
7 Characteristics Of Traumatized Cats That Being Hit

Trauma can occur not only in humans but can also occur in cats and the characteristics of trauma in cats themselves are almost not much different from the characteristics of trauma in humans. It's just that the difference is that a cat cannot tell that it is traumatized by something to its owner.


Characteristics Of Traumatized Cats That Being Hit

One of the traumas that can happen to cats is trauma from being hit. This trauma will be imprinted on the cat's mind and it will be very difficult to get rid of it. To get rid of it takes patience and time that is not a minute.

Maybe many of us don't know how to determine whether a cat has experienced trauma, especially trauma caused by being hit by an irresponsible person. So that we know whether the cat is traumatized, we can see certain characteristics of the cat.

Angora has discussed certain characteristics of traumatized cats in previous articles, but for those of you who want to read them, you can view them by clicking here. Then what about the characteristics of a cat that is traumatized by being hit ?

The characteristics are not much different, for those of you who are curious to know what the characteristics are, Good Owners can see them in Anggora's writing below. Read to the end.


7 Characteristics Of Traumatized Cats That Being Hit

Generally, cats that are traumatized by being hit have characteristics that are almost similar to those of cats with other types of trauma. This characteristic will appear very clearly in the cat's behavior. So what are the characteristics ? Here are some of them :

1. The Cat Becomes Quiet

The first characteristic of a cat that is traumatized by being hit is that the cat becomes very quiet. Behavioral changes in cats are common in traumatized cats. It's not just cats that are traumatized, but cats that are sick, stressed, in heat also experience the same thing.

If you have a cat that used to be cheerful and active and then becomes very, very quiet, then you can suspect that this is because your beloved fur friend is experiencing trauma. Immediately make sure whether the cat is really traumatized or not.

Also make sure that the cat has several other trauma characteristics so that we can be more certain that changes in cat behavior are due to cat trauma. Because if a cat is just silent and has no other supporting characteristics, then we cannot conclude that the cat is traumatized.

After confirming the condition of your fur friend and being sure that he is really experiencing trauma, immediately give the right therapy or take the cat to the vet so he can get well soon. We do this so that the cat's life is not disturbed and the cat's trauma is handled immediately.


2. Aggressive

Not only being quiet, a cat that is traumatized by being hit can turn very aggressive. Cats will prefer to be alone and become easily angry with those around them, be it humans or other animals such as dogs, cats and the like.

In some cases, traumatized cats will not hesitate to attack people who are near them, including their own owners, by clawing or biting them. If your cat becomes aggressive you should be careful with it and try to overcome the trauma as soon as possible.


3. Being Very Cowardly

The next characteristic is that the cat becomes very scared. Cats will become very scared, especially in something or objects which are related to the main cause of the cat's trauma. Usually cats will be very afraid of :

a. Objects Similar To Those Used To Hit Cats

For example, if a cat is traumatized by being hit, the cat will be afraid of similar objects that have been used to hit it. If he is traumatized by having been hit hard with a broom stick, he will be very scared when he sees the broom stick.

Even if it wasn't the broomstick that had hit him, the cat would still be afraid of him. Even if the broom stick doesn't move at all, the cat will still be scared and alert when the object is around.


b. Hitting Movement

Try pretending to smack the cat and see how it responds. If the cat looks normal and without any response, like being very scared, then you can say that the cat has no trauma from being hit.

However, if the cat looks very scared when we pretend to hit it, then we can be sure that the cat has trauma due to being hit very painfully by someone else.


c. Crash Sound

Cats that are traumatized by being hit will also be very afraid of loud noises due to the collision of 2 objects or the sound of a blow. Usually traumatized cats that hear this sound will become very alert and go into hiding.


d. The Voice Of The Man Who Had Hit Him

Pay attention to your cat whenever someone else is talking. The cat will look at each person who speaks with a different look. There are those who act normal, there are those who look at them with affection or there are those who look at other people with fear before they run away.

So if your cat sees someone looking scared to the point that cat runs away when cat hears his voice. It could be that this person ever hurt the cat. But don't immediately scold the person before you have strong concrete evidence.


4. Likes To Hide

Not only being afraid, cats that are traumatized by being hit will also like to hide. Especially when he sees or hears something related to the main source of the trauma.

When a cat hides, generally the cat will choose a narrow, dark and difficult place for the owner to reach.


5. Over Grooming

Cats generally have a hobby of taking care of themselves by licking or biting certain parts of their body. This behavior is owned by all ages of cats, be it kittens, adult cats or old cats.

However, if your cat does excessive self-grooming ( over grooming ), then it is likely that your cat has experienced trauma or may have experienced pain in certain areas after being beaten.


6. Very Vigilant

Not just afraid, but due to the trauma it has, the cat becomes very wary of the surrounding area. The slightest bit of something that he feels is suspicious, so the cat will immediately run and hide when he feels threatened.


7. Loss Of Appetite And Drinking More Often

Some cats that have been traumatized by being hit will lose their appetite, the cat will refuse to eat and choose to drink more often to fill its empty stomach. Even when you give the cat food that he likes, the cat will reject it outright.


How To Overcome Traumatized Cats

To deal with this cat trauma, you can try the following methods :

  • Make sure that the cat is really traumatized by seeing if there are at least 5 of the above characteristics in the cat

  • Find out why the cat is traumatized

  • Eliminate objects or things related to the cat's trauma

  • Give the cat a toy that is similar to the cause of the cat's trauma as a fear therapy

  • And others


Maybe that's all the discussion about the 10 characteristics of a cat that is traumatized by being hit and how to deal with it. Hopefully this article can help you get a satisfying answer.

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