
10 Easy Ways To Dry Cat Fur Without A Hair Dryer

How do you dry cat fur without a hair dryer? This question often arises when a cat's fur is wet because we just bathed it or because a cat accidentally spills water on its body.


How To Dry Cat Fur Without A Hair Dryer

For cats that have just been bathed, generally cat lovers always use a hair dryer to speed up the drying process of the cat's fur. But what if we don't have this tool.

What if we have this tool but accidentally this tool is lost or damaged. Of course, like it or not, we must dry the fur of our beloved cat using other methods.

Actually there are many ways we can do to dry the fur of our beloved friends. So, how ? You can see how, Anggora's friend, in Anggora's writing below. Read to the end, buddy.


10 Ways To Dry Cat Hair Without A Hair Dryer

Those of you who usually use grooming services or something like that might be confused when you bathe your cat yourself and this also applies to those who are bathing a cat for the first time.

They will be confused when they want to dry their wet cat fur because they don't have a hair dryer or what is commonly called a hair dryer. If this happens to you, then you should not be confused and stay calm because there are still other ways to dry your cat's fur.

You can dry your cat's fur without a hair dryer. Then how ? Some of the ways include :

1. Using Clean And Dry Towel

Apart from using a hair dryer, you can still use a towel to dry your cat's fur. Use a dry clean towel to dry your cat's fur. Use this to dry wet cat fur due to spilled water or from being bathed.

Wipe the body parts of the cat that you feel are wet using the towel. Wipe until the cat's body feels completely dry. This method is effective for drying wet cat hair.

It's just that so that the cat's fur is completely dry we have to repeatedly rub the towel over the cat's body. Doing this, of course, will consume quite a bit of energy and also takes quite a long time for the cat's fur to dry completely

Oh yes, if after doing this, the cat's fur still feels a bit wet, then you can help dry the fur by drying the cat in the sun.


2. Using A Clean And Dry Cloth

Now this second method is almost the same as the first method above, only the difference is that here we use a clean and dry cloth as a tool to make the cat's fur dry.

Wrap the cat's entire body using a cloth. Then if the cloth used is wet enough, replace the cloth with another cloth. wipe the entire body of the cat until the cat's fur feels quite dry or completely dry.

If the cat's fur still feels a little wet, you can dry the rest of the wet fur by drying the cat in the sun.


3. Using Heating

For those of you who have a heating device at home, you can also dry your cat's body using this device. All you have to do is set this tool to emit a warm temperature so that the whole room is warm too.

Then the cat that you have bathed or whose fur is wet because of the splashes of water you put in this room. Even though cat hair can dry on its own when in this room, it's also a good idea to help dry cat hair.

Help the fur dry quickly by wiping its body with a clean cloth or towel. After the cat's fur is not too wet or only slightly wet, then you can let the cat's fur dry by itself by letting it stay in the room.

Oh yes, don't let the cat in a room that is too warm for too long. If the cat's body is dry, it is best if the temperature of the room regulator is reset or just turn it off to prevent the cat from overheating or the cat becoming dehydrated.

Besides being able to dry cat fur without a hair dryer, using this method also allows you to bathe your cat freely at any time and in any weather conditions without exception. You can even bathe your cat in winter ( snow ).


4. Using The Help of Sunlight

For this one method, the right timing is needed. You have to choose a time when the temperature is very hot and the sun is shining brightly. Usually this condition occurs around 12 to 2 pm.

If you feel that the day is very hot and even makes you sweat profusely then this is the right moment to bathe your cat. Bathe your cat then wipe its fur with a dry cloth or towel until no water drips.

After that, dry the cat in the cage under the hot sun. In this way, the cat's fur will dry quickly and the cat will not feel cold immediately after being bathed even though its body is still a bit wet.

Make sure you dry the cat in the cage, because if you don't do this, the cat will instead go to the sand or soil and then rub his body there with the aim of drying his body.

This will certainly make the cat's body dirty again. Of course, you don't want to bathe your favorite cat twice in a row.


5. Use Cat Special Wipes

You can also use paper towels to dry the cat's fur. This can be an alternative choice when you don't have a hair dryer at home. But for the tissue itself, it's not the tissue that humans normally use.

