cat will love you more.


7. Cats Are Emotional Or Angry

Cats who are emotional or angry will usually tend to be more aggressive than usual. Don't bother them when they are in this situation, because if you insist on holding them when they are angry you will get what you don't want.

Cats will scratch or not hesitate to pounce on your hand. That's why when a cat is emotional or angry, you should leave it alone until it feels completely calm. Or you can also help relieve his anger by getting rid of the things that make him feel angry.


8. Cats Are Hungry

Another cause is that the cat is starving so the cat will bite the objects around it to pass the time as well as to divert its mind from the hunger it is feeling. Cats will also do this to let their owners know that they are hungry.


9. Cats Are Stressed

Behavior changes are common in cats that are under stress. A cat that used to be friendly can become aggressive when it is stressed. Cats can pounce and scratch anyone who is nearby, including the owner himself.


How To Overcome Or Eliminate The Habit Of A Cat That Likes To Bite

To overcome this, you only need to do a few ways to deal with cats that like to bite the following :

1. Don't Hold The Cat When He's Busy Or Angry

So that the cat doesn't pounce on your hand, you should not hold or stroke the cat when he is busy or angry. It's best to let him be alone until he's not busy anymore and his emotions subside.


2. Avoid Stroking Sensitive Areas On The Cat's Body

Cats have sensitive areas that should not be touched, namely the tail and the lower abdomen. If your cat likes to pounce on your hand when you hold these 2 parts of its body, then you can be sure this is the cause.

So when you hold a cat, make sure you don't touch a sensitive area so the cat doesn't bite your hand.


3. Interact With Cats In Spare Time

Interact as often as possible with the cat. Because this can strengthen your relationship with the cat and make you familiar with it. When a cat feels close to you, the cat will not have the heart to hurt you.

Even though in the end the cat will bite your hand, it will do it lightly so you don't get hurt.


4. Invite The Cat To Play

Invite the cat to play, this can distribute the cat's feelings and make it happier and reduce the cat's aggressive actions


5. Fulfill Cat Needs

A hungry cat will generally do something that shows it is hungry, such as biting objects around it or biting the hands and feet of its owner. To get rid of this, you just need to prepare the cat's food and drink needs.


6. Wait For Cat Become Adult

If a cat that likes to bite you is a kitten, then to overcome this habit you need to wait for it to grow up. Why ? This habit is difficult to get rid of because that kittens are very happy to play at this age.

Cats like to play by catching, chasing and biting any object they think is a toy, including our hands and feet. As time goes by and the cat becomes an adult, this habit will disappear by itself.


7. Overcome Cat Stress

If the cause is stress, then you have to deal with this first so that the cat doesn't like to bite anymore. You can find the method on this site with the keywords "how to relieve stress on cats".


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