
Do Cats Understand When We're Crying ? This Is The Answer !

When you are crying, has a cat ever come to you and be near you as if the cat knows that you are sad and looks like it is trying to comfort you. Surely cat lovers have experienced this.


Do Cats Understand When We Cry


When we are sad, our beloved cats often come close to us, they come to us and do various unique and adorable things. We feel that cats do this with the intention of trying to eliminate or just reduce our feelings of sadness.

But do cats really know or understand we are sad, do cats really try to cheer us up when we are crying and how do cats know that their owners are crying ?

For those of you who have questions similar to those above and are curious to know the answers, you can read Anggora's article below to get the answers. Read to the end, Good Owners.


Do Cats Understand When We Cry ?

When a cat sees us crying, the cat actually doesn't understand what we are doing. This is based on a study which states that cats have difficulty recognizing human faces.

That's why when we wrinkle our faces, cats won't understand what we are doing, because they don't know what our faces look like when we are wrinkled. Even so this does not mean cats do not know or understand whether we are crying or not.

Cats know our condition, it's just that cats are not immediately able to tell whether we are sad and crying just by glancing at our faces, but cats also need other information before they decide that their owner is sad or not.

So from Anggora's writing above, it can be concluded that when we, the owners, are sad and crying, our pet cats will understand in a few moments that we are crying.


Then When We Are Crying, Are Cats Really Trying To Comfort Us ?

According to our eyes, yes, cats seem to be trying to cheer us up, but actually based on Anggora's observations, cats are not trying to comfort their owners who are sad and crying, but cats just want to make their owners feel healthy.

When someone is crying, it is from the cat's point of view that the person is not well. This is because humans who are crying make sounds that seem strange to cats. The strange sound is the sound of crying and then when the person cries, sometimes his breathing tends to be faster.

Apart from that, there are many other factors that make people who are crying in the eyes of cats, that they are not in good condition or sick. That's why when a cat sees its owner crying, the cat will approach it and do various things to make the owner stop crying. Cats will do various things such as :

  • Sleep on our laps

  • Sometimes cats will stand up to kiss us

  • The cat will sleep with us

  • Cats will continue to stare at us

  • Invites us to play

  • Rubbing his body to our feet, body or hands

  • If we are reluctant to ask him to play then he will play alone around us

  • Doing ridiculous acts in front of us

  • Licking our limbs, he does this because he thinks we are crying because we are hurt and in pain

  • The cat will hold our body with his hands as if he said don't be sad

  • And there are many other things cats might do to make us stop crying


Oh yes, cats do this not only to their owners, they will also try to entertain people who are members of our family, other people they know and are kind to them.


How Can Cats Determine That Their Owners Are Crying And Sad ?

As Anggora has said above that cats cannot tell if we are crying just by looking at our faces, cats will also see other things to help them determine whether we are sad. Some things that cats see to help determine whether we are sad, namely :

1. The Sound Of Crying

The first thing that helps cats to know whether we are sad or not is the sound of our crying. Cats are animals with sharp hearing, that's why when we cry, this is the first thing cats use to determine our condition.

A cat that listens to our cries will feel that we are not okay. Because of what ? Because he is not used to listening to us, the owner makes a strange sound like crying. Hearing us cry, the cat will think that we are not okay


2. The Sound Of Our Breath

Breathing sound is also one of the factors that helps cats to determine whether we are crying or not. Not only does it feel strange when we cry, cats also feel strange when there is a change in our breathing rhythm.

Breathing that becomes irregular and sometimes fast will make a cat who sees it think that the person who is crying is sick or injured. This is one of the reasons cats approach us, lick us and sometimes seem to comfort us when we are crying.

3. Our Behavior

The third is our behavior. When we don't behave as actively as usual and are more silent than moving, this will definitely make the cat feel that something strange is happening to its owner.

He will assume that the owner is not well and will approach the owner and do various things to make the owner behave normally as usual.

This is similar to when a cat doesn't behave as usual, we, the owners, will feel that the cat is sick and will treat the cat so that it can recover and return to being cheerful as before.


4. The Bond Between The Owner And The Cat

A study found that cat owners and their cats can mirror each other's behavior and well-being. For example, when the owner feels stressed, they will feel that the cat is also experiencing stress.

This also applies to cats, it's just that when the owner cries, the cat will feel that the owner is not well. Believe it or not, maybe this happens due to the relationship of bonds and emotions that affect one another.


That is a discussion about whether cats can understand when we are crying, whether cats will comfort us when we are crying and how do cats know that we are crying sadly.

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