
6 Simple Ways To Make Your Cat Want To Be Carried

Do you have a cat at home ? If so, surely you often carry your cat, right ? Habits like this are generally what we do when we are interacting with our fur friends.

Now, when we hold a cat, it's not uncommon for us to stroke the cat, pet it or carry it in our arms for a while. In addition, we also often kiss the cat when we carry it.

Speaking of carrying cats, some pet cats are very easy to pick up because they don't put up a fight and seem resigned to the person holding them. While some other cats will rebel when they want to be carried.


Simple Ways To Make Your Cat Want To Be Carried

He will push his body, turn his body, claw or bite the hands of those who want to carry him so that he is free from the grip of that person. Cats do this because they don't want to be picked up.

For those of you who have a cat with this kind of behavior, of course you will be a little dizzy dealing with it and you can't let go of your hidden desire to take her in your arms hehehe.

But you don't need to worry because soon you will be able to do this easily and without any resistance from your cat. You just need to use the method in Anggora's article below.


6 Simple Ways To Make Your Cat Want To Be Carried

As Anggora explained above, some cats have a habit of refusing to be picked up. That's why it takes a certain way to do it so that the cat can be easily carried. Some ways you can do so that the cat wants to be carried include :

1. Pick Up A Cat When Cat Not Doing Anything

The first thing is that you only need to hold the cat when he is not busy doing anything. At this time the cat will tend to be easier for you to hold and it will also be less rebellious.

This is because a cat that doesn't do anything won't be bothered when you do this to it so it won't think about escaping from your grasp. But if you do the opposite then the cat will be difficult for us to carry.

If you don't believe it, then try holding a cat that is busy taking care of its body, a cat that is having fun playing, a cat that is fast asleep, a cat that is chasing the opposite sex and a cat that is doing other things.

You will find that some cats with the above activities will be very difficult for you to hold. Even if you can, you may only be able to hold him for a few minutes before the cat runs away.


2. Don't Hold The Cat In The Wrong Position

Cats will refuse to be carried if you hold them in a careless way. Because of what, this is because the cat feels that you are carelessly carrying it, that you intend to hurt it, so it flatly refuses to carry you.

Some people may think that holding a cat by holding only its front legs while letting its hind legs hang loose is a funny thing. It's funny, but it's painful for the cat.

Doing this can injure the cat's paws and dislocate the joints. You better think again if you want to do this if you don't want something unwanted to happen to the feet of your beloved fur friend.

Not only painful but this will also make the cat panic easily so that the cat rebels. A cat that is carried this way will panic because it doesn't feel its feet touch the floor.

If Anggora was in front of those who did something like this, of course Anggora would rebuke them directly. Oh yeah, holding the cat by the scruff of the neck first is also not recommended.

Why, isn't this not going to hurt cats and kittens are usually carried by their mothers in this way ? Why even ban it ? For kittens, maybe it's okay for the mother or for us to lift the cat by the scruff of the neck.

But if the cat is an adult and the body is very fat, this method is really not recommended. Besides being difficult to do, this method is also considered unsafe considering the cat's body weight. Doing this can run the risk of injuring the neck and strangling your beloved cat.

So if you want your cat to be comfortable in your carrier, then don't do the wrong carrier like the examples Anggora mentioned above.


3. Hold The Cat In The Correct Position

Hold the cat in the correct position. Don't hold the cat in the wrong position because this can certainly make the cat rebel when you hold it. Many of us pick up a cat carelessly and then blame the cat.

When in fact we are wrong and accidentally this also hurts the cat's body. That's why before starting to hold a cat, we should first find out how to hold a cat properly and correctly.

To hold the cat, we should do it by lifting the front leg first, then when the cat's back leg starts to lose its footing, we lift the leg with our other hand.

Or you can also lift the cat's legs simultaneously when you want to hold it. When picking up the cat, see if there are any signs that the cat is about to struggle.

If anything, you should just stop it, because in the end the cat will rebel or can only be carried for a few moments. If the cat doesn't refuse then you can continue. After the cat's body is lifted, bring its body closer to the left or right side of your body.

Bring the cat closer to the chest then hug the cat's body. You can use a style that is similar to the style when you hold a baby. Now by using this method, the cat will feel comfortable in your arms.

This is because his whole body is well supported and he doesn't lose his footing. The cat will also feel safe when you hold it because it doesn't have to worry about falling or getting its body stuck between your hands.


