
9 Motion Sickness Symptoms In Cat

As we know that cats are animals that often get motion sickness when we take them on long trips. During the trip, we will see our favorite cat, which was calm before long, it will look drunk.


Cat Motion Sickness Symptoms


Like humans, cat drunkenness can be caused because they are the type that gets motion sickness easily or cats are just not used to being in a moving car or motorbike so they become motion sickness.

When a cat is motion sickness, the cat will show certain characteristic or symptoms. Then what are the symptoms of a cat who has motion sickness. For Good Owners who are curious to know the answer, please read Anggora's article below. Read to the end.


9 Motion Sickness Symptoms In Cat

A cat who is motion sickness on a trip will certainly show certain symptoms or characteristics. Some of the characteristics of this motion sickness cat itself are similar to the characteristics of drunkenness in humans. While some others are quite different.

So, what are the symptoms of a drunken cat on the way ? Its characteristics are as follows :

1. The Cat Becomes Quiet

If you have a friend who is active at first but suddenly becomes quiet while on a moving bus or boat, you will surely think that he is get motion sickness. The same thing will happen to cats.

Cats that initially get into the car tend to meow a lot, over time the cat will meow less and less and then become quiet. This cat's silence is not without cause and we know that the reason for sure is that the cat is get motion sickness.

So if your cat is suddenly quiet or meows less and less while on the go, then you can conclude that your cat is motion sickness.


2. Cats Look Weak

This is the same as a drunk man. The cat's body will look weak and look as if it is powerless even though previously our beloved fur friend we have given enough food and drink. If your cat looks weak while traveling, you don't need to worry because the cat is just motion sickness.

What we have to do when the cat is like this is just lift the cat to another place in the car that the cat feels comfortable and safe enough for. Let the cat stay there and don't disturb it at all so the cat can rest peacefully and the cat doesn't get too stressed out.


3. The Sound Of The Cat Shrinking

Not only does the cat become quiet, even a cat's voice will seem to shrink. The reduction of the cat's voice is mostly influenced by the cat's uncomfortable feeling over his body which is experiencing a hangover.

Uncomfortable feelings such as nausea, wanting to vomit, headache and others, these feelings make cats lower their voices when they meow. You also don't need to worry about this.

Why ? Because when we have arrived at our destination and the cat feels that he is not motion sickness anymore, the cat's voice will usually return to normal as usual and the loudness of his voice will also return to normal.


4. The Cat Looks Pale

Apart from the 2 characteristics above, another characteristic of a cat who has motion sickness is that the cat looks pale. A cat's body is full of hair and it's hard to tell whether a cat is pale or not, but you can see a cat looks pale from the look on its face.

The cat's face will look scared. Besides that, the cat's face will feel opaque and seem pale.


5. Cats Sometimes Vomit

Vomiting when motion sickness is also sometimes experienced by cats. The causes of cat vomiting are the same as humans, both are caused by nausea and stomach conditions that feel uncomfortable. Vomiting in cats generally occurs when the cat is taken on a long journey.

For the form of cat vomit itself, it can be in liquid form or still in solid form. The form of cat vomit itself has no meaning. Whatever the form of vomiting, as long as the cat vomits in a vehicle that is on its way, you can be sure that the cat vomits only because it is get motion sickness.


6. Cats Sometimes Diarrhea

If your cat is having diarrhea only in a position when he is on a long journey then you can think that the cause of this is simply because your pet cat is experiencing a hangover. A motion sickness cat will usually only have a small amount of diarrhea.

This diarrhea will also occur at intervals that are far apart or close together. Cats who are experiencing this should be given a drink such as water, coconut water or special milk for cats.

This is done to prevent cats from experiencing unwanted things, such as running out of fluids or experiencing dehydration.


7. Cats Won't Eat

Humans who just feel motion sickness will feel like they have lost their appetite and don't want to eat at all, let alone cats. Even a cat will lose its appetite and won't want to eat at all. This is temporary and will only happen when the cat is really motion sickness.

While most cats won't eat at all, some cats will still have an appetite. That's why even though we believe that cats will get motion sickness and lose their appetite, it is still recommended for us to bring special cat food such as dry or wet food for cats.

You can also give the cat food by forcibly giving it using a syringe or the like so that the cat doesn't get sick.


8. Cats Won't Drink

Most cats who are motion sickness tend to refuse when we give food or drink. If this happens to your cat, you should not let it be, because you are worried that the cat will experience a lack of fluids.

When a cat doesn't want to drink for a long time in the vehicle, it's best to force the cat to drink using a syringe or similar tool that can make it easier for the cat to drink water.


9. Dull Cat Fur

The last one is dull cat fur. This only happens to cats that are taken on quite long trips such as trips that take about 12 hours or 24 hours and are brought on motorbikes or cars. A cat that is motion sickness for a long time during the trip will make the cat more silent, sleep, meow.

As a result, cats don't think at all to clean their fur so that the cat's fur will become messy and look dull.


Some Preparations Before Traveling With Cats

Here Anggora will convey a number of things that according to Anggora you need to do before taking a cat on a trip, namely :

  • If you want to go on a long trip and feel that you don't need to bring a cat, then it's best to just leave the cat to cat day care or to someone else you really trust.

  • If you are forced to bring a cat, then you should place the cat in a safe and comfortable position and try to stop as much as possible to reduce the cat's motion sickness. Make sure you take your cat in a private car, not a public transportation car because this car won't be able to stop intermittently. 

  • Also bring cat needs such as food, drinks, vitamins, beds, mini cat cages ( pet cargo ) and cat-specific anti-drunken drugs. Stop as much as possible to get rid of the cat's hangover and to give the cat food or drink.


That's the discussion about some of the symptoms of a cat who is get motion sickness on a trip. Hopefully this article can help you find out whether your cat is motion sickness or not by looking at some of the characteristics above.

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