Use a type of tissue specifically made for cats. You can buy this type of tissue at a pet shop or buy it at an online store. Besides being able to use it to dry the cat's fur. This tissue can also be used to clean cat hair.

You can use it to clean your cat's dirty body because he is playing or doing other activities. This tissue can indeed be used to clean the cat's body, but don't use it too often.

Because he said this tissue is not good for the cat's body if it is used too much. Oh yes, when buying tissue, buy tissue that is good for cats. It's even better if the ingredients for the wipes are natural ingredients because these ingredients are clearly safe for cats.


Caution : Some cats may have an allergy to this tissue. Try using these wipes on the cat and see the response. If after using the tissue the cat becomes allergic then stop using the tissue, if there is no reaction then the tissue can still be used.


6. Using Blowers Tools

If you have a blower at home, you can also use this tool to dry the cat's fur. But before you first wipe the fur of the anabul using a cloth or towel.

Next, use a blower to make the cat's fur no longer wet. Air the whole body of the cat using this tool, air it in a few minutes or air it until the cat's body is no longer wet.


7. Dry With A Fan

Fans can also be used to dry cat hair. It's just that this method is not recommended to be used when the weather is not hot because it can make cats fall sick or experience hypothermia.

Use this method only when the weather is hot enough. Before fanning the cat with a fan, it is recommended to dry the cat's fur first with a cloth or towel until there is no more dripping water on its body and the fur is slightly dry.

Air the cat's fur using a fan. Use the wind setting in max speed mode so that the cat's body dries faster. Fan the cat's body until the body is completely dry.

Remember, you are only allowed to use this method when the weather is very hot, don't do it when the air is cold. If you keep doing it, you will be at your own risk if your cat gets sick or dies.


8. Using A Hand Fan

This method was often used by ancient people to dry cats' bodies when there were no modern tools such as fans, hair dryers or blowers. They often do this right after bathing the cat.

They will wipe the cat that has just been bathed with a cloth until the water doesn't drip and the cat's body is slightly dry, then they will fan the cat's body with a hand fan for a few moments.

They will do this while exposing the cat to the sun. Even though it requires energy to do it, this method is quite effective in drying the cat's body.

Similar to using a fan, this method should only be used when the air temperature around you is hot enough.


9. Using The Fireplace

Does your house have a fireplace ? If so, then you can use this to make your cat's fur dry quickly. How to dry a cat using a fireplace is quite easy. You just need to bring the cat closer to the fireplace.

However, don't get the cat too close to the fireplace, so you're afraid that the cat's fur will burn or the cat will be uncomfortable because its body feels very hot. Place the cat at a safe and warm enough distance from the fire.

To do this method, you must hold your cat so that it doesn't go far from the fireplace. If you are lazy to do it, you can lock the cat in a pet cargo that is placed close to the fireplace. Do this until you feel that the cat's fur is completely dry.


10. Using Fire

You can do this method when the situation is urgent, there is only fire at home, the weather is cold and the cat is very cold. If the condition is not urgent, then you should not use this method, use another, safer method.

Dry the cat's body with a cloth until the water doesn't drip and is a bit dry. Then Use the stove or firewood to produce a fire. Measure the heat of the fire using your hand and estimate which part is warm enough and does not have the potential to injure the cat's body.

Then hold the cat in your hand while lifting it above the fire area you marked earlier ( a place that feels safe and won't burn its body ). Then continue to hold the cat's body near the fire until the fur has finished drying.

If you feel that your hands are hot, there's nothing wrong with taking a break before re-warming the cat's body. This method is actually quite safe if you are good at managing the distance between the cat and the fire.

Anggora mom's, herself did this several times to our cat who fell into the ditch at night. As a result, the cat's body is dry and the cat returns to health. The only drawback with this method is that it requires patience and quite a long time for the cat's fur to finish drying.



There are several ways you can do to dry cat fur without the help of a hair dryer, some of which include :

  • Using a clean and dry towel

  • Use a clean and dry cloth

  • Using heating

  • Using the help of sunlight

  • Use special cat wipes

  • Using blowers

  • Want to use a fan

  • Using a hand fan

  • Using the fireplace

  • Using fire


You can use some of the methods above to make your cat dry. Before using the method above, you should first read the explanation carefully so that it is safe to do and your cat doesn't get sick.

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