
12 Easy Ways To Calm A Small Cat That Meows Constantly

For those of you who keep cats, having small kittens is something fun. How could it not be, kittens have cheerful behavior, are very happy to interact with us humans and their innocent attitude when playing often invites laughter for us.


How To Calm A Small Cat That Meows Constantly

Even though kittens are known to be cheerful, happy to play and are said to be very active, there will be times when the little kitten becomes gloomy, doesn't want to play and instead meows constantly.

When this happens as the owner of the little cat, of course we will try our best to keep the cat calm, safe and not meowing all the time. To calm a little cat who keeps meowing, of course, you need a certain method.

Then how do you calm down a little cat that meows all the time ? For Anggora friends who want to know, you can see the method below. Read to the end.


13 Reasons Why Small Cats Or Kittens Meow Constantly

Based on Anggora's own experience, there are several things that are the main cause of why small kittens or cats keep meowing. Some of the causes include :

  • Starving cat

  • Thirsty cat

  • Cats feel lonely

  • The cat is looking for its mother

  • Cat wants to sleep

  • Cats seek the attention of people around them

  • Cats are feeling stressed

  • Due to changing owners

  • Due to moving house

  • Travel-sick cat

  • The cat wants to leave the house or room

  • The cat wants to pee

  • The cat wants to poop


So, if your cat, who is still a child or small in stature, often meows, it could be one of the causes that Anggora mentioned above.


12 Easy Ways To Calm A Small Cat That Meows Constantly

Now that we know what causes our beloved cat to meow, the next step for us is to try to calm the cat so that it can stop meowing and return to normal behavior as usual. So how do we calm the cat ? You can use the following methods :

1. Give The Cat Food

Kittens or small cats that often meow are usually because the cat is feeling hungry. That's why to calm the cat so that he no longer meows, the only way is to give the cat food.

Try giving the cat food ( recommended using food that is easy for the cat to chew like wet food ), if he wants to eat and after that he stops meowing then this means the cat meows restlessly because he feels hungry.

For cats that still can't eat or are still breastfeeding, so that they stop meowing, you can make their mother breastfeed them or you can give the cat special milk for cats using a syringe ( injection without a needle ) to make it easier to give milk.


2. Accompany The Cat

There are some cats that are unique, that is, if they are left alone and they feel lonely, they will meow constantly. Only after we are with him or he sees a cat around, the cat will calm down and stop meowing.

So if your cat meows because it feels lonely, try to call it and bring it near you or find another cat to keep it company.


3. Give The Cat A Drink

Your little cat may meow all the time because he is thirsty. To fix this, you just need to give the cat a drink. Give the cat a drink of water, make sure you give the cat water that has been thoroughly cooked.

Because if given raw water, cats can get stomachaches and experience digestive problems which are caused by parasitic or bacterial infections which are abundant in raw water. Oh yes, if the cat doesn't want to be given drinking water, then try giving your cat, which is still small, a milk.

After the cat drinks, usually the cat that was always meowing will stop meowing and return to normal behavior as before.


4. Bring The Cat Near the Mother

A restless little cat is usually because he lost his mother. So that the cat can calm down and not meow looking for its mother, you only need to bring it to its mother or bring its mother near it.


5. Make The Cat Sleep

If your little cat is not alone, not hungry, not thirsty and he is with his mother then this could be because the cat is tired and wants to sleep. You can silence a cat by putting it to sleep.

It's hard to put a cat to sleep, but there's no harm in trying. How to put a cat to sleep by bringing the cat to where it usually sleeps and then rubbing its head until it falls asleep. Usually if the cat is really tired then some time after you do this method, the cat will fall asleep.


6. Approach The Cat

A cat meowing all the time could just be because it wants attention. Try to approach the cat and then interact with it. If it's true that the cat just wants attention, then after you interact with it, the cat will stop meowing.


7. Overcome Cat Stress

When a cat is stressed, the cat will experience changes in behavior such as a cat that was previously active becomes quiet, loses its appetite, becomes more aggressive or sleeps more often. Not only that, cats sometimes meow more often.

The only way to stop a cat meowing is to relieve stress on the cat itself.


8. Let The Cat Get Used To Its New Home

Moving to new house will also make a cat that has just arrived in its new home meow frequently. But you don't worry about this, the cat will naturally stop after he gets used to the atmosphere of his new home.

A little note, if you have just moved to new house, you should not let the cat leave the house until it gets used to its new home because if you let the cat out of the house, the cat will run away and disappear.

When you just move house, cage the cat in the house until he gets used to it, confine it for 1 or 2 weeks. As long as he is in confinement, take him for a walk out of the house occasionally so he gets to know his new environment better.

This method applies only to cats that are free to enter and leave the house, for cats that are usually kept in cages or locked up in a room, this method does not need to be done.


9. Make The Cat Recognize You As Its Owner

If you have just adopted your little cat, then it is normal for the cat to meow constantly. This happens because the owner changes so that the cat feels that he is not with his real owner ( like feeling cat is being kidnapped ).

Besides that, changing places of residence and cats who feel confused are also part of the causes of cats meowing more often. The way to overcome this is just to take good care of the cat and let it get used to your presence or its new environment.

Usually if you take good care of the cat and love it and the cat is used to its new home, the cat will be calm and won't meow constantly anymore. Generally this takes about a week to two weeks.


10. Let The Cat Where He Wants

Just like humans, cats don't like it when they are locked up in a room for a long time. Cats who want to get out of the room will usually meow continuously until they are allowed out.

How do we know that the cat wants to leave the room ? Just by looking at where the cat meows, if it meows right at the door, then your favorite little cat or kitten wants to get out of the room.

By opening the door and letting the cat out of the room, your little cat will usually stop meowing constantly.


11. Eliminate Motion Sickness On Cat

If your little cat often meows on the way or after arriving at its destination, this could be caused by a motion sickness on cat. Can a cat really get motion sickness ? Yes it can, it's just that when a cat is motion sickness it can't tell us it's motion sickness.

To find out that a cat get motion sickness is to look at certain characteristics that it shows when it is motion sickness, one of the characteristics is that the cat meows a lot. So that the cat calms down and doesn't meow anymore, you just need to overcome cat motion sickness.


12. Show The Cat A Place Where It Can Defecate Or Urinate

Maybe your cat is in the mood to poop or pee so he keeps meowing. Usually this often happens to young kittens, they meow because they want to defecate or urinate.

They will meow while pawing the floor, if you see a cat doing this you should immediately lift the cat into the bathroom or onto the litter box. After being taken to the bathroom or to the litter box, the cat will usually defecate or pee and after that the cat will calm down.


That's a discussion of 12 easy ways to deal with or calm a small cat that meows constantly. Hopefully this article can help you get a satisfying answer.

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