
3 Causes Of Cat Mucus Poop And How To Overcome It

The name of a living creature will definitely do the excretion. For those of you who don't know what excretion is, excretion is the process of removing metabolic waste and other useless substances in the body. This expression occurs in all living things, including cats.


Cat Mucus Stool

Cats carry out excretion by removing metabolic waste from their bodies in the form of feces and then piling up the excrement in the soil or sand. Did you know that we can determine a cat's digestive health by just looking at the shape of its feces.

For example, healthy cats generally don't have mucus in their poop or feces. If the cat has this, of course the cat is sick. This slimy poop is common in cats that have digestive problems.

Then what are the main causes that make cat digestion problems so that cat poop or feces become slimy and how to treat it. For those of you who want to know the answer, Good Readers can read Anggora's writing below.


3 Characteristics Poop Of Healthy Cat

Before getting to the main topic, there's nothing wrong with Anggora discussing a little about the characteristics of healthy cat poop. You need to know this so that you can later ensure the digestive health of your cat just by looking at its feces.

You also need to know this so that when the cat's poop looks abnormal, you can take action as soon as possible, such as self-medication or taking the cat for treatment to the vet. By doing this, the cat's disease will not get worse and can be easily cured.

Cats that are healthy or under normal circumstances will generally only poop 2 times a day. If they are healthy their feces will have the following characteristics :

  • The poop is dark brown

  • The smell is rotten but not too bad

  • When you touch cat poop, it doesn't feel hard or soft, basically cat litter has a balanced texture


If your cat's poop has different characteristics from what is above, such as black cat feces, very soft feces, liquid cat feces, bloody cat feces, wormy cat feces and others, then you can be sure your cat is experiencing digestive problems.


3 Causes Of Cat Poop Mucus

Based on Anggora's knowledge, there are 3 main reasons why cats have slimy poop or mucus poop. The reason is :

1. Too Little Fiber

The first cause is that the cat has too little fiber. Lack of fiber in cats can cause slimy cat poop or mucus poop. Lack of fiber occurs in cats due to owners who pay less attention to the food they give to cats.

The owner ignores the value of dietary fiber and gives random food to the cat, which results in a cat's digestive problems and makes the cat have diarrhea and secrete slimy poop.


2. Colon Inflammation ( Colitis )

The next cause is inflammation of the colon. When your cat's poop is slimy or he secretes poop that resembles mucus, you have to be vigilant because your cat may have inflammation of the large intestine.

This disease can occur in cats due to bacterial, virus and most often parasitic infections, cats eat bones or thorns or other sharp objects which inflame the surface of the intestine.


3. Parasites

Generally, parasites that often attack the cat's digestion are parasites in the form of worms ( tapeworms, bracelets, etc ). Cats that have worms will usually experience diarrhea where the feces will have the following characteristics :

  • Soft poop

  • Foamy poop

  • Greasy poop

  • Slimy poop

  • And bloody poop


Parasites that attack cats usually come from giving food or raw water. Maybe you don't feel that your cat has never been given raw food or water, you only give dry food or cooked cat food and the drink that is given is boiled water.

If you feel that way, chances are that the cat is infected through the food he finds in the trash, the cat eats mice, lizards and other animals that he usually hunts and eats raw or the cat drinks directly from water in the bathroom or toilet.

Cats do all of the above because of their wild instincts that are still in them. This wild instinct will still exist in him even though now the cat has become a pet.

If you want to prevent a cat from doing something like that, then you just need to keep an eye on it, keep away all objects that can cause illness for it and always close the bathroom door. If you don't have time to keep an eye on him, putting your cat in a cage might be the best thing you can do.


Is This Dangerous For Cat Health ?

From the writing above, we know that cats with mucus poop or cat poop secrete slimy feces caused by 3 causes, namely too little fiber, colitis and parasitic infections in the cat's digestive tract. From the causes above alone we can conclude that this can really be dangerous for the cat's health.

Even if we ignore this and then leave the cat without any intention of treating it, the cat may lose its life. Cats can die from this. Anggora can say that because in the past, Anggora's cat had experienced the same thing, namely the cat's pups were bloody and slimy.

It's not that Angora doesn't want to treat it, it's just that Angora realized it too late. So that the cat was too late to be treated, which in the end the cat lost his life. I can't help but be sad, maybe Angora's pet cat was destined to die like this.


How To Make Cat Poop Normal And No Longer Slimy ?

To treat slimy cat poop, you just need to see in advance what causes the cat to become like this. If he eats food that has little fiber, then you only need to give the cat a special high-fiber diet or contain about 3 percent fiber.

Meanwhile, if a cat is infected with parasites such as worms, then you only need to give worming drugs such as drontal and the like to cats. Cats that have recovered from their worms will be marked with lots of worms coming out with their feces and the cat's poop returning to normal.

Then what about cats experiencing inflammation ? To treat this inflammatory bowel disease, we cannot do self-medication at home. The only way is to ask a veterinarian for help.

The doctor will examine the cat's condition then prescribe medication and if necessary the doctor will also perform certain medical actions according to the type of disease the cat is suffering from.


Those are the 3 reasons why cats have slimy poops and how to treat them. Hopefully this article can make you understand more deeply about this and can help you overcome this problem.

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