4. Get The Cat Accustomed To Carrying

There is a saying that you can get used to it. You need to get used to your cat being carried every day so that the cat gets used to this and thinks this is nothing new.

To get the cat used to us carrying it, you only need to do this. Hold the cat every day. Do this as best you can. If you can do it in the morning, afternoon or evening then do it.

If you can only do it once or twice a day then that's fine for you to do too. The point is you do this every day on a regular basis so that later the cat gets used to being carried.

Do this for at least 5 minutes every day in your free time and see the results after a few days. Cats who are used to this will find it very easy for us to hold them and they will be quiet when in our arms.

The attitude of a cat that we are used to being carried will be very much different from the attitude of a cat that is rarely carried. Cats that are not accustomed to this way will usually tend to be difficult to hold and only want to be carried for a short time before they decide to rebel and run away from us.


5. Give A Cat A Gift When He Wants You To Hold Him

The next way is by way of action and gifts. When a cat wants to be carried for a while or for quite a long time, give your cat a gift.

The prize is not a compliment or a petting. The problem is if you only give these two things to the cat, the cat will still be difficult to carry later. For prizes, you should give gifts in the form of cat food.

So that you don't bother, you can use cat food in the form of dry food. Give the cat just a little, about 5-10 pieces of dry food, not too much, I'm afraid the cat can get obese if you give the cat food too often.

By using this method, usually after the cat gets used to it, we can easily carry the cat. This is because in a cat's mind, if he follows his master's will aka obeys, then he can get food.

That's why the cat becomes easy to carry and doesn't rebel. This method is one of the ways that Anggora often does so that cats are easy to hold.


6. Be Patient Until The Cat Wants To Be Carried

There may be some of us who can't wait so we insist on holding the cat right away. This will actually make the cat even uncomfortable with our behavior so that the cat prefers to avoid us more often.

Wait for the right moment when the cat is not busy and the cat shows signs that he doesn't mind being held. The sign is that the cat doesn't rebel and looks resigned when carried. When you are patient and wait for the right moment, the cat will easily want us to carry it.


Are The Methods Above Really Effective ?

The method above is clearly very effective and Anggora has often applied it to several cats that Anggora keeps at home. In applying the method above we must be patient and have to wait up to 1 to 2 months for the results to appear.

Don't expect that this can work in a short time, because in any way it will be difficult to change the behavior of a cat that is hard to hold in an instant. The method above works, but the cat only wants to be carried for a while

In order for the cat to want to be carried for a long time, you just need to get the cat used to it. Get used to the cat being carried for the time you want. For example, if you want a cat to be carried for about 5 minutes, then get used to holding it for 5 minutes too.

Do this every day regularly to get the results we want. Oh yeah, don't forget to give the cat a gift if he wants to do what you want, OK ? This is to better guarantee success and to make the cat happy and willing to do it.


What If The Cat Still Doesn't Want To Be Held ?

If the cat still doesn't want to be carried, this may be related to the cat itself. This possibility is because the cat :

  • Lack of interaction with humans around him

  • Cats are naturally cowardly

  • Your cat is afraid of heights

  • Traumatized cat in a carrier

  • Cats are not used to being carried

  • The cat may be suffering from certain diseases

  • Cats are the type of cat that likes to be free, doesn't like to be held even for a moment

  • Cats have wounds in certain parts of the body so they feel uncomfortable when we carry them


If your cat has some of the problems above in itself, it is likely that the method above will be difficult to succeed. In order for the above method to work, the only thing you have to do is get rid of some of the sources of the problems above in your cat.


Is There Another Easier Way To Make A Cat Enjoy Being Picked Up ?

Actually there are other ways, but this method seems forced and only lasts for a short time and is classified as unhealthy for cats. The trick is to bribe the cat with the food he likes.

Prepare food that the cat likes, such as fish and others, then carry the cat. Then while holding the cat, give it food directly into its mouth. The cat will want to be carried and will not be too rebellious, even he can be in our arms for a long time.

It's just that when the food has run out, the cat will return to its previous attitude, namely the cat will rebel again. Not only that, if we do this too often then the cat is at risk of obesity.


Maybe that's all about simple ways we can do to make cats want to be carried. Keep up with the latest information from us for free by pressing the subscribe button at the bottom of the page.

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