
11 Easy Ways To Treat Cat Poop That Too Soft

Many say that soft cat poop is something related to health problems in cats. Soft cat poop is often associated with digestive problems in cats.


How To Treat Cat Poop That Too Soft

There are also those who say that this is because the cat has a virus infection, bacterial infection, parasitic attack and also because the cat's digestive organs have problems. Actually what they say is not wrong.

But it's best when a cat has soft poop, as owners we don't have to start assuming that the cause of cat soft poop is because your beloved fur friend is experiencing a serious illness.

Because soft pups are not only caused by cats experiencing severe illness but this could be due to other causes and sometimes it can also be caused by trivial problems such as the effect of changing food.

That's why when a soft cat poops try to handle it yourself at home in a few days before deciding to take the cat to the vet. Then how do you deal with soft cat poop ?

To deal with soft cat poop, Good Owners can follow the methods Anggora writes below.


9 Causes Of Soft Cat Poop

Before going into how to deal with soft cat poop, it is mandatory for us as owners to know what causes soft cat poop. The goal is that in the future we can prevent cats from having soft poop by avoiding the causes.

Based on Anggora's knowledge, there are several main causes that are common causes of soft poop in cats. Some of the causes include :

  • Worms

  • Parasite

  • Bacterial Or Virus Infection

  • Milk

  • Raw Water

  • Raw Food

  • Medication side effects

  • Unsuitable Food

  • The Effect of Change Food

Then How To Treat Soft Pup Cats ?

Maybe for some people, especially for those who have just had a cat, soft pups are something that is taken for granted. Even though this is actually not a trivial thing, if left unchecked this can become a serious problem that can even take a cat's life.

Therefore, when our cat's poop becomes strange because it becomes very soft, we should treat it as soon as possible. So, to treat it, you can try the following methods :

1. Make A Switch Of Old Foods With New Foods

If you feel that your cat's poop is soft because you have just replaced the old cat food with another brand of cat food, then most likely your cat's poo is soft because you have just replaced your cat's food.

Soft cat poop after changing cat food is normal and this happens because cat food is still not very suitable for cat digestion, so cat digestion takes time to adapt to the new food.

Generally, this adaptation process lasts for several days or up to a week until the pup becomes normal. For those of you who want the process of changing food to not give the effect of soft cat poop, you can do a food switching method.

This method is highly recommended by veterinarians to do when we change food, the method is to mix the old type of cat food with the new one in a ratio starting from 1/4, 1/2, 2/3 and so on.

Do this switch for a week. Keep doing it even if the pup is still soft. After one week, usually the cat's poop will return to normal and you can stop the food transition process.


2. Don't Change Cat Food

As explained above, changing cat food can cause cat poop to become very soft or even cats can experience diarrhea. This happens because of an incompatibility between cat food and cat digestion.

It takes time for cat digestion to adapt or even cat food will never match cat digestion at all because it is caused by certain allergies that our pet cats have.

If you like changing cat food so that your cat has problems with soft poop, then you should stop this habit so that cat poop returns to normal and your cat doesn't have digestive problems.

Then think of one type of cat food brand that you think suits your cat and give that food as the cat's main food every day.


3. Treat Cats With Worm Medicine

If you are sure that your cat has no problem with its food and you are not the type of person who likes to change food, it could be that your cat's soft poop is because your cat has worms.

Cats with worms usually have the following characteristics :

  • Greedy eats but not fat

  • Greedy eats but his body even more thin

  • Fat cat belly but thin body

  • Part of the cat's eyes are covered with a white membrane

  • Cat diarrhea

  • Soft cat poop

  • In severe cases, cats will vomit worms or worm poop and even bloody poop

  • And others


After you see the characteristics above and find that there are at least 4 characteristics of worms in your cat and you feel sure that your cat has worms, then try giving your cat worm medicine.

After a few days the cat is given worm medicine and there are lots of white worms coming out with the feces, this is a sign that the drug is effective and a sign that the cat will soon recover from the worms.

If a lot of worms have come out and the cat's stool is no longer soft or the cat no longer has diarrhea, then you can be sure that the cat has recovered. Usually cats will recover from worms after more than one week for cases of mild worms.


4. Avoid Giving Raw Water As A Drink For Cats

Don't give your cat raw water as a drink because raw water is very dangerous for a cat's digestive health. This is because raw water contains many parasites that can attack or infect the cat's digestive tract.

If you often give raw water as a cat drink, your cat can become constipated, soft poop, diarrhea, frequent defecation or urination and suffer from various other digestive problems. Then what if we have already given the cat raw water ?

What should we do ? Try giving your cat a cat-specific deworming medication first and see if your cat's digestive problems show signs of better within a few days. If the cat's condition is getting better, you can continue to give worming medicine until the cat recovers completely, but if the cat's condition does not improve, then you should immediately take the cat to the vet.


5. Don't Give Cats Raw Food

As with raw drinking water, raw food can also be the main cause of soft poop in cats. Instead of giving cats raw food as cat food, it is better to give cats instant cat food such as dry food or wet food, which are sold in pet shops or online stores.


6. Don't Give Human Milk To Cats

Giving human milk to cats is one of the causes of cat poop becoming soft. Even cats that are often given milk to drink can experience vomiting and diarrhea. This happens because of the lactose content in milk which most cats are intolerant of.

If you feel that you have previously given the cat milk so that the puppies have become soft, then from now on stop giving milk to your favorite fur friend. Usually a few days after we stop giving the cat milk, the cat's poop will return to normal.


7. Give Cats Special Cat Food

Even if you only keep domestic cats or mixed domestic cats at home, it is recommended to give your pet cat special cat food. This type of food is better than giving human food to cats. This food is able to make cats avoid the problem of soft pups.

This food is also very good for the growth and health of cats because it contains a lot of nutrients that the cat's body really needs.

Not only that, this food is also able to reduce hairballs because it is high in fiber, able to reduce poop odors, maintain digestive health and avoid FLUTD problems in cats.


8. Change Cat Food

Try to remember whether you have recently changed your cat's food, if so then it could be that the cat food you just replaced is not compatible with the cat's digestion so that it makes the cat's poop soft.

To overcome this, you can simply replace the new cat food with the cat food that you previously used. If the cat recovers from the problem of soft poop, then you can be sure that the cat's soft poo is because it has problems with its new food.


9. Avoid Giving Dangerous Food Or Drinks To Cats

Soft cat poop can be because you give your cat random food and drink. That's why it's best before you give your cat food and drink, first pay attention to whether the food is safe to give to cats. Some types of food that are dangerous and can cause digestive problems in cats include :

  • Raisins

  • Grape

  • Yeast

  • Shallot

  • Garlic

  • Lactose milk and milk products

  • Chocolate drink

  • And its kind


10. Stop Treatment With Certain Drugs

Side effects of certain drugs can also cause side effects such as soft cat poop. To deal with this is quite easy, you only need to stop giving medication to cats.

Then consult this with veterinarian, consult whether this is dangerous for cats or is this normal for cats who consume these drugs. If the doctor says that this is not dangerous, the using of the drug can be continued again.


11. Take The Cat To The Vet

After you have done the 10 methods above, but your cat's poop is still soft and doesn't go normal, the last step you can take is to take your cat to the vet.

Especially if the cat's poop is bloody, black, then taking the cat for treatment to the vet is the best choice you can make.


That's a discussion about what causes cats to have soft pups and how to deal with soft poop in cats. Hopefully this article can help those of you who are confused about how to treat a cat with soft poop.

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