
10 Signs Of A Traumatized Cats

Trauma can occur not only in humans but can also occur in cats and the characteristics of trauma in cats themselves are almost not much different from the characteristics of trauma in humans. The only difference is that a cat can't tell that it's traumatized by something to its owner.


Signs Of A Traumatized Cats


To find out whether the cat is traumatized or not, the owner must find out for themselves whether the cat is experiencing trauma. Knowing a cat is traumatized or not can be easily done by looking at certain characteristics of the cat.

So what are the characteristics of a traumatized cat ? For those of you who are curious to know what are the characteristics of a traumatized cat, Good Owners can read Angora's writing below. Read to the end.


9 Bad Effects Of Trauma On Cats

Trauma to cats should not be taken lightly because if left unchecked this will greatly affect the cat's health and even the cat's life itself. A cat that is left traumatized will make the cat not have a pleasant life like before because it is always haunted by fear.

Not only that, trauma to cats can also make cats have behaviors such as :

  • Abnormal

  • Aggressive

  • Very alert

  • Unfriendly

  • Alone

  • Be quiet

  • Very scared

  • Easily surprised

  • And others


That's why when you feel that your cat is traumatized, try to overcome this as soon as possible so that your beloved cat does not fall ill or have disturbances in its daily life.


10 Traits Of A Cat Who Has Been Traumatized

As Angora mentioned above, the characteristics of traumatized cats are almost the same as those of humans who have experienced trauma. Then what are the characteristics of a traumatized cat ? Its characteristics are as follows :

1. Aggressive

The first sign or characteristic of a traumatized cat is that the cat becomes aggressive. The cat that used to be very friendly has now become very aggressive. Cats are very angry with animals or people around them. Even the cat will be angry with its own owner.

In the worst cases the cat will scratch or bite those who hold or carry it. If your cat is like this then you must be careful and as soon as possible overcome the trauma to your beloved fur pal.


2. Cats Become Quiet

It's not just stressed cats who can suddenly become very quiet, but traumatized cats will experience the same thing. This change in behavior occurs when a cat has a past trauma that is so scary and so hard to forget.

As a result, if the cat still has this trauma, the cat will tend to be quiet and not want to be active in activities as it usually does every day.


3. Being Very Cowardly

The next sign or characteristic of cats that have experienced trauma is that cats become very coward. Cats will become very fearful, especially of things or objects related to the causes of trauma to the cat itself.

For example, a cat that is traumatized by a broom stick because it has been hit with that object will become very scared when it sees the broom stick. Cats will also tend to avoid areas near broomsticks when they pass where there are broomsticks.

It doesn't stop there, a cat that is traumatized by a broom stick will be very scared and immediately run away when he sees us carrying the broom. He will still do this even if we have absolutely no will to hurt our beloved fur pal.


4. Fear Of Sound

Traumatized cats will be frightened when they hear certain sounds. For example, when a cat hears the sound of a car, motorbike, drilling machine or other sounds that are frightening to him, the cat will run or hide while glaring and being alert to the surrounding area.

Then after the sound disappears and the cat feels that the situation is safe enough, the cat will come out of hiding and then it will act normally as usual. Oh yes, a traumatized cat will usually do this every time he hears a certain sound.

If a cat is only afraid once or twice of a certain sound, then it cannot be said that the cat is experiencing trauma.


5. Over Grooming

Generally, cats will take care of themselves by licking or biting certain parts of their body that they feel are dirty or have fleas. This behavior is shared by all cats, be it kittens, adult cats or old cats.

However, this will be different for cats which have trauma, cats will instead do over grooming, namely the cat's behavior that is excessive in taking care of itself.

Cats will overdo it in licking fur or biting certain areas where this action can result in hair loss and injuries to the cat's body.


6. Likes to Hide

Besides being very coward, traumatized cats also like to hide, especially when they see something that is very scary for them or when they see things that are the source of their trauma. Cats will hide in places that are difficult for their owners to reach, such as small alleys and also hide in dark and hidden places.


7. Lost Appetite

Some traumatized cats will sometimes lose their appetite, cats will even refuse to eat even though we serve their favorite food in front of them. This only happens in some cats, while other cats will still have an appetite even though they are experiencing trauma.


8. Very Vigilant

As a result of the trauma it has, the cat becomes very wary of the surrounding area. The slightest bit of something makes him suspicious, so the cat will see this by glaring at him, then he will immediately run and hide when he feels threatened.


9. Drink More Often

The ninth sign of a traumatized cat is that the cat drinks more frequently. If a cat often drinks but still wants to eat then this is normal. But in the case of a traumatized cat, the cat will drink more often but won't eat at all.


10. The Cat's Body Looks Unkempt

The last characteristic of a cat that has experienced trauma is that the cat's body looks like it is not maintained. This only happens to some cats and a cat's body that is not cared for is the result of a cat who doesn't care about the cleanliness of his body due to the trauma he has suffered.

This is the opposite behavior to over grooming behavior. Which in over-grooming behavior, cats actually over-groom their bodies, causing Alopocia, inflamed skin, irritation and injured skin and others.


Ways To Overcome Cat Trauma

To deal with trauma to your cat, you can try the following ways :

  • Make sure whether the cat is really traumatized by seeing if the cat has the characteristics of a traumatized cat as mentioned above

  • Find out the cause of the cat's trauma

  • Keep the cat away from the cause of the trauma

  • Give a toy similar to the cause of the cat's trauma

  • And others


Maybe that's all for a discussion of 10 characteristics of a cat that has experienced trauma and how to deal with it. Hopefully this article can help you get a satisfactory answer.

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