
7 Easy Ways To Catch A Cat That Runs Away

Even though we have kept the cat from escaping by keeping it in cages or always watching it, sometimes cats are able to escape. Cats run away when we are unaware or when there is a chance for them to escape.


Easy Ways To Catch A Cat That Runs Away

A cat that runs away and then roams freely outside the house will certainly make us the owners worry. We are worried that this runaway cat will get lost, stolen by someone, hit by a motorized vehicle and other incidents that we don't want to happen to cats.

That's why when the cat runs away, we will try to catch the cat. Some cats may be easy for us to catch, but for some other cats it may be very difficult to catch. When cats want to be caught, some of them just stay away or run away.

Of course catching this cat will make us tired if we don't know how to easily catch it, especially for those who are new to keeping cats. For those of you who have trouble catching a runaway cat, you can see the method in Anggora's article. Read Angora's writing until the end, Good Readers.


5 Causes Of Cats Running Away

When a cat runs away, of course this is caused by something. Because without a cause, it's impossible for a cat to just run away from the cage or from the house. There are many reasons for the cat's escape.

According to Anggora, some common causes that make cats run away include :

  • Too long in confinement in a cage or in a house so that the pet cat becomes stressed. This makes the cat will run out of the house to relieve stress if he sees an opportunity.

  • Cats are not well cared for. Cats that are not cared for properly will definitely not feel at home in a house or cage. That's why the cat will run away from the house with the aim of finding a new owner.

  • The owner is rude to the cat. The owner's rude attitude towards pet cats tends to make the cat prefer to run away rather than be near the owner.

  • Cats really want to leave the house.

  • Last, the cat is in heat. Both male and female cats will love to run away and roam the outdoors when they are in heat


After reading the causes of cats running away above, now we know what are the main reasons why our beloved fur friends run away.


7 Easy Ways To Catch A Cat that Runs Away

Regardless of what causes our beloved cat to run away, when a cat runs away, of course the first thing we think about is how to catch our pet cat. Then  is it easy to catch a runaway cat. For how to catch a loose cat.

You only need to use the methods that Angora usually does when Anggora's pet cat runs away. You can see how to catch it below:

1. Keep Watching The Cat When He Runs Away

The first way is that you have to keep an eye on the cat when it just ran away. This is done so that we do not lose track of the cat. The problem is that often when we go out for a while to get a tool to catch a cat, the cat has already disappeared somewhere.

He disappeared by running away or he disappeared because he was stolen by someone just after we left him. This will make it even more difficult for us to find our beloved fur pal.

That's why if you want to leave the cat to take the tool to catch the cat, you should ask someone else to watch over it first. You can ask a family member, friend or neighbor to help watch him for a while while you are going to get a cat catching tool.


2. Approach The Escaped Cat Slowly

Approach your cat who is running away slowly. This is so that the pet cat does not get further away or even run when you are approaching it. The cat stays away because he is scared or surprised when you approach him suddenly.

A surprised or frightened cat will only make it more difficult for you to catch it. Because the cat will be very aware of its surroundings and will immediately run away when it feels a threat approaching.

So, when you want to catch a cat, try as slowly as possible to approach the cat and don't make movements that can make the cat scared or startled.

When you're near him, quickly reach your hand behind his head and then hold the nape of his neck. This method will make it easier for you to catch your runaway cat.


3. Lure The Cat With Food He Likes

The next way is to lure the cat using the food he really likes. We do this so that the cat that ran away wants to approach us. Generally cats really like food like wet food compared to dry food. That is why it is highly recommended to use wet food as food to lure cats closer.

However, if you don't have stock wet food at home, then you can use other foods as alternative foods used to attract cats closer. Several other types of food that cats generally really like, including :

  • Fish

  • Chicken meat

  • Beef

  • Egg yolk


After the food has been prepared, then place the food on the floor or ground. Place the food at a distance from where you are so that the cat's alertness is reduced and the cat doesn't hesitate to approach the food when it is attracted by the smell of the food.

Then the cat will eat the food. Now when the cat is enjoying the food, this is when we catch the cat. Cats who are eating will be off guard so it's easy for us to catch them. After the cat is caught you can put the cat in the cage or into the house.


4. Use A Toy Laser

The fourth way to catch a running cat is to use a toy laser. If by chance you have a toy laser at home, you can use it as a tool to help you catch your runaway cat. You can use a toy laser to attract the cat's attention.

Point the laser towards the wall or floor around the cat and try to see the cat see the light from the laser. Usually when a cat sees the light, it will be interested to run after it. So while the cat is chasing after it, this is the time for you to point the laser light towards you.

When the cat is within your reach, keep letting the cat enjoy playing with the laser light that you move so that it is caught off guard. Then catch the cat when you feel the cat is really off guard and there is a chance.


5. Use A Rope Or Anything That Looks Like A Rope

Apart from using a toy laser, you can also use other objects to attract the cat's attention. For example, you can use objects such as rope or anything that is elongated like a rope to attract the cat's attention.

To attract the cat's attention, you can move the rope back and forth or shake it left and right imitating the movements of living creatures such as snakes. When the cat starts to get interested and chases the rope, this is when it pulls the rope closer to you.

This will make the distance between you and the cat closer. So when the cat is within reach, catch the cat quickly and then hold the cat firmly so that it can't run away again. With this search you can easily catch your fur pal.


6. Call The Cat's Name

When you're trying to catch a cat, try to catch it while calling its name. Usually by calling a cat's name can make the cat lower its level of vigilance on the person calling its name. If you feel the cat is not alert anymore, try to approach it slowly and don't make any sudden movements.

We do this so that the cat does not feel that we are a threat and makes it easier for us to approach and catch the cat.


7. Ask for Help From Others Around You

After using the six methods above and you still fail to catch a runaway  cat, the last thing you can do is ask for help from other people around you. You can ask a family member, friend or neighbor to help you catch the cat.

Then the next step after getting help from other people, catch the cat by surrounding the cat. Surround the cat from both sides or surround it from all sides to prevent it from escaping. Then approach the cat little by little to corner it and make it easy to catch it.

This method can be said to be similar to the way we catch chickens that escape from the cage.


How To Prevent Cats From Escaping ?

According to Anggora, it is very difficult to prevent a cat from escaping because a cat will still run away if it sees an opportunity. We know that the most common way to prevent a cat from escaping is to lock the cat in a cage or house.

Apart from that, you can also tie the cat with a special cat leash so that the cat doesn't run away and can still roam freely in the yard within a certain distance. You can get this rope by buying it at a pet shop or online store at a price of 50 thousand rupiah.

There are also other ways for cats to be quiet, friendly and happier at home, namely by neutering the cat. But this method requires a lot of capital, which is around 50 dollars or above. This method will also make the cat lose its reproductive ability permanently.


Those are 7 easy ways to catch a runaway cat. Hopefully this article can help you catch your cat who has run away and helps prevent him from running away again.

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