
12 Easy Ways To Overcome Cat Trauma and Fear

Fear is having by all living beings who have consciousness. One living creature that has fear is a cat. Cats are afraid of a number of things and generally this fear is closely related to their safety.


Easy Ways To Overcome Cat Trauma and Fear

Fear of cats is actually a normal thing and even good for him because this can make him able to protect himself. But to some extent this fear is disturbing, especially for cats that have owners.

When a cat is very afraid of something this will traumatize the cat. Trauma to the cat itself can make the cat experience a change in behavior. Starting from cats not wanting to eat, being very coward, aggressive and others.

This is why when a cat is traumatized, cat owners will feel disturbed and worried about the condition of their beloved cat. Seeing a cat who feels traumatized like this will make us as owners look for ways to get the cat back to normal.

Then how do you deal with a traumatized cat with an unusual fear ? The method is quite easy, you only need to do some fear therapy which Anggora writes below. Read to the end, good readers.


12 Ways To Overcome A Traumatized Cat With Fear

As owners, of course we don't want our beloved fur pals to be constantly in fear. We want cats to be brave again and to be active and happy again. Now, to help cats overcome their fear, you can use the following methods :

1. Make Sure Whether The Cat Is Really Traumatized Or Not

Before trying to deal with trauma in cats, first make sure whether your cat is really traumatized or not. Because it could be that the cat is not traumatized but your cat is just scared. Many cat owners mistakenly think that their cat is traumatized by fear when in fact the cat is just afraid or just scared.

Angora herself once mistakenly thought that a cat was traumatized. So, before you start trying to deal with trauma in a cat, make sure that the cat is actually experiencing trauma.


2. Find Out The Causes Of Traumatized Cats

If there is smoke, there must be fire, if a cat is traumatized, there must be a cause. To deal with a cat who is traumatized by fear will be difficult if we don't know the exact cause. That's why it is mandatory for us to find out in advance why the cat is so afraid.

For example, the cat doesn't want us to call when we hold a wooden block and the cat looks very scared and even runs away. Cats behave this way only whenever we hold a block or piece of wood. From this we can conclude that cats are afraid of people holding wood.

Maybe in the past, cats were beaten very hard using wood by people who didn't have a heart so that cats became traumatized.


3. Try To Keep The Cat Away From The Cause Of The Trauma

Unlike humans, cats can easily forget their fear of something as long as they never see the cause of their fear. Anggora said this was based on Anggora's own experience of my cat recovering from its trauma.

Besides being able to heal cats from their trauma, this method can also make cats calm and avoid stress. To keep the cat away from the cause of the trauma, the best way is simply to lock the cat in a cage or lock it in a room.

For cats that are free to roam outside the house it will be difficult to do this. Like it or not, the cat is forced to be in a cage.


4. Give The Cat Toys Similar To The Cause Of The Trauma

The fourth way to deal with a cat's fear that traumatizes it is to use toys that are similar to the object that causes it to be afraid. This method can make the cat's trauma weaken and heal gradually. For example, if a cat is afraid of a broom, then you give a toy that looks like a broom to the cat as a toy.

Cats that receive these toys will generally scratch or bite the toys. Then in the cat's mind slowly he feels that he is able to beat the toy and it will also make him no longer need to be afraid of objects that resemble these toys.


5. Periodically Bring The Cat Close To What He's Afraid Of

If you have often applied the fifth method frequently, the next step is to slowly bring the cat closer to what he is afraid of. Do this regularly at least once or twice a day.

Bring your cat closer to what he's afraid of and then help him fight his fear. For example, if he's afraid of a broom stick, you can pick him up, hold his hand and make a movement that hits him repeatedly with his hand against the object he's afraid of.

In this way it will make the cat feel that what he has been afraid of is not something that is dangerous and scary.


6. Make The Cat Forget Its Fear

When the cat starts to feel afraid of something again, try to make the cat forget about its fear. You can keep the cat away from the things that frighten him and then stroke his head to make him forget his fears and calm him down.

You can also give the cat its favorite food so that it quickly forgets its fears. This method is powerful enough to overcome the trauma caused by the fear that exists in cats.


7. Don't Yeld Or Scold At Cats

When a cat is scared, don't even yell at it or scold it. Even though cats don't understand human language, cats understand that you are yelling at or scolding them.

Yelling or scolding a cat who is afraid will only stress the cat which will result in a change in the cat's behavior to become abnormal or the cat to become aggressive.


8. Sufficient Nutritional Needs

It's useless if we try to overcome the trauma but we don't meet their daily needs. A cat instead of getting better but the cat actually becomes stressed and also becomes sick. If you want to overcome the feeling of trauma in your cat, don't forget to meet their needs too.


9. Give Multivitamins

Multivitamins are not only good for a cat's physical health but also good for their mental health. Like the B complex vitamins found in multivitamins that can increase a cat's appetite and give cats a feeling of calm.


10. Give A Cat A Friend Or Spouse

The 10th way to deal with trauma to cats is to give cats friends or partners. Having a friend or partner can help a traumatized cat forget his trauma by playing or mating with other cats.


11. Let The Cat Overcome His Own Fear

Some cats can deal with the trauma on their own. Like one of Anggora's cats who can recover from a trauma that makes him scared every time he sees someone riding a motorcycle. Even he was afraid to leave the house. He was traumatized by being hit by a motorcycle in the past.

But as time went on, Anggora's cat was able to heal on its own and now he is no longer afraid to roam outside the house. In fact, not infrequently this cat does not come home.

Oh yes, even though cats can heal on their own, you should still do some of the previous methods above to deal with cat trauma or at least alleviate it, keep doing it as long as the cat is still experiencing trauma.


12. Avoid Repeated Trauma

If the cat has completely recovered from its trauma, it is mandatory for us to prevent the cat from experiencing further trauma. If previously he was afraid of a wooden block because someone else had hit him with a piece of wood, then to prevent him from being traumatized by something like that, it's best to just put the cat in a cage.

Cage the cat in the house or in a cage. Or you can tie the cat with a special rope in the yard area so that it doesn't go around and meet the person who hit it earlier. Take similar precautions for other causes.


Harnessing Cat Trauma

For Anggora himself, the trauma of a cat about something is not something scary, provided that the traumatized cat is still in its normal condition, that is, it still wants to eat and drink, is in good health and does not perform any other abnormal actions.

Angora herself often takes advantage of cat trauma for the good of the cat itself. For example, one of Anggora's cats, which is a mixdome cat, has trauma and an excessive fear of humans when he is outside the house, he doesn't even know his own owner.

But when he was in the house, the cat behaved normally as usual. The feeling of trauma or fear of this cat, Angora let it go and instead Anggora took advantage of it. Trauma is left alone with the aim that the cat can be more alert to other humans so that it is not easily stolen by other people.


That's a discussion about 12 ways to overcome the trauma of fear in cats. With this article, hopefully it can help those of you who are dealing with trauma to your beloved cat. As well as add to your insight and can be useful for you.

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