
Can Cats Die Of Stress ? Here Is The Answer !

Cats are one type of animal that has little in common with humans. One of the things that humans and cats have in common is that both of these living creatures can feel stress. However, stress in cats tends to have different causes compared to humans.


Can Cats Die Of Stress

For humans, stress is usually triggered by things related to thoughts, emotions, fatigue and finances. Meanwhile for cats themselves, stress is usually triggered by several things that have nothing to do with thoughts and emotions.

When a cat is stressed, what we think about for the owner is what causes stress in cats, how to deal with cat stress, the bad effects of cat stress and whether this stress can make cats die, etc.

This question arises as a response to our concern for cats who are experiencing stress and answering this question will help us determine the best course of action to take for our beloved fur friends.

To get rid of curiosity and at the same time answer this question, Anggora friends, you can read the following article.


Causes Of Cat Stress

Unlike humans, stress in cats has nothing to do with thoughts, emotions, fatigue and finances. Stress on the cat itself is triggered by several things such as :

  • Unfulfilled desires ( such as the desire to get married )

  • Due to long journeys

  • Changed owner

  • Change of residence

  • Not getting good care

  • Needs to eat and drink are not met

  • Pain such as pain from an accident, falling from a height and the like

  • Diseases that cause discomfort and excessive pain in certain areas of the body

  • Excessive fear

  • Always locked up in a cage or in the house ( not allowed to roam freely outside the house )

  • And others


Bad Effects Of Stress On Cats

Similar to what happens to humans, stress in cats can have its own negative impact on the cat. These adverse effects can be in the form of changes in cat behavior, loss of appetite and others. For more details about the adverse effects of stress on cats, you can see below :

1. Behavior Changes In Cats

Cats that experience stress can cause cat behavior to change. Like a cat that was once cheerful and active will now turn gloomy and lazy. Cats that enjoy being close to humans will now be happier to be alone.


2. Cats Sleep More Often

Another bad impact that occurs in cats that experience stress is that cats sleep more often. Cats that are experiencing stress will prefer to sleep more than do their daily routine.

Oh yes, cats often sleep, not completely related to cats that are experiencing stress. If a cat only sleeps a lot and doesn't have the characteristics of a stressed cat, then you can be sure that the cause of the cat sleeping a lot is normal or due to other problems.


3. Cats Become Very Aggressive

The next impact is that the cat becomes very aggressive. Cats will be grumpy, do not like being hugged or held by other people or their owners. Cats will get angry and beat other cats or other animals that are nearby.

In some cases, cats that are experiencing stress often attack their own owners. They will scratch or bite their owner's hands. So when your stressed cat starts behaving aggressively, you should be careful when interacting with it.


4. Sometimes Behaving Abnormally

Some cats that experience stress are also reported to have abnormal behavior. Abnormal behavior is a behavior that is unusual or can be said to be deviant behavior. Abnormal behavior in stressed cats include :

  • Pica

  • Coprophagia

  • Aggressive

  • Excessive biting or licking of fur

  • And others


If you find your cat has abnormal behavior like some of the things above, then you can be sure your cat is experiencing stress


5. Often Meows

Often meowing may not be said to be too bad an impact. This only has a bad impact on us, the owners, especially if the cat often does things in the middle of the night or early in the morning.

This can make our sleep time decrease, sleep is not quality. Not only disturbing us, this can even disturb the neighbors.


6. Loss Of Appetite

In some cats that experience stress, the cat loses its appetite. Cats will not want to eat even though we have served in front of him his favorite food. If the cat does not want to eat, of course this will worsen its health.

When a cat loses its appetite, it is recommended that we force the cat to eat by feeding it directly into the cat's mouth using a syringe ( a syringe without a needle ).


7. Cats like To Defecate Or Urinate Carelessly

The last bad impact of a stressed cat is that cats like to defecate in random places. Cats will relieve themselves wherever they want without exception. Cats will even defecate and urinate on mattresses, chairs and other restricted places.


Can Stressed Cats Die ?

Stress in cats generally rarely causes death in cats provided that cats do not experience behavioral deviations such as pica and the like and cats that experience stress still eat normally.

Because if a cat loses its appetite then the cat doesn't want to eat at all, also the cat has deviant behavior then death in cats that are experiencing stress is likely to occur.

So it can be concluded that stress in cats rarely causes death, but that does not mean stress in cats cannot result in death.


How To Overcome Stressed Cats ?

In general, stress in cats can go away on its own when the cat is used to new things around it or when the source of the stress has been resolved. However, if the stress on the cat does not go away, it is advisable to take the cat to the vet.


Maybe that's all the discussion about whether stress can make cats die, what causes stress in cats, the bad effects of cat stress and how to deal with it. Hopefully this article can help you get a satisfying answer.

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