
11 Reasons Why Cats Don't Want To Be Approached

For most people who keep cats, interacting with their beloved cat is a routine activity that is fun on the sidelines of free time from the daily grind. Besides being fun, this can also relieve stress and boredom that we experience.


Why Cats Don't Want To Be Approached

The interactions that we usually do with our beloved cat include playing with it, hugging it, stroking it, giving it snacks, bathing it and various other things that are common for cat lovers.

But the interaction between the owner and the cat doesn't always go as the owner wants. There are times when cats don't want to interact with us and instead stay away from us when we approach them.

This often happens to any cat lover, including Anggora herself. Actually what makes cats behave like this. For those of you who are curious about this. Please read the explanation here.


11 Reasons Why Cats Don't Want to Be Approached ?

Cats do not want to be approached actually not without reason. There are certain reasons that make cats do this. So when a cat doesn't want you to approach it, you should not be prejudiced against it because this can affect your relationship with the cat.

Then why do beloved cats stay away from us when we get closer to them. Here are some things that cause it :

1. Cats Want To Be Alone

Like what Anggora said above, you shouldn't be prejudiced. This could be because your cat just wants to be alone, so every time you get close to it, it will stay away from you.

When a cat wants to be alone, it tends to stay away from the people around it. In fact, not infrequently the owner was ignored. The cat will continue to do this until it really feels that it doesn't want to be alone anymore.

Even though in the end a lonely cat will come alone asking us to eat when cat is hungry, after its hunger is gone and cat feels full, the cat will continue his activities to return to being alone.

Many factors cause why cats want to be alone. Apart from the fact that cats just want to be alone, this can be caused by cats experiencing certain health problems.

If you feel something is wrong with your cat, you should immediately take your cat to the vet.


2. Cats Are Not In The Mood To Be Touched

There are times when cats are not in the mood to be touched. It's like a human who has a certain mood and doesn't want to do anything or doesn't want other people around him. When a cat is not in the mood, the cat is usually not happy when we approach it.

Cat knows that we approach him with the aim of holding, hugging or stroking him, that's why cats prefer to stay away when there are people who want to approach him.

If your cat has no signs of being sick and still wants to eat and is still behaving normally as usual, then it is very likely that the cat will stay away from us just because the cat is not in the mood to be touched by us.


3. The Cat Wants to Sleep

The next cause is the cat is tired and wants to sleep. When you approach a cat with this condition, it is not uncommon for most of them to immediately move away from us as soon as we approach them.

The reason is simple, cats just don't want to be disturbed so they can spend their time relieving their fatigue by sleeping. If we are near them and stroke their bodies, they will not be able to sleep and feel disturbed.

When the cat is fast asleep, then we can touch the cat as much as we want, it's just that most cat lovers only pet their cat for a while because they don't want to disturb the cat who is still sleeping. Even stroking a sleeping cat isn't much fun when compared to holding a cat that is awake and active.


4. Cats Are Busy With Themselves

Cats who are busy with themselves like grooming themselves and don't want to be disturbed. If we approach it and then hold it, the cat will immediately walk away from us.


5. Cats Are Busy Playing With Other Cats

Same with cats who are busy with themselves, cats will not want us to approach them when they are busy playing with other cats. Cats will run away from us every time we get close to them.

This they do because they know what we will do to them when they are close to us. Yes, that's right, those of us who are passionate about them will catch them and then hold and stroke the cat's body until we are satisfied.

In fact, not infrequently among us who will kiss the cat as soon as we catch them. That's why cats who are busy playing with other cats will run away from us because they don't want to be disturbed playing.


6. Cats Are Still Children

Age factor also affects this. Cats that are still young and very active will be difficult for you to approach. Why ? This is because they still like to play and sometimes when we approach them, they even think that we are accompanying them to play.

That's why kittens will stay away from us thinking we invite them to play tag. On the other hand, kittens also like freedom and know that every time we try to get close to them, it means we want to catch them.

This is the reason kittens don't like to be around us and tend to run around.


7. The Cat Wants to Poop

Maybe the cat you are trying to approach is a cat who is desperate to relieve himself. That's why the cat immediately away from you when you intend to approach him. Shortly when the cat is done with the business of defecating, usually the cat will want to be approached.

But even though cat can be approached, we are the ones who keep our distance because we think that the cat's body is a bit dirty and there is still a strange smell, hehehe.


8. Cats Are Stressed

Behavior changes often occur in cats that are experiencing stress. From cheerful to quiet, spoiled to prefer to be alone and from friendly to aggressive. If your cat doesn't want to be approached and its attitude changes drastically, then you need to be vigilant.

Because this could be because the cat is experiencing stress. There are many things that can cause stress for cats, one of which is cats that are not bred. Usually a cat will recover from stress on its own if it manages to overcome the cause.

For example, if a cat is not married and is stressed, if cat can find a partner himself then cat will recover from his stress and act normally as usual.


9. Cats Are In Heat

Of course we know that a male cat who is in heat will really dislike being in the house unless the female that cat is after lives under the same roof. Male cats who are in heat will usually forget to eat and drink and are not happy with humans.

Cats will feel that humans who approach them will only interfere with their mating rituals, that's why male cats tend to stay away from humans when they are in their mating period.

This is very different from female cats where female cats are in heat or during mating usually tend to be more spoiled to humans and like to be around humans around them.


10. The Cat Is Sick

Your cat may be sick that's why cat doesn't want you to approach him. You can make sure your cat is healthy or not by looking at the cat's condition. If a cat doesn't want to eat and drink all day and its body feels weak, then you can assume that the cat is sick.

To overcome this you only need to treat your cat. You can treat it independently at home if you feel you can treat it. If the disease is felt to be severe enough, it is recommended to go to the veterinarian.


11. The Cat Will Probably Die

This only happens when the cat is seriously ill and the condition is quite worrying. Generally cats with this condition will tend to stay away from crowds and choose to be in quiet and hidden places while waiting for their death to arrive.


Those are some of the reasons why cats don't want us to approach them. Now you know why your cat behaves like that. Thus this article. Oh yeah, don't forget to follow the latest information from us for free by pressing the subscribe button at the bottom of the page.

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