
7 Easy Ways To Catch A Loose Angora Cat

Even though we have taken good care of the cat or caged the cat, the cat can still run away or escape from its cage. When a cat escapes and roams outside the house, as owners, of course, we will be very worried.


Easy Ways To Catch A Loose Angora Cat

Seeing that our Angora cat has escaped, we will try to catch the cat. Most cats that escape or run away can easily be caught, but some are very difficult to catch. Some of them even got away and ran away when we tried to catch them.

This of course will make the owner tired to catch it if he doesn't know how, especially for those who are beginners in taking care of cats. For those of you who have trouble catching cats, now you don't need to worry.

Because on this occasion Anggora will share an easy way to catch a loose or runaway cat ? So how can you see in Anggora's writing below. Listen to the end, Good Readers.


5 Causes Of Angora Cats Running Away Or Running Away

A loose cat or trying to run away is definitely caused by something. Because without any reason, it's impossible for a cat to try to escape from us, the owner. There are many things that might cause cats to run away from us.

Based on Anggora's experience, several reasons include :

  • Cats are locked up in cages or houses for too long. This makes the cat bored and experiences stress which makes it try to leave the house or cage to get rid of its boredom and stress

  • You don't take good care of the cat. Cats that are not cared for properly, tend not to feel at home in the house or cage. As a result if he saw an opportunity to escape then he would rush to escape.

  • You are rude to cats. Just like humans, cats also have fear and trauma. It's your rude attitude that triggers this. This makes cats uncomfortable around you which makes them tend to want to stay away and run away.

  • Cats really want to leave the house. Basically, cats are pets that still have their wild instincts. With this wild instinct, cats are happy to be outside the house to play, roam or hunt small animals

  • Finally, the cat is in heat. Cats that are in heat will not feel at home in the house, cat. Cats will also be happy to chase the opposite sex. If your cat runs away, it could be that he is in heat.


After reading the causes of cats running away above, now we know what makes our cats try to escape from us and we can improve ourselves so that the cats love and feel at home with us.


7 Easy Ways to Catch A Loose Angora Cat

Regardless of what causes the pet Angora cat to escape, when a cat escapes we must catch it as soon as possible. Then how do we catch our loose Angora cat ?

The way you can say is quite easy. You can try using a number of ways that Anggora often does when Anggora's cat is running away. How to do it, you can see below :

1. Always Keep An Eye On Your Loose Angora Cat

The first way is to always keep an eye on your cat that is running away. Watch him remotely. Try not to leave it alone because if a cat escapes our attention and then it disappears, it will be difficult for us to find it.

It's hard for us to find them because the cats are even further away or someone is stealing them. You know that Angora cats can be sold for a high price, especially if your Anggora cat is a purebred, then the price can be even more expensive.

If you are going away for a while to prepare a tool to help catch the cat, ask someone else to watch it first.


2. Approach Your Angora Cat Slowly

The second way is to slowly approach the Angora cat. Do not make sudden movements such as running toward the cat. Because these sudden movements can frighten or startle the cat. A shocked and scared cat will only make the process of catching the Angora cat more difficult.

Because cats are getting away from us by running. This will also make the cat more aware of its surroundings. So to catch a cat, you should approach the cat slowly and don't make any sudden movements. Approach the cat slowly and make the cat feel confident that your presence is not a threat.

When you are close enough to him, reach your hand over his head then when he is off guard, catch him by holding his body or the nape of his neck.


3. Lure Your Angora Cat Using Food

The next way is to use food. Try to use food that the Angora cat likes to make him approach you. Generally cats really like wet food compared to dry food.

If you don't have wet food at home or the stock of wet food is empty, then you can use other types of food. Some other foods that Angora cats really like are :

  • Fish

  • Chicken meat

  • Beef

  • Egg yolk


After preparing the food, place the food a little away from you so that he is not alert. After smelling the food, your Angora cat will start to approach the food because it is attracted to the smell. Let the cat enjoy its food before we make the arrest.

Because when the Angora cat is eating, the cat will be very easy to let down. This is when we approach the cat slowly and catch it. You can put a caught cat in a cage or into the house.


4. Use A Toy Laser

If the third method fails, then you can use the next method, namely using a toy laser. If you happen to have a toy laser at home, there's nothing wrong with using it as a tool to attract the attention of our loose Angora cat.

Cats that see lasers on the wall or on the floor will usually be interested in running after them. While the cat is having fun chasing the laser, aim the laser bit by bit towards you to make your beloved fur friend come closer.

So when the cat is at a close distance, keep playing with the laser to catch him off guard. When we feel he has been caught off guard then that is the right time for us to catch him easily.


5. Use A Rope Or Anything That Looks Like A Rope

Same with using a laser, we also use a rope as a tool to attract the attention of the Angora cat. Move the rope back and forth or wiggle it to mimic the movement of a snake to attract the cat's attention.

When your Anggora cat is interested and starts chasing it, then point the rope towards you so that the cat will also come closer. Then catch the cat that is within your reach. In this way you can easily catch your loose Angora cat.


6. Call The Cat's Name

Try calling the name of your pet Angora cat when you are trying to catch it. This will lower the cat's alert level. Even if the cat is no longer alert, approach the cat slowly and try not to startle it.

Why do you have to walk slowly ? So that the cat does not run away because it is afraid or surprised if we run or make other sudden movements, because even though the cat is no longer alert, there is still the potential for the cat to escape.


7. Ask for Help From Others To Catch Your Pet Angora Cat

If after using the 6 methods above and your Anggora cat is still difficult to catch, then try asking other people for help such as your family members, neighbors or friends. Catch the cat by surrounding it. You can surround it from the front and back or surround it from all four sides.

This way it will prevent the cat from escaping in various directions and we can corner it and catch it easily.


How To Prevent Cats From Escaping ?

To prevent the Angora cat from escaping, it might be very difficult for us to do. When there is a chance the cat will definitely run away. To be able to prevent a cat from escaping, you can just lock it in a cage or house.

Apart from locking it up, we can also tie the cat using a special cat rope, so that the cat can still roam freely in the yard and not run away. You can buy this rope at a pet shop or online store at a low price, which is around 50 thousand rupiah.

There are also other ways to make cats quiet and happy at home, namely by neutering cats. It's just that this method requires a lot of capital, cats will also lose their reproductive abilities forever.


Those are 7 easy ways to catch a runaway Angora cat. Hopefully this article can help you in catching your Anggora cat that has escaped and helps prevent it from escaping.

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