
7 Easy Ways To Take A Cat On A Motorcycle To Avoid Stress

When you want to travel far away and for a long time, like it or not, those of us who keep cats have to take cats away with us. Because often when we leave cats to other people, they don't take good care of cat and even the cats disappear.


Easy Ways To Take A Cat On A Motorcycle To Avoid Stress

Meanwhile, if we leave it at a cat daycare, we don't have enough money because the cost of the trip is not small and we also need a reserve fund to take care of it while traveling. In addition, we don't have the heart to leave a cat to other people and don't want to part with it.

For those who have a car, maybe taking a cat on a trip is not a difficult thing to do. But for those who travel by motorbike, bringing a cat on a motorbike certainly has its own problems. One of them is that cats get stressed easily.

But you no need to worry because stress on cats when riding a motorbike can be avoid in certain ways. Then how do you take a cat on a motorbike so that the cat doesn't get stressed ? Curious ?

For Good Owners who are curious about how to do it, you can see the method in Anggora's article below. Read to the end.


7 Easy Ways To Take A Cat On A Motorcycle To Avoid Stress

Not only in the car, when the cat is brought on a motorcycle, the cat will also experience stress. According to Anggora himself, stress on cats occurs due to several causes, such as :

  • Cats are not used to riding motorbikes

  • Cats are afraid of the sound of motorcycle engines

  • The cat is confused because it is brought in a narrow place ( pet cargo ) that is running

  • The cat is afraid of the strong wind blowing at it

  • Overheated cat ( usually happens when we take a cat on a motorbike during the day or when the weather is very hot )

  • Cats are afraid of many moving objects around them

  • Cats are not used to crowds

  • And others


To deal with stress on cats when they are taken on motorbikes, you can actually do it in certain ways. This method may completely overcome this or at least reduce the stress on the cat when it is taken on a trip. The method includes :

1. Use A Private Motorcycle

When traveling use your own motorbike, don't use someone else's motorbike. Use your own motorbike even if you are traveling with your friends who also have motorbikes at their house.

Why ? Because people who have motorbikes usually have a stronger ego and can't be managed. There are many cases where motorbike owners don't want to stop for a while and feel that stopping too often can make the travel time longer.

When in fact we stopped for a while to check the cat's condition, calmed the cat down a bit and at the same time checked the condition of the motorbike whether there was a problem or not. That's why it's better to use your own motorbike.

By using your own vehicle, you are free to stop as you please and you can ignore the complaints of other people who are with you on the trip.


2. Don't Go Alone

When traveling with a cat on a motorbike, try to go with other people. Don't travel alone. The goal is to be able to continue to monitor the cat while on the move and also to keep the cat from falling from a motorized vehicle.

Having other people help watch over the cat on the way, this will allow us to focus more on driving. In addition, we also don't need to stop frequently to see the cat's condition as we usually do.

We will only stop when our traveling companion says that the cat is thirsty, a little scared, hungry and so on. A traveling companion can also help calm the cat while traveling by frequently petting its head or talking to the cat.


3. Prepare Cat Needs

Before you leave, prepare all the cat's needs to be taken on the trip. These needs start from food, drink, vitamins, cat blankets or cloth and various other needs. Provide as needed during the trip.

For example, if you are going to travel on a motorbike with your cat for a day, namely 24 hours, then the food or drink that you have to prepare must meet the needs of the cat for 24 hours.


4. Use Open Cages And Can Only See One Direction

Cat stress levels are also affected by cat cages ( Pet Cargo ). The more closed the cat's cage, the easier the cat will be stressed. Besides that, a closed cage can also make the room inside easily get hot. This will not only stress the cat, it will also make the cat easily dehydrated.

So if you want to take a cat on a motorbike, you should use an open cage, don't use a cardboard box or the like which tends to be more closed. Oh yeah, make sure the cage can only see one direction, OK, and point the cage in the direction of a road where there are no passing vehicles.

For example, if you live in a western country, just navigate to the right. But if you live in Indonesia, just point to the left, where on the left there are no vehicles passing in the opposite direction. We do this with the aim that the cat is not afraid of passing vehicles and so that he is calmer.

Because as we know that if a cat is very scared then the cat will easily experience stress.


5. Keep The Cat Calm

Keep the cat calm. To keep the cat calm while on the trip you can do various things such as :

  • Drive well and avoid the many vibrations that occur on motorbikes. Vibration on motorbikes often occurs when we are walking on damaged roads, zigzagging when overtaking other vehicles and so on.

  • Try to drive as smoothly as possible. By minimizing vibration, the cat will remain calm and fearless in the cage

  • Drive with care. This will affect not only your safety but also the calmness of the cat

  • Make sure the cat is looking in an area where there are no passing vehicles

  • Don't overheat the cat. Because cats who feel hot tend to get stressed easily

  • If the cat is frightened, rub its head and calm it down. Just hold it through the gaps in the cage, because if the cage is opened, it is feared that the cat will escape.

  • Talk to a cat, even though he doesn't understand our language but what we convey to him he can understand. There are many cases where cats understand what their owners say.

  • And others.


6. Frequent Stops During the Trip

The sixth way is by frequently stopping during the journey. Use this time to stretch your sore body and rest your body while checking the cat's condition and feeding or drinking the cat. During the pauses, you can also pet the cat's head and talk to it to calm it down.

Remember, just wipe it through the gaps in the cage because if the cat is taken out there is a risk that it will run away and disappear. You can also give your cat anti-drunken and stress medications.

Apart from doing these things, stopping for a moment is powerful enough to calm the cat and relieve its stress.


7. Use Anti-Motion Sickness And Stress Medications For Cats

Before leaving, use anti-motion sickness or stress medication for cats. Use this medicine a few minutes before departure. This type of drug is usually effective enough to suppress motion sickness and stress in cats. When using this drug, use it according to how it is used to avoid overdosage in cats.

Give this medicine 3 times a day. Give even when you are on the go. After arriving at the destination, give this drug back. Keep giving it until the cat that was stressed and drunk has become normal or behaves as usual.


A Little Additional Information From Anggora

When you are taking a cat on a trip, always monitor the condition of your cat. If you feel that there is something strange about the cat, then you should immediately consult the cat to the nearest vet.

If you find that you are traveling alone without anyone accompanying you, make sure the cage containing the cat is securely tied to the motorbike. This is to prevent the cage from falling due to the movement of motorbikes and cats moving in the cage.

One more piece of information that is important for you to know is don't occasionally take a cat out of the cage when you are still on a trip. Because if you do, the cat will immediately run away from the cage and disappear.

Even if you manage to find a cat it will be very difficult to catch it because it becomes very wary of anyone even towards its own owner who approaches it. The cat runs away because the cat is confused and scared.


That's how to take a cat on a motorbike so it doesn't get stressed. We hope that this article can help you prevent your cat from getting stressed when taken on a motorbike and can make your journey with your cat more enjoyable.

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