
Which Do Cats Like, Cold Or Hot Air ? This Is The Answer !

As cat owners, of course we want to always provide the best for our beloved cat and give what he likes so that the cat is happy, not stressed and becomes very fond of us as owners. One of the things that sometimes concerns us is whether cats like cold or hot air.


Which Do Cats Like, Cold Or Hot Air


By knowing what temperature the cat likes, we can later provide a place with a temperature that suits the cat's wishes. Besides that, knowing this and placing the cat in the right place can also have a positive impact on the mental and physical health of the cat.

Of course, we want our beloved cat to get these two benefits, right ? Then back to the main discussion, actually which of the cold temperatures or hot temperatures do cats like ? To answer this question, on this occasion Anggora will discuss this matter in the article below.

For those of you who want to know the answer, please read until the end.


Cats Are Warm Blooded Animals

Before entering into the main discussion, there's nothing wrong with discussing a little about cats, which are warm-blooded animals, because this will relate to the answer to which air temperature the cat prefers.

Cats are warm blooded animals. Warm-blooded or Homoiterm animals are animals whose body temperature tends to be stable. Their body temperature tends to be stable because they have receptors in their brains which can regulate their body temperature under certain conditions.


Characteristics Of Cats As Warm-blooded Animals

As warm-blooded animals, cats also have the characteristics of these warm-blooded animals. Whether it's a wild cat or a pet cat, they have these characteristics. Here are some of the characteristics that cats have as warm-blooded animals :

1. Can Maintain Body Temperature

Being able to easily maintain body temperature is one of the characteristics that cats have as warm-blooded animals. For example when the air temperature is hot they will be able to keep their bodies cool.

When the air temperature is cold, they can regulate their body temperature to stay warm. Then what if the air temperature is normal ? Yes, if the air temperature is normal, their body temperature will be normal or under normal circumstances.


2. Will Not Be Able To Live Long Without Food

The second characteristic is that cats won't be able to survive much longer if they don't get any food at all. This is because food is a source of energy as well as something cats need so they can regulate their body temperature.

This is very much different from animals with cold body temperatures. Cold-blooded animals will be able to live longer than warm-blooded animals when these animals don't get food at all.


3. Sweating When Hot And Shivering When Cold

Even though they can maintain their body temperature, cats will still sweat when they feel hot and shiver when they are cold. Even so when cat is feel hot cat will be able to cool his body and also sweat will help him cool his body.

Meanwhile, when he is cold, his body will slowly raise his body temperature to keep his body warm. Even though cats can cool or heat their bodies according to the air temperature conditions around them, cats are not completely safe from the air temperature around them.

If the air temperature is extreme and makes the cat's body temperature change drastically, this will still endanger the cat's life. One example of a change in temperature that can make a cat die if not treated immediately is the case of hypothermia.

Hypothermia is a condition in which the human or cat's body experiences a drastic decrease in body temperature which makes the sufferer experience quite extreme cold.

Generally this is due to being in a cold place for quite a long time or being in a wet body condition in a cold place.


4. Has A Body Heat System

The last is that this animal has a heat system in its body. This one is not at all owned by cold-blooded animals. With this heat system, warm-blooded animals can sweat, gasp when they breathe and can migrate.


What Is The Normal Temperature For Cats ?

A good temperature for cats is between 30 and 38 degrees Celsius. This temperature is ideal for cats and will not cause cats to experience health problems such as flu, fever and the like.


Then Which One Do Cats Like, Cold Or Hot Air?

After reading the explanation above, we now know that cats are warm-blooded animals and cats have certain characteristics that warm-blooded animals have, namely cats are able to maintain their body temperature.

Cats are able to keep their bodies cool when the air temperature is very hot and conversely cats are able to keep their bodies warm when the air temperature is cold. From this we can know that cats will tend to behave normally when they are in cold or hot temperatures.

He will act normal because he has the ability to adjust his body temperature to the air temperature in his surroundings. Even though cats will behave normally to these two temperatures, based on Anggora's own observations, cats seem to prefer cold air a little more.

Because when the air temperature is very hot, cats seem very restless, open their mouths and pant for breath and always try to find a cool place and drink more than usual.

Meanwhile, when the air temperature is cold, cats don't seem so restless, don't pant and sleep more in places they think are warm. So according to Anggora himself, cats like places with cold temperatures a little more than places with hot air temperatures.

Oh yes, this only applies to cold or hot air temperatures within reasonable limits, not too extreme conditions. Because if the air temperature is too extreme, the cat will not like these two different temperatures, not only cats, even we as humans will not like it.


Can Cats Be In Air-Conditioned Rooms ?

It's okay as long as the temperature of the room that has the air conditioner is not set too cold. Set the air temperature at 20-24 degrees Celsius, and humidity at 40%. Oh yes, you can adjust the air temperature according to your cat.

If you see a cat that looks cold and shaking, then you should adjust the temperature of the air conditioner so that it is not too cold for the cat. Try to immediately reset the temperature of the AC output when you feel the cat is cold to prevent the cat from getting sick and other unwanted things.


That's a discussion about cats like cold or hot air, and things related to it. Hopefully this article can help you get a satisfactory answer.

As well as add to your insight and can be useful for you. Don't forget to share this article with relatives, friends, other cat lovers and also share it on your social media accounts.

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