
5 Reasons Why Cats Immediately Defecate After Eating

We all know that cats are unique animals. This animal, with its unique behavior, often makes us, the owners, confused, surprised, or laughing uproariously. Talking about the unique behavior of cats, there is one unique behavior of cats that often surprises us.


cat poops immediately after eating

This behavior is a cat that after every meal always goes to the litter box or bathroom to defecate. This happened not just once but many times.

Seeing a cat's behavior like this will certainly make the owner surprised and also raise questions like why does a cat always defecate right after he finishes his food and is this normal for the health of my beloved fur friend ?

Now to answer all these questions, Good Owners must read Anggora's writing below. Read Anggora's writing below until it's finished.


5 Reasons Why Cats Immediately Defecate After Eating

Your cat eats then immediately defecates ? Don't be afraid of this, because it's not just your cat who experiences this. Many pet cats out there also experience the same thing. Most of them will defecate immediately after they eat.

Generally this is something that is not too strange and is normal. Cats that immediately defecate after eating are usually due to certain causes and most of the causes are not diseases but other things. So what are the causes ? Here are some of them :

1. Cat's Stomach Are Full

The first reason why a cat immediately defecates after eating is because the contents in the cat's stomach are full so inevitably the body forces out the food that has been digested in the stomach so that the cat's stomach loosens again.

Incidentally this happens shortly after the cat eats so the cat is forced to defecate, this is why we often see cats going to defecate a few moments after they have finished eating their food. Cats that experience this will rush to the litter box for defecate.

From this we can conclude that if a cat rushes to the litter box to defecate, the reason is that its stomach are full, so the cat is forced to defecate so that its stomach feels loose again.


2. Cats Eat Too Full

Even though the contents in the cat's stomach are still relatively loose, if the cat eats until it is too full, the cat will want to defecate after it has finished eating. This is a normal thing to happen to cats.

This happens because food that has been processed in the stomach and does not contain the nutrients needed by the body must be forced out of the body so that the contents of the stomach become loose again. Because of this, the cat inevitably wants to defecate or poop after eating.


3. It's Time For The Cat To Poop

Some cats have their own regularity in defecating. There are those who usually defecate in the morning, there are those who defecate only during the day or at night. This is one of the reasons why cats go defecating after eating.

Shortly after the cat has finished eating this will likely coincide with the cat's usual time of defecation. Because the cat thinks that it is time for him to poop, he then goes to the litter box to do his usual routine of pooping.


4. Just A Coincidence

The fourth cause is that the cat just happens to want to defecate when it has just finished eating. When a cat happens to have defecate, we also happen to be nearby and see it pooping. Then we think that cats are very strange because after eating cats always defecate.

Coincidence like this maybe not only Angora who have experienced it. All cat lovers, Anggora is sure that they have experienced this. In the past, Anggora had seen cats always defecating or pooping after eating. At first Angora thought the cat had digestive problems.

Angora always happens to see cats poop after eating. But the next day and the following days the cat no longer did the same thing. Allegations that the cat had digestive problems disappeared. From there Anggora concluded that this was just a coincidence.

So that Anggora misunderstood and thought that cats had problems with their digestion.


5. Cats Have Digestive Problems

The next cause is that the cat most likely has a problem with digestion. When a cat has problems with digestion, the cat usually defecates more often. From what is usually only 2 times a day to 4 to 5 times a day.

That's why cats with digestive problems will often defecate shortly after the cat finishes its food. Digestive problems in cats themselves can be caused by several causes. Some of the causes include :

  • Food that does not suit the cat

  • Virus infection

  • Bacterial infection

  • Parasite attacks such as tapeworms, bracelets and others in cats.


Digestive problems in cats not only affect how much a cat poops in a day but can also cause changes in the form of cat feces. Cat feces can change shape to be very soft, runny, slimy or even bloody cat feces.

If your cat's poop changes shape and the cat also defecates more often in a day, then your cat may have problems with digestion. It is best if a cat with digestive problems is immediately taken to the vet.


Is This Dangerous For Cat Health ?

As long as the cause of the cat's direct defecation after eating is not due to disease, this is not something that endangers the cat's health. Based on Anggora's own experience, this has no impact at all on the cat's health.

The proof is that the pet cat Anggora is healthy until now. You can ignore this if you want. So you don't need to worry about this anymore. However, if the cause is because the cat is experiencing digestive problems caused by a bacterial, viral or parasitic infection, then you cannot ignore this and must immediately take the cat to the vet.

Because if you ignore it and leave the cat alone without any medical treatment, you are worried that this digestive problem will get worse which can result in damage to the digestive organs and the cat can lose its life.


Can Cats Be Prevented From Defecating After Eating ?

Unfortunately this cannot be prevented. Even after doing various methods, cats will still defecate after eating. This will naturally be done by cats when their bodies are about to secrete substances that are not needed by their bodies just after they finish eating.


Maybe that's all the discussion about the 5 reasons why a cat after eating immediately defecates and questions related to it. Hopefully this article can help you get a satisfying answer.

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