
Why Cat's Skin Keep Crusty ? Here's The Answer !

Cats can also experience skin problems as well as skin problems that occur in humans. Some examples of skin problems that commonly occur in cats are itching due to fleas, skin diseases due to fungi, skin diseases due to mites, skin cancer and the like.


Why Cat's Skin Keep Crusty

Cats who have problems with their skin will generally also experience problems with hair loss and also injured skin due to cats who are too often licking or scratching certain areas that feel very itchy.

Not only that, sometimes skin problems in cats can also cause the cat's skin to become crusty. Some skin diseases in cats can even make the cat's skin continue to crust even though we have cleaned the visible scale on the cat's body.

Maybe some of us have experienced cat skin problems that keep crusting even though we have cleaned or removed the crust using hands or certain  tools. When this happens to pet cats, of course we wonder why the cat's skin becomes like this.

Why does the cat's skin constantly crusty ? For those of you who are curious about why the cat's skin is like this, you can read Angora's writing below until the end to find out the answer.


Why Does Cat's Skin Keep Crusty ?

This crusty cat skin problem is actually quite rare, especially in domestic cats who are usually in the house or caged in cages. This is because this disease usually occurs due to transmission of mites. Well this transmission itself usually occurs between cats and cats or dogs only.

It can still be transmitted to humans but this transmission can only occur from cats to humans and cannot be transmitted from humans to cats. The disease that causes the cat's skin to crust over is called scabies, this disease is a combination of mites and fungi.

Cats infected with scabies will initially experience many early symptoms such as :

  • Cats become more often scratching, biting or licking their bodies

  • Hair is thin and the hair starts to fall out

  • Reddish cat skin due to irritation

  • In the infected area, the cat's skin becomes wrinkled

  • There are wounds and crusts on the affected skin


Generally, the symptoms of scabies will attack the cat's face or ears and over time, scabies will spread throughout the cat's body. When scabies has attacked the cat's entire body, this condition can be said to be quite severe.

This can make the cat's entire body devoid of fur and covered with crusts. If the cat's body is held it will feel very hard like holding a rock. Cats will also have difficulty moving, stiff bodies and feel uncomfortable because of the itching that feels all the time.

This disease must be completely treated on condition that the mites or eggs have been removed, because otherwise the cat's skin will continue to crust over even though the cat has been treated previously.


When Cats Are Infected What Should We Do ?

When a cat is infected, of course, all we have to do is treat the cat. In addition, we can also take several preventive steps so that other animals do not contract the same disease. Prevention must be done if you have other furry animals that you keep at home, such as other cats or dogs.

You can do prevention by isolating cats affected by scabies in a cage or closed room. Isolation is done until the cat is completely cured of this disease. Keep in mind that when we want to interact or treat cats, we must wear gloves and wash hands afterward.


Then How to Treat Cats Affected by Scabies ?

For those of you who have "Extra Funds" how to treat it simply by bringing the cat to the vet for treatment. Veterinarians will usually advise cats to be injected with anti scabies so that they recover quickly.

What they say is true because scabies will fall out by itself after 4 days of the cat being injected with scabies. Doctors will also usually prescribe certain drugs or vitamins to help the cat's recovery process.

Oh yes, the cost of injecting animal scabies usually ranges from 30-50 dollars. For those of you who want to treat cats affected by scabies independently at home, you can use the following methods :

  • Bathing the cat

  • Using ointment

  • Using VCO oil


A full explanation of the self-medication of crusty cat skin above you can see below :

1. Bathing the Cat

Bathe the cat using a shampoo that contains sulfur, then dip it with 2-3% permethrin. Rinse and soak the sick cat's body for 10-15 minutes. Repeat this method every week, usually the cat will recover during the 6th or 8th bath.


2. Using Ointment

The second way is to use ointment. Before using the ointment, first treat the wound using 70% alcohol. Then rub the skin with an ointment containing Permethrin 5%, Gamexane ( Gama Benzene Hexachloride ) 1%, or Derma Tech.

This type of drug is safe to use for cats and is proven to be effective in treating scabies. Ointment can be applied every 12 hours. For skin problems, you can use triamcolone 0.1% cream to treat it.


3. Using VCO Oil

The last way is to use VCO oil. Its use is enough by applying it to the crusty area or affected by scabies. Apply using a toothbrush every day. This method is very safe and very effective for cats. Oh yes, besides using VCO, you can also use Propolis.


Can Scabies Be Prevented ?

Of course, It can. Prevention can be done by diligently cleaning the cat cage, diligently changing the litter box and diligently and routinely grooming the cat.


Maybe that's all the discussion about why the cat's skin keeps crusting. Hopefully this article can help you understand the main causes of crusty cat skin and how to overcome and prevent it.